tcl/tk demo
tclsh -> tclsh8.5
wish -> wish8.5
- which wish;
- 2 /usr/bin/wish
- which tclsh;
- /usr/bin/tclsh
- #!/usr/bin/wish -f
- #
- # this is test login, Tk-style
- set filename "usrfile.pwd";
- proc splitf { str index } {
- set y [ split $str | ];
- list $y;
- set w [ lindex $y $index ];
- return $w;
- }
- proc checkinfo {name pwd} {
- global filename;
- set iflag ;
- set isUser ;
- if { $name eq "" || $pwd eq "" } {
- return ;
- }
- set fileId [ open $filename r ];
- while { [ gets $fileId line ] >= } {
- set nameInfile [ splitf $line ];
- set cmp [ string compare $name $nameInfile ];
- if { $cmp != } {
- set isUser [ expr $isUser + ];
- } elseif { $cmp == } {
- set pwdInfile [ splitf $line ];
- set cmp [ string compare $pwd $pwdInfile ];
- if { $cmp == } {
- close $fileId;
- return ; #login successful
- } else {
- close $fileId;
- return ; #err user pwd
- }
- }
- set iflag [ expr $iflag + ];
- }
- close $fileId;
- if { $iflag == } {
- return ; #file is null,creat user;
- }
- if { $iflag == $isUser } {
- return ; #creat user
- }
- }
- proc process { uname pwd } {
- global filename;
- set returnCheck [ checkinfo $uname $pwd ];
- switch -- $returnCheck {
- { tk_messageBox -type ok -message "you are login successful" }
- { set answer [ tk_messageBox -type yesno -icon question \
- -message "you need creat a user" ] ;
- switch -- $answer {
- no { }
- yes { puts stdout [ createusr $uname $pwd ] }
- }
- }
- //003 { tk_messageBox -type ok -icon warning -message "$filename file is null" }
- { tk_messageBox -type ok -icon error -message "input err of user pwd" }
- { tk_messageBox -type ok -icon info -message "user and pwd is not null" }
- default { tk_messageBox -type ok -icon error -message "system err" }
- }
- }
- proc createusr { uname pwd } {
- global filename;
- set fileId [ open $filename a ];
- puts $fileId "$uname|$pwd" ;
- close $fileId;
- return ;
- }
- wm title . LOGIN
- wm maxsize .
- wm minsize .
- wm resizable .
- wm geometry . 500x300++
- label .ulname -text "userName"
- entry .tuname -textvariable name
- label .ulpwd -text "userPwd"
- entry .tupwd -textvariable pwd
- button .bOK -text OK \
- -command { puts stdout [ process $name $pwd] }
- button .bExit -text Exit \
- -command {exit}
- place .ulname -x -y
- place .tuname -x -y
- place .ulpwd -x -y
- place .tupwd -x -y
- place .bOK -x -y
- place .bExit -x -y
- wish tk.tcl
- cat usrfile.pwd
2 userTmp|abc123
1- 所有的关键字与{ 等之间一定要有空格,否则无法解析.
- 错误: proc sum{arg1 arg2}{
- 正确: proc sum { arg1 arg2 } {
2- proc if switch等需要用{}包含的body 左括号一定要写到 if {} { 与关键字同行
- proc sum { arg1 arg2 }
- {
- ....
- }
Error in startup script: wrong # args: should be "proc name args body"
while executing
"proc sum {arg1 arg2} "
(file "a.tcl" line 3)
- proc sum { arg1 arg2 } {
- ....
- }
read-only access to git repository:
- git clone
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