mybatis 批量保存,并且唯一约束
1、主键返回在insert配置中添加两个属性 useGeneratedKeys="true" keyProperty="id"
2、唯一约束冲突可以使用 ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE 解决,但是不会返回主键
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN" ""> <mapper namespace=""> <!-- 可根据自己的需求,是否要使用 -->
<resultMap type="" id="wxProDepartmentMap">
<result property="departId" column="depart_id"/>
<result property="departName" column="depart_name"/>
<result property="departNameEn" column="depart_name_en"/>
<result property="departPid" column="depart_pid"/>
<result property="order" column="order"/>
<result property="createTime" column="create_time"/>
<result property="updateTime" column="update_time"/>
</resultMap> <select id="queryObject" resultType="">
select * from wx_pro_department where depart_id = #{value}
</select> <select id="queryList" resultType="">
select * from wx_pro_department
<when test="sidx != null and sidx.trim() != ''">
order by ${sidx} ${order}
order by depart_id desc
<if test="offset != null and limit != null">
limit #{offset}, #{limit}
</select> <select id="queryTotal" resultType="int">
select count(*) from wx_pro_department
</select> <insert id="save" parameterType="" useGeneratedKeys="true" keyProperty="id">
insert into wx_pro_department
</insert> <insert id="saveBatch" parameterType="">
insert into wx_pro_department
<foreach collection="list" item="item" separator=",">
depart_name = values(depart_name),
depart_pid = values(depart_pid), `order` = values(`order`)
</insert> <update id="update" parameterType="">
update wx_pro_department
<if test="departName != null">`depart_name` = #{departName}, </if>
<if test="departNameEn != null">`depart_name_en` = #{departNameEn}, </if>
<if test="departPid != null">`depart_pid` = #{departPid}, </if>
<if test="order != null">`order` = #{order} </if>
where depart_id = #{departId}
</update> <delete id="delete">
delete from wx_pro_department where depart_id = #{value}
</delete> <delete id="deleteAll">
delete from wx_pro_department where depart_id = depart_id
</delete> <delete id="deleteBatch">
delete from wx_pro_department where depart_id in
<foreach item="departId" collection="array" open="(" separator="," close=")">
</delete> </mapper>
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