







 import Queue
class Solution(object):
def ladderLength(self, beginWord, endWord, wordList):
:type beginWord: str
:type endWord: str
:type wordList: Set[str]
:rtype: int
q,ans = Queue.Queue(),{}
ans[beginWord] = 1
while not q.empty():
tmp = q.get()
if tmp == endWord:
return ans[endWord]
for i in range(len(tmp)):
part1,part2 = tmp[:i],tmp[i+1:]
for j in 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz':
if tmp[i] != j:
newword = part1 + j + part2
if newword in wordList:
ans[newword] = ans[tmp] + 1
return 0

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