

using System;
namespace Test2 {
class Plane { public double TopSpeed() {return 300.0D; }}
class Jet : Plane { public double TopSpeed() { return 900.0D;}}
class Airport {
static void Main(string[] args) {
Plane plane = new Jet();
Console.WriteLine("planes top speed: {0}",plane.TopSpeed()); //


class Plane { public virtual double TopSpeed() { return 300.0D;}}
class Jet : Plane { public override double TopSpeed() { return 900.0D;}}
class Airport {
static void Main(string[] args) {
Plane plane = new Jet();
Console.WriteLine("planes top speed: {0}",plane.TopSpeed()); //



public class Elephant { public int Weight = ; }
public class AsianElephant : Elephant { public int Weight = ; }
void Main()
Console.WriteLine(new AsianElephant().Weight); //


public class AsianElephant : Elephant { public new int Weight = ; }


public class Plane {
public virtual double TopSpeed() { return 300.0D;}
public static bool operator>(Plane one, Plane two) {
return one.TopSpeed() > two.TopSpeed();
public static bool operator<(Plane one, Plane two) {
return one.TopSpeed() < two.TopSpeed();
class Jet : Plane {
public override double TopSpeed() { return 900.0D; }
public override string ToString() { return "I'm a Jet"; }
class Airport {
static void Main(string[] args) {
Plane plane = new Jet();
Console.WriteLine("plane's top speed: {0}",plane.TopSpeed());
Jet jet = new Jet();
Console.WriteLine("jet's top speed: {0}",jet.TopSpeed());
Console.WriteLine("Plane > Jet = {0}", plane > jet);


通常在编译时根据声明的类型参数来决定调用重载方法。即使“mamal”的对象是真正的Tiger型,编译器将调用Mammal重载 - 除非它转换为“dynamic”的类型,在这种情况下,它会调用此基础上该方法真正的对象类型。

using System;
namespace ScratchPad
public class Linnaeus
public class Mammal {}
public class Tiger : Mammal{}
public static void Zoo(Mammal mammal)
public static void Zoo(Tiger tiger)
public static void Main(string[] args)
Mammal mammal = new Tiger();
Zoo(mammal); //writes mammal because variable is that type
Zoo((dynamic) mammal); //writes tiger because the object is a Tiger


public class Plane {
protected double mySpeed = 300.0D;
public double TopSpeed {
get {return mySpeed;}
set { mySpeed = value; }
class Jet : Plane {
public Jet() { TopSpeed = 900.0D; }
class Airport {
static void Main(string[] args) {
Plane plane = new Plane();
Console.WriteLine("plane's top speed: {0}",plane.TopSpeed);
Jet jet = new Jet();
Console.WriteLine("jet's top speed: {0}",jet.TopSpeed);


DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
Console.WriteLine("Current Time is {0} ",dt.ToString());

要指定一个格式: dt.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")

当前独立的通用格式: dt.ToString("u") 
将输出 "yyyy'-'MM'-'dd HH':'mm':'ss'Z'"


using System.IO;
try {
StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter("tmp.txt"); streamWriter.WriteLine("This is the first line.");
streamWriter.WriteLine("This is the second line.");
} finally {
if(streamWriter != null) {



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