
重点解决3.13.0-32-generic内核编译 mt7601 usb wifi 驱动问题。

1:首先下载MT7601U_Linux usb驱动源代码


find    {USB_DEVICE(0x148f,0x7601)}, /* MT 6370 */ then add the following rows to support your usb devices(examples)
 45     //modify by zhaoxi int date 3/29 2016 to support 360 wifi
 46     {USB_DEVICE(0x2955,0x0001)}, /* XiaoDu Wifi */
 47     {USB_DEVICE(0x2955,0x1001)}, /* XiaoDu Wifi */
 48     {USB_DEVICE(0x148f,0x760b)}, /* 360 Wifi */
save and exit.

3:编译驱动源码,make && makeinstall

如果编译出错:make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-3.13.0-32-generic' 当前内核版本存在兼容问题

uname -r (查看内核版本,如果结果和我的内核版本是3.13.0-32-generic)
解决办法:cd /os/linux vi rt_linux.c

find current_fsuid();current_fsgid();

modify  them :

pOSFSInfo->fsuid = current_fsuid().val;
 pOSFSInfo->fsgid = current_fsgid().val;

save and exit

4:then sudo make && make install



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