<pre name="code" class="html">-bash-4.1# cat /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
log local3
maxconn 65535
chroot /usr/local/haproxy
uid 401
gid 401
daemon defaults
log global
mode http
option httplog
option dontlognull
retries 3
option redispatch
option abortonclose
maxconn 65535
timeout connect 5000
timeout client 50000
timeout server 50000 timeout check 5s
stats refresh 30s
stats uri /stats
stats realm baison-test-Haproxy
stats auth admin:admin
stats hide-version frontend www
bind *:9200 default_backend eshttp_server
backend eshttp_server
mode http
balance roundrobin
backend eshttp_server
mode http
balance roundrobin
server ela01 check inter 2000 fall 3
server ela02 check inter 2000 fall 3
server ela03 check inter 2000 fall 3
#服务器定义,cookie 1表示serverid为1,check inter 1500 是检测心跳频率 #rise 3是3次正确认为服务器可用,fall 3是3次失败认为服务器不可用,weight代表权重 server mms1 cookie 1 check inter 1500 rise 3 fall 3 weight 1 server mms2 cookie 2 check inter 1500 rise 3 fall 3 weight 2

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