
  • upload.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<body> {# 上传文件的时候必须要在form标签中添加属性 enctype="multipart/form-data" #}
<form method="POST" action="/upload/" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input type="text" name="user" />
<input type="file" name="img" />
<input type="submit" /> </form> </body>
  • views.py
from django.shortcuts import render

import os
# Create your views here. def upload(request): if request.method == "POST":
user = request.POST.get("user")
# img = request.POST.get("img") # 所有提交的文件名 img = request.FILES.get('img') # 所有提交的文件 img_name = img.name # 获取文件名
img_abs_name = os.path.join("static", img_name)
with open(img_abs_name, "wb") as f:
for chunk in img.chunks():
f.write(chunk) return render(request, 'upload.html')

上传完之后可以通过链接 “文件名” 打开图片


  • upload.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<body> <input type="text" id="user" name="user" />
<input type="file" id="img" name="img" />
<input type="button" value="上传图片" onclick="uploadFile1();"/> <script> // 使用原生的 XMLHttpRequest 上传图片
function uploadFile1() {
var form = new FormData();
form.append("user", document.getElementById("user").value); // 获取文件对象
var fileObj = document.getElementById("img").files[0];
form.append("img", fileObj); var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (xhr.readyState == 4){
// 已经接受到全部响应数据,执行以下操作
var data = xhr.responseText;
}; xhr.open("POST", "/upload/", true);
</script> </body>
  • views.py
from django.shortcuts import render
from django.shortcuts import HttpResponse import os
# Create your views here. def upload(request): if request.method == "POST":
user = request.POST.get("user")
# img = request.POST.get("img") # 所有提交的文件名 img = request.FILES.get('img') # 所有提交的文件 img_name = img.name
img_abs_name = os.path.join("static", img_name)
with open(img_abs_name, "wb") as f:
for chunk in img.chunks():
f.write(chunk) return HttpResponse("ok") return render(request, 'upload.html')

使用jQuery 的ajax上传文件


  • upload.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<body> <input type="text" id="user" name="user" />
<input type="file" id="img" name="img" />
<input type="button" value="上传图片" onclick="jQueryAjax();"/> <script src="/static/jquery/jquery-1.12.4.js"></script>
<script> function jQueryAjax() { // 获取文件对象
var fileObj = $("#img")[0].files[0]; // 创建FormData对象
var form = new FormData(); // 将数据封装到对象中
form.append("img", fileObj);
form.append("user", "aa"); $.ajax({
type: "POST",
url: "/upload/",
data: form,
processData: false,
contentType: false, # 不设置请求头
sucess: function (arg) {
</script> </body>
  • views.py
from django.shortcuts import render
from django.shortcuts import HttpResponse import os
import json
# Create your views here. def upload(request): if request.method == "POST":
user = request.POST.get("user")
# img = request.POST.get("img") # 所有提交的文件名 img = request.FILES.get('img') # 所有提交的文件 img_name = img.name
img_abs_name = os.path.join("static", img_name)
with open(img_abs_name, "wb") as f:
for chunk in img.chunks():
f.write(chunk) return HttpResponse("ok") return render(request, 'upload.html')

使用jQuery 的ajax + iframe 解决浏览器兼容性的问题

  • upload1.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<style> #container img{
width: 100px;
height: 100px; }
<body> <iframe id="my_iframe" name="my_iframe" style="display:none" src="" ></iframe> <form id="fo" method="POST" action="/upload1/" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="text" id="user" name="user" />
<input type="file" id="img" name="img" onchange="uploadFile();" />
<input type="submit"> </form> <div id="container"> </div> <script src="/static/jquery/jquery-1.12.4.js"></script>
<script> function uploadFile() {
document.getElementById("my_iframe").onload = callback;
document.getElementById("fo").target = "my_iframe";
} function callback() { // 想获取iframe中的标签必须使用.contents来获取
var text = $("#my_iframe").contents().find('body').text();
var json_data = JSON.parse(text); if (json_data.status){
// 上传成功
// 生成img标签,预览刚才上传成功的图片 var tag = document.createElement("img");
tag.src = "/" + json_data.data;
tag.className = "img";
} </script>
  • views.py
from django.shortcuts import render
from django.shortcuts import HttpResponse import os
import json
# Create your views here. def upload1(request):
if request.method == "POST":
ret = {
"status": False,
"data": None,
"error": None,
} try:
img = request.FILES.get("img")
img_name = img.name
img_abs_name = os.path.join("static", img_name)
with open(img_abs_name, "wb") as f:
for chunk in img.chunks():
ret["status"] = True
ret["data"] = img_abs_name except Exception as e:
ret["error"] = str(e) return HttpResponse(json.dumps(ret)) return render(request, "upload1.html")


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