Partition an array around an interger
Partition an array of integers around a value such taht all elements less than x come before elements greater than or equal to x.
Idea: Just use of subroutine PARTION of quicksort() with a slight modification.
array[start, end] to be partitioned around value x.
We need to additional pointers i and j, to maintain an invariant, which is true at all times:
array[start, i] stores elements less than x
array[i+1, j-1] stores elements greater than or equal to x
array[j, end] stores elements which haven't been explored yet.
void Partition(A, start, end){
int i = start - 1;
for(int j = start; j <= end; ++j){
if(A[j] < x){
swap A[i] with A[j];
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