




#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio> using namespace std; char Card[54][54][3];
int Top[54];
int Sum;//记录合并的叠数 int match( char* a, char *b )
return (a[0] == b[0] || a[1] == b[1]);
} int deal( int now, int s )
int count = 0,temp = now;
while ( temp >= 0 && count < s )
if ( Top[-- temp] >= 0 )
count ++;
if ( temp >= 0 && match( Card[now][Top[now]], Card[temp][Top[temp]] ) ) {
Top[temp] ++;
Card[temp][Top[temp]][0] = Card[now][Top[now]][0];
Card[temp][Top[temp]][1] = Card[now][Top[now]][1];
if ( -- Top[now] < 0 ) Sum ++;
return temp;
}else return -1;
} int main()
while ( scanf("%s",Card[0][0]) && Card[0][0][0] != '#' ) {
for ( int i = 1 ; i < 52 ; ++ i )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 52 ; ++ i )
Top[i] = 0; Sum = 0;
for ( int now = 1 ; now < 52 ; ) {
while ( Top[now] < 0 ) now ++;
int save = deal( now, 3 );
if ( save >= 0 )
now = save;
else {
save = deal( now, 1 );
if ( save >= 0 )
now = save;
else now ++;
} printf("%d pile",52-Sum);
if (51 > Sum) printf("s");
printf(" remaining:");
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 52 ; ++ i )
if ( Top[i] >= 0 )
printf(" %d",Top[i]+1);
return 0;

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