- using System;
- using SlimDX;
- using SlimDX.Direct3D9;
- using System.Windows.Interop;
- using System.Windows.Media;
- public class DX
- {
- private enum DirectXStatus
- {
- Available,
- Unavailable_RemoteSession,
- Unavailable_LowTier,
- Unavailable_MissingDirectX,
- Unavailable_Unknown
- };
- public static Device Device { get; private set; }
- public static bool Available { get { return DX.Device != null; } }// = false;
- private static DX _dx;
- private static DirectXStatus _status = DirectXStatus.Unavailable_Unknown;
- private static string _statusMessage = "";
- [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("user32")]
- private static extern int GetSystemMetrics(int smIndex);
- private const int SM_REMOTESESSION = 0x1000;
- // device settings
- private const Format _adapterFormat = Format.X8R8G8B8;
- private const Format _backbufferFormat = Format.A8R8G8B8;
- private const Format _depthStencilFormat = Format.D16;
- private static CreateFlags _createFlags = CreateFlags.Multithreaded | CreateFlags.FpuPreserve;
- private Direct3D _d3d;
- private DX()
- {
- initD3D();
- if (_d3d != null)
- initDevice();
- //if (!DX.Available)
- // MessageBox.Show("DirectX硬件加速不可用!\n\n" + _statusMessage, "", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning);
- }
- ~DX()
- {
- if (DX.Device != null)
- if (!DX.Device.Disposed)
- DX.Device.Dispose();
- if (_d3d != null)
- if (!_d3d.Disposed)
- _d3d.Dispose();
- }
- public static void Init()
- {
- if (_dx == null)
- _dx = new DX();
- }
- private void initD3D()
- {
- if (_d3d != null)
- return;
- _status = DirectXStatus.Unavailable_Unknown;
- //// assume that we can't run at all under terminal services
- if (GetSystemMetrics(SM_REMOTESESSION) != )
- {
- _status = DirectXStatus.Unavailable_RemoteSession;
- return;
- }
- int renderingTier = (RenderCapability.Tier >> );
- if (renderingTier < )
- {
- _status = DirectXStatus.Unavailable_LowTier;
- _statusMessage = "low tier";
- return;//注意:发现某些集成显卡,在这里出去!!
- }
- try
- {
- _d3d = new Direct3DEx();
- }
- catch
- {
- try
- {
- _d3d = new Direct3D();
- }
- catch (Direct3DX9NotFoundException dfe)
- {
- _status = DirectXStatus.Unavailable_MissingDirectX;
- _statusMessage = "Direct3DX9 Not Found\n" + dfe.Message;
- return;
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- _status = DirectXStatus.Unavailable_Unknown;
- _statusMessage = e.Message;
- return;
- }
- }
- bool ok;
- Result result;
- ok = _d3d.CheckDeviceType(, DeviceType.Hardware, _adapterFormat, _backbufferFormat, true, out result);
- if (!ok)
- {
- //Debug.WriteLine("*** failed to CheckDeviceType");
- //MessageBox.Show("Failed to CheckDeviceType");
- return;
- }
- ok = _d3d.CheckDepthStencilMatch(, DeviceType.Hardware, _adapterFormat, _backbufferFormat, _depthStencilFormat, out result);
- if (!ok)
- {
- //Debug.WriteLine("*** failed to CheckDepthStencilMatch");
- _statusMessage = "Failed to CheckDepthStencilMatch";
- return;
- }
- Capabilities deviceCaps = _d3d.GetDeviceCaps(, DeviceType.Hardware);
- if ((deviceCaps.DeviceCaps & DeviceCaps.HWTransformAndLight) != )
- _createFlags |= CreateFlags.HardwareVertexProcessing;
- else
- _createFlags |= CreateFlags.SoftwareVertexProcessing;
- _status = DirectXStatus.Available;
- }
- private void initDevice()
- {
- if (_status != DirectXStatus.Available)
- return;
- HwndSource hwnd = new HwndSource(, , , , , , , "SlimDX_Wnd", IntPtr.Zero);
- PresentParameters pp = new PresentParameters();
- //pp.SwapEffect = SwapEffect.Copy;
- //pp.DeviceWindowHandle = hwnd.Handle;
- pp.Windowed = true;
- pp.PresentFlags = PresentFlags.Video;
- pp.SwapEffect = SwapEffect.Discard;
- //pp.BackBufferCount = 1;
- //pp.BackBufferWidth = 320;
- //pp.BackBufferHeight = 240;
- //pp.BackBufferFormat = _backbufferFormat;
- //pp.AutoDepthStencilFormat = _depthStencilFormat;
