c++ primer plus 习题答案(3)
using namespace std;
struct chaff
char dross[];
int slag;
void setarray(chaff *pt);
void showarray(chaff *pt); int main(){
char buffer[];
chaff ar[], *pt;
pt = new(buffer)chaff[];
return ;
} void setarray(chaff *pt){
int i;
char adross[], pdross[], ch;
cout << "enter a line\n";
cin.get(adross, );
while (cin){
while (ch != '\n')
strcpy(pt->dross, adross);
cout << "enter another line\n";
cin.get(pdross, );
while (cin){
while (ch != '\n')
strcpy((pt + )->dross, pdross);
cout << "enter two integer\n";
cin >> pt->slag;
cin >> (pt + )->slag;
} void showarray(chaff *pt){
cout << pt->dross << " " <<
pt->slag << endl <<
(pt + )->dross << " " <<
(pt + )->slag << endl;
sales.cpp #include<iostream>
using namespace std; void SALES::setsales(Sales &s, const double ar[], int n){
int num, i, sum=;
if (n <= QUARTERS)
num = n;
else num = QUARTERS;
for (i = ; i < num; i++){
s.sales[i] = ar[i];
sum += s.sales[i];
s.average = sum / num;
s.max = s.sales[];
s.min = s.sales[];
for (i = ; i < num; i++){
if (s.max < s.sales[i])
s.max = s.sales[i];
if (s.min>s.sales[i])
s.min = s.sales[i];
} void SALES::setsales(Sales &s){
cout << "enter double into an array\n";
int i;
double sum = ;
for (i = ; i < QUARTERS; i++){
cin >> s.sales[i];
sum += s.sales[i];
s.average = sum / QUARTERS;
s.max = s.sales[];
s.min = s.sales[];
for (i = ; i < QUARTERS; i++){
if (s.max < s.sales[i])
s.max = s.sales[i];
if (s.min>s.sales[i])
s.min = s.sales[i];
} void SALES::showsales(const Sales & s){
for (int i = ; i < QUARTERS; i++)
cout << s.sales[i] << " ";
cout << "average is " << s.average << endl <<
"max is " << s.max << endl <<
"min is " << s.min << endl;
} 驱动程序 #include<iostream>
using namespace std; int main(){
cout << "enter a number you want to fill the array\n";
int n, i;
cin >> n;
double *ar = new double[n+];
cout << "enter an double array\n";
for (i = ; i < n; i++)
cin >> ar[i];
SALES::Sales ex1, ex2;
SALES::setsales(ex1, ar, n);
return ;
} 头文件 namespace SALES
const int QUARTERS = ;
struct Sales{
double sales[QUARTERS];
double average;
double max;
double min;
void setsales(Sales &s, const double ar[], int n);
void setsales(Sales &s);
void showsales(const Sales&s);
using namespace std; class Bankacount{
char name[];
char num[];
double deposit;
Bankacount(char *pt="nobody", char *ar="", double balance=0.0);
void storage(double ct);
void withdraw(double ct);
void show()const;
}; Bankacount::Bankacount(char *pt, char *ar, double balance)
strncpy(name, pt, );
name[] = '\0';
strncpy(num, ar, );
num[] = '\0';
deposit = balance;
} Bankacount::~Bankacount(){ } void Bankacount::storage(double ct){
if (ct < )
cout << "the deposit must be positive\n";
else deposit += ct;
} void Bankacount::withdraw(double ct){
if (ct<)
cout << "the deposit must be positive\n";
else deposit -= ct;
} void Bankacount::show()const{
cout << "name is " << name << endl
<< "number is " << num << endl
<< "deposit now is " << deposit << endl;
} int main(){
Bankacount acount1("GE", "asdf", 0.0);
Bankacount acount2;
Bankacount acount3 = Bankacount("DELL", "34WE", 2.3);
acount2.show(); system("pause");
return ;
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