


res = ((2 ^ 2)倍数个数 - ((2 ^ 2) * (3 ^ 2)倍数个数 + (2 ^ 2) * (5 ^ 2)倍数个数 + ...) + (((2 ^ 2) * (3 ^ 2) * (5 ^ 2)倍数个数 + .....)) + ((3 ^ 2)倍数个数...)

我去。。。这复杂度真的能过= =

Problem: 2986
User: rausen
Language: C++
Result: Accepted
Time:1512 ms
Memory:5688 kb
****************************************************************/ #include <cstdio> using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
const int N = ; int p[N], cnt;
bool F[N];
ll n; ll find(int f, int i, ll mid) {
ll res = , sqr;
for (; i <= cnt && (sqr = (ll) p[i] * p[i]) <= mid; ++i)
res += (ll) mid / sqr * f + find(-f, i + , mid / sqr);
return res;
} void pre_work(int M) {
int i, j;
for (i = ; i <= M; ++i) {
if (!F[i])
p[++cnt] = i;
for (j = ; i * p[j] <= M && j <= cnt; ++j) {
F[i * p[j]] = ;
if (i % p[j] == ) break;
} int main() {
scanf("%lld", &n);
ll l = , r = (ll) 1e11, mid;
while (l < r) {
mid = (ll) l + r >> ;
if (find(, , mid) < n) l = mid + ;
else r = mid;
printf("%lld\n", l);
return ;

(p.s. Rank.10)

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