- try
- {
- DeviceType deviceType = DeviceType.Hardware;
- if (_d3d is Direct3DEx)
- DX.Device = new DeviceEx((Direct3DEx)_d3d, , deviceType, hwnd.Handle, _createFlags, pp);
- else
- DX.Device = new Device(_d3d, , deviceType, hwnd.Handle, _createFlags, pp);
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- //Debug.WriteLine("Exception in Direct3DReset " + ex.StackTrace);
- //Debug.WriteLine("Exception in Direct3DReset " + ex.Message);
- }
- }
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// 离屏表面
- /// </summary>
- private Surface _offscrn;
- /// <summary>
- /// 交换链
- /// </summary>
- private SwapChain _swapChain;
- private D3DImage _d3dImage = null;
- /// <summary>
- /// 准备DirectX显卡硬件
- /// </summary>
- private bool prepareHardware(VideoFormat videoFormat, int videoWidth, int videoHeight)//, VideoFormat videoFormat)
- {
- if (!DX.Available)
- return true;
- try
- {
- SlimDX.Direct3D9.Format format = SlimDX.Direct3D9.Format.A8R8G8B8;
- if (videoFormat == VideoFormat.Yuv420)
- format = (SlimDX.Direct3D9.Format)0x32315659;
- if (_offscrn != null)
- if (videoWidth == _offscrn.Description.Width && videoHeight == _offscrn.Description.Height && _offscrn.Description.Format == format)
- return true;
- releaseHardware();
- _offscrn = Surface.CreateOffscreenPlain(DX.Device, videoWidth, videoHeight, format, Pool.Default);
- PresentParameters pp = new PresentParameters();
- pp.Windowed = true;
- pp.PresentFlags = PresentFlags.Video;
- pp.SwapEffect = SwapEffect.Discard;
- pp.BackBufferCount = ;
- pp.BackBufferWidth = videoWidth;
- pp.BackBufferHeight = videoHeight;
- _swapChain = new SwapChain(DX.Device, pp);
- return true;
- }
- catch
- {
- return false;
- }
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// 释放DirectX显卡硬件
- /// </summary>
- private void releaseHardware()
- {
- if (!DX.Available)
- return;
- if (_offscrn != null)
- if (!_offscrn.Disposed)
- _offscrn.Dispose();
- _offscrn = null;
- if (_swapChain != null)
- if (!_swapChain.Disposed)
- _swapChain.Dispose();
- _swapChain = null;
- }
- private void drawFrame(VideoFormat videoFormat, int width, int height, IntPtr Y, IntPtr U, IntPtr V)
- {
- if (!prepareHardware(videoFormat, width, height))
- return;
- if (_swapChain == null)
- return;
- DataRectangle dr = _offscrn.LockRectangle(LockFlags.None);//在离屏表面上锁定一个矩形
- drawYuv420(width, height, Y, U, V, dr.Data.DataPointer, dr.Pitch);//DataPointer 内部指针指向当前流的存储备份; Pitch 两个连续的行之间的数据的字节数
- _offscrn.UnlockRectangle();//解锁矩形
- using (Surface bb = _swapChain.GetBackBuffer())//从交换链中检索一个后台缓冲区
- {
- System.Drawing.Rectangle rect = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(, , bb.Description.Width, bb.Description.Height);
- _swapChain.Device.StretchRectangle(_offscrn, rect, bb, rect, TextureFilter.None);//将后台缓冲区的内容交换到前台缓冲区
- _swapChain.Device.Present();//呈现后台缓冲区序列中下一个后台缓冲区的内容
- _d3dImage.Lock();
- _d3dImage.SetBackBuffer(D3DResourceType.IDirect3DSurface9, bb.ComPointer);
- _d3dImage.AddDirtyRect(new Int32Rect(, , _d3dImage.PixelWidth, _d3dImage.PixelHeight));
- _d3dImage.Unlock();
- }
- }
- private void drawYuv420(int width, int height, IntPtr Y, IntPtr U, IntPtr V, IntPtr dest, int pitch)
- {
- IntPtr py = dest;
- IntPtr pv = py + (pitch * height);
- IntPtr pu = pv + ((pitch * height) / );
- int w2 = width / , pitch2 = pitch / ;
- for (int y = ; y < height; y++)
- {
- CopyMemory(py, Y + y * width, (uint)width);
- py += pitch;
- if ((y & ) != )
- continue;
- int offset = y / * w2;
- CopyMemory(pu, U + offset, (uint)w2);
- CopyMemory(pv, V + offset, (uint)w2);
- pu += pitch2;
- pv += pitch2;
- }
- }
- [DllImport("kernel32.dll", EntryPoint = "RtlMoveMemory")]
- private static extern void CopyMemory(IntPtr Destination, IntPtr Source, uint Length);
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