




The implementation for assert.hpp with c_assert looks like so:

你需要代码中#include<sol.hpp>#include "sol.hpp"。SOL只有头文件,所以你不需要编译任何东西。但是,Lua必须编译并可用。有关更多详细信息,请参阅入门教程

assert.hpp 和 c_assert 的实现看起来像这样:

#define EXAMPLES_ASSERT_HPP # define m_assert(condition, message) \
do { \
if (! (condition)) { \
std::cerr << "Assertion `" #condition "` failed in " << __FILE__ \
<< " line " << __LINE__ << ": " << message << std::endl; \
std::terminate(); \
} \
} while (false) # define c_assert(condition) \
do { \
if (! (condition)) { \
std::cerr << "Assertion `" #condition "` failed in " << __FILE__ \
<< " line " << __LINE__ << std::endl; \
std::terminate(); \
} \
} while (false)
# define m_assert(condition, message) do { if (false) { (void)(condition); (void)sizeof(message); } } while (false)
# define c_assert(condition) do { if (false) { (void)(condition); } } while (false)
#endif #endif // EXAMPLES_ASSERT_HPP 这是下面示例代码中使用的断言。


#include <sol.hpp> #include <iostream>
#include "../../assert.hpp" int main(int, char*[]) {
std::cout << "=== opening a state ===" << std::endl; sol::state lua;
// open some common libraries
lua.open_libraries(sol::lib::base, sol::lib::package);
lua.script("print('bark bark bark!')"); std::cout << std::endl; return 0;

在lua_State上使用sol2 *


#include <sol.hpp> #include <iostream> int use_sol2(lua_State* L) {
sol::state_view lua(L);
lua.script("print('bark bark bark!')");
return 0;
} int main(int, char*[]) {
std::cout << "=== opening sol::state_view on raw Lua ===" << std::endl; lua_State* L = luaL_newstate();
luaL_openlibs(L); lua_pushcclosure(L, &use_sol2, 0);
lua_setglobal(L, "use_sol2"); if (luaL_dostring(L, "use_sol2()")) {
return -1;
} std::cout << std::endl; return 0;


#include <sol.hpp> #include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include "../../assert.hpp" int main(int, char*[]) {
std::cout << "=== running lua code ===" << std::endl; sol::state lua;
lua.open_libraries(sol::lib::base); // load and execute from string
lua.script("a = 'test'");
// load and execute from file
lua.script_file("a_lua_script.lua"); // run a script, get the result
int value = lua.script("return 54");
c_assert(value == 54); //要运行Lua代码但需有错误处理程序以防出现问题:
      auto bad_code_result = lua.script("123 herp.derp", [](lua_State*, sol::protected_function_result pfr) {
// pfr will contain things that went wrong, for either loading or executing the script
// Can throw your own custom error
// You can also just return it, and let the call-site handle the error if necessary.
return pfr;
// it did not work
c_assert(!bad_code_result.valid()); // the default handler panics or throws, depending on your settings
// uncomment for explosions:
//auto bad_code_result_2 = lua.script("bad.code", &sol::script_default_on_error);
return 0;





#include <sol.hpp> #include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include "../../assert.hpp" int main(int, char*[]) {
std::cout << "=== running lua code (low level) ===" << std::endl; sol::state lua;
lua.open_libraries(sol::lib::base); // load file without execute
sol::load_result script1 = lua.load_file("a_lua_script.lua");
script1(); // load string without execute
sol::load_result script2 = lua.load("a = 'test'");
sol::protected_function_result script2result = script2();
// optionally, check if it worked
if (script2result.valid()) {
// yay!
else {
// aww
} sol::load_result script3 = lua.load("return 24");
// execute, get return value
int value2 = script3();
c_assert(value2 == 24); return 0;

QQ群号: 790763256

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