nonparametric method|One-Mean t-Interval Procedure|
8.4 Confidence Intervals for One Population Mean When σ Is Unknown
原先是 standardized version of x bar:
当没有提供population 的标准差时,采用S(样本标准差作为population 标准差),即studentized version of x bar
t-Distributions and t-Curves
t-curves have more spread than the standard normal curve. This property follows from the fact that, for a t-curve with ν (pronounced “new”) degrees of freedom, where ν > 2, the standard deviation is √ν/(ν − 2). This quantity always exceeds 1, which is the standard deviation of the standard normal curve
基于没有population任何数据得到sample mean的置信区间:One-Mean t-Interval Procedure
In particular, the t-interval procedure is robust to moderate violations of the normality assumption but, even for large samples, can sometimes be unduly affected by outliers because the sample mean and sample standard deviation are not resistant to outliers,所以要先做the normal probability plot 看看有无outlier:
What If the Assumptions Are Not Satisfied?
nonparametric method:
Recall that descriptive measures for a population, such as μ and σ, are called parameters. Technically, inferential methods concerned with parameters are called parametric methods; those that are not are called nonparametric methods. However, common practice is to refer to most methods that can be applied without assuming normality (regardless of sample size) as nonparametric. Thus the term nonparametric method as used in contemporary statistics is somewhat of a misnomer.
Wilcoxon confidence-interval procedure
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