The screenshots of english language version collabration web application which is as following:

Include Android app(Native App -> Cordova Web App), window popup notification, responsive UI(Designed by myself),Ajax UE, dynamic permission engine(It can control html element block, url route, web Api), Message(Base on SingnalR, push the notification to Web Applicatoin Page,Winform Popup Dialog,Android App), Workflow Engine(As the message the task can be pushed to Web Applicatoin Page,Winform Popup Dialog,Android App), self and share calendar, multiple language support and so on.

It will be free to download, use and update, Win-Win is our belief.

When you need customization or you benefit from the web application you can donate to me.

1. Sign in page

2. Desktop navigation page(use SignalR to push the message to web page, android client, window popup client real time, you can see the UI of android in Chinese version)

3. Send message page(The online status is green when the user is online, you can see the "SupperAdmin" is online now)

4. Receive message

5. Calendar

6. Edit User

7. Workflow

8. Permssion

9. CRM Module

10. Mobile Responsive UI

Chinese language version, mobile app and workflow designer please visit the following link:

1. is web application.
You should set the connectstring of nhibernate.xml first!
2. is log analyzer.
You should open System.log at the root directory of the web application to find out
what is the issue occurs. (Log show the Class -> the Method -> the line with pdb file
and exception stack, you can find the bug immediately and report to me)
3. is the monitor client of windows OS.
It will popup a dialog when get the message or task.
4. is the designer of the workflow.
You can design the workflow by yourself.
5. is the monitor client of android OS.
It will show in notifycation bar of android when get the message or task. (Not upload now, you can ask me to get the apk file)

Free download to use:

Beta Version

Collabration Web Application Screenshot(English Language) Free download now!的更多相关文章

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