
Job Title: Senior Development Engineer

Division: Visual Studio China - Developer Division

Working Location: Shanghai, China

Do you enjoy the challenges of rapid development and deployment of world class software services? Do you like being in the hub of a team of high-caliber engineers working on projects utilizing new and emerging technologies? Would you enjoy working across the company to own an end-to-end charter solving the content publishing process for all of Microsoft, and then beyond? If you enjoy tough technical challenges and like building products from ground up, this is the place for you.

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The Team

The Visual Studio China team in DevDiv is looking for an outstanding software development engineer to be part of next generation content management system which will leverage the power of SQL Server, WCF, WPF and cloud technologies, and used by teams across the company to create and deliver content to key Microsoft products and web sites such as MSDN and TechNet.

We are a young and dynamic team, passionate about software development and willing to take on big challenges. We are expecting to grow the team and the business rapidly, leading the way to many new opportunities. To make this happen, we need experienced people like you.

The Job

As a member of the team you will have many opportunities to have a significant impact on the product, you will design and implement highly dependable high-performance solutions for next generation of content management platform. As a member of this team you will need to interact with partner teams. Therefore, a successful candidate must be an effective communicator; driving design and implementation of features; collaborating on specifications and development plans; engaging with customers through various channels

- 5+ years of experience in designing, implementing and shipping high quality software,

- Rich experience with WCF, SOAP, XML and REST web services,

- Experience with on-premises or cloud online services,

- Solid design, coding, debugging and estimation skills,

- Proven ability to ship software on time and at quality expected,

- Strong interpersonal and communication skills with demonstrated cross-group experience,

- A desire to work closely with the other disciplines in all aspects of the product lifecycle,

- Completed at least two product development lifecycles,

- A BS/MS degree in computer science or equivalent,

- Applied knowledge of the .NET Framework and managed languages a plus.

The City

This position is based in Shanghai (China), one of the most vibrant cities in the world. Come to experience the Chinese culture, explosive growth, great shopping and amazing food. The city is very international and easy to live in. Because of its location, Shanghai is also a great hub to many Asian and European countries.

Come join us and accelerate your career while living in a great environment. This is truly a once in a lifetime opportunity!

Microsoft is an equal opportunity company and support workforce diversity.



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