Interview-Increasing Sequence with Length 3.
Given an array, determine whether there are three elements A[i],A[j],A[k], such that A[i]<A[j]<A[k] & i<j<k.
It is a special case of the Longest Increasing Sequence problem. We can use the O(nlog(n)) algorithm, since we only need sequence with length three, we can do it in O(n).
public static boolean threeIncSeq(int[] A){
if (A.length<3) return false; int oneLen = 0;
int twoLen = -1;
for (int i=1;i<A.length;i++){
//check whether current element is larger then A[twoLen].
if (twoLen!=-1 && A[i]>A[twoLen]) return true;
if (twoLen!=-1 && A[i]>A[twoLen] && A[i]<A[oneLen]){
twoLen = i;
if (twoLen==-1 && A[i]>A[oneLen]){
twoLen = i;
if (A[i]<A[oneLen]){
oneLen = i;
} return false;
If we need to output the sequence, we then need to record the sequence of current length 1 seq and length 2 seq.
public static List<Integer> threeIncSeq(int[] A){
if (A.length<3) return (new ArrayList<Integer>()); int oneLen = 0;
int twoLen = -1;
List<Integer> oneList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
List<Integer> twoList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int i=1;i<A.length;i++){
//check whether current element is larger then A[twoLen].
if (twoLen!=-1 && A[i]>A[twoLen]){
return twoList;
if (twoLen!=-1 && A[i]>A[twoLen] && A[i]<A[oneLen]){
twoLen = i;
twoList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
if (twoLen==-1 && A[i]>A[oneLen]){
twoLen = i;
twoList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
if (A[i]<A[oneLen]){
oneLen = i;
oneList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
} return (new ArrayList<Integer>()); }
NOTE: This is more compliated then needed, when using List<> in this case, but this idea can be used to print the LIS.
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