PAT Vocabulary
单词 | 词性 | 中文意 | 常用 | 音标 |
non-negative | 非负数 | non-negative number | ||
Positive | 正整数 | Positive integer | ||
Negative | 负数 | Negative number | ||
non-zero | 非0数 | non-zero number | ||
consecutive | 连续 | consecutive numbers;consecutive factors | ||
accurate | adj. | 精确的;无误的 | /ˈækjərɪt/ | |
decimal | adj.n. | 小数的;小数 | Please be accurate 1 decimal place 【精确到1个小数位】 |
/ˈdɛsɪməl/ |
decimal | adj. | 十进制的; | decimal system; 6 = 110 if 6 is a decimal number and 110 is a binary number. |
digit | n. | 数字 | 复数digits | |
Palindromic | n. | 回文数 | Palindromic Number | |
rational | n. | 有理数 | rational number | |
irrational | n. | 无理数 | irrational number | |
numerator | n. | 分子 | output the sum in the simplest form integer numerator/denominator | |
denominator | n. | 分母 | ||
fractional part | n. | 小数部分 | You must output only the fractional part if the integer part is 0 | |
integer part | n. | 整数部分 | ||
common factor | n. | 公因数 | ||
maximum | adj.n. | 最大数 | maximum number; |
单词 | 词性 | 中文意 | 常用 | 音标 |
sequence | n. | 顺序;连续 | smallest sequence |
单词 | 词性 | 中文意 | 常用 | 音标 |
acyclic | adj. | 非循环的 | A graph which is connected and acyclic can be considered a tree | [ ˌeɪ'saɪklɪk ] |
scattered | adj. | 分散的;稀疏的 | The map shows several scattered cities connected by some roads | [ ˈskædərd ] |
adjacent | adj. | 毗邻的;邻近的 | [ ə'dʒeɪsnt ] | |
source | n. | 起点 | ||
destination | n. | 终点 | ||
intersection | n. | 路口 | streets intersections on a map | [ ˌɪntər'sekʃn ] |
one-way | n. | 单向 | the street is one-way from V1 to V2 |
单词 | 词性 | 中文意 | 常用 | 音标 |
indices | n. | index的复数 | the indices (from 0 to N-1) of the two ends of the street | [ 'ɪndɪsiːz ] |
increasing | adj. | 增 | the factors are listed in increasing order | [ ɪŋˈkrisiŋ ] |
单词 | 词性 | 中文意 | 常用 | 音标 |
exponent | n. | 指数 | /ɪkˈspəʊnənt/ | |
coefficient | n. | 系数 | /ˌkəʊɪˈfɪʃənt/ | |
Polynomial | n.[c] | 多项式 | /ˌpɒlɪˈnəʊmɪəl/ |
单词 | 词性 | 中文意 | 常用 | 音标 |
sum | 和 | |||
difference | 差 | |||
product | 积 | |||
quotient | 商 | |||
division | 除法 | If the denominator in the division is zero | ||
less than | 少于 |
单词 | 词性 | 中文意 | 常用 | 音标 |
capital | adj. n[c]. | 大写的;大写的字母 | 名词:capitals大写字母;形容词capital letters | /ˈkæpɪtəl/ |
letter | n.[c] | 字母;信 | /ˈlɛtə/ | |
format | n. | 格式 | ||
simplest form | 最简形式 |
单词 | 词性 | 中文意 | 常用 | 音标 |
parentheses | n. | 圆括号 | it must be included in a pair of parentheses | |
comma | n. | 逗号 | the digits must be separated into groups of three by commas |
单词 | 词性 | 中文意 | 常用 | 音标 |
unique | adj.n. | 唯一的(人或物) | if such a path is not unique | [ jʊ'niːk ] |
单词 | 词性 | 中文意 | 常用 | 音标 |
hence | adv. | 所以;…之后;因此;今后 |
单词 | 词性 | 中文意 | 常用 | 音标 |
exclusive | adj. | 不包括的 | ||
inclusive | adj. | 包括的 | grade (an integer between 0 and 100, inclusive). | |
unless | prep. conj. | 除非 | unless there are less than four digits | |
suppose | v. | 假设 | be supposed to do. 必须做...,应该做... | /səˈpəʊz/ |
assume | v. | 假设 | /əˈsuːm/ | |
consider | v. | 考虑;认为 | /kənˈsɪdər/ | |
occupy | v. | 占用 | Each case occupies 2 lines | /ˈɒkjʊˌpaɪ/ |
Specification | n. | 说明;说明书 | Input Specification/Output Specification | |
standard | n. | 标准 | the standard format | |
consist | v. | 组成 | each account consists of a user name and a password | |
common | adj. | 普遍的;公共的 | the first common capital English letter | |
represent | v. | 表示,代表 | the 4th capital letter D, representing the 4th day in a week | /ˌrɛprɪˈzɛnt/ |
hence | 因此 | |||
guarantee | 保证 | It is guaranteed that... | ||
exactly | adv. | 精确地 | it is exactly half-full | |
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