提示: 在SDK中,样式表的命名空间是osgEarth::Symbology
float: |
实数 |
float with units: |
有单位的实数, e.g. 20px (20 pixels) or 10m (10 meters) |
HTML_Color: |
颜色以十六进制格式字符串,用于HTML;# RRGGBB或# RRGGBBAA的格式。(例如:# FFCC007F) |
integer: |
整数 |
numeric_expr: |
表达式(简单或JavaScript)解决一个数字 |
string: |
字符串 |
string_expr: |
表达式(简单或JavaScript)解决一个文本字符串 |
uri_string: |
表示(如URL资源位置的字符串或文件路径)。 |
基本几何符号(SDK:LineSymbol、PolygonSymbol PointSymbol)控制矢量数据的颜色和风格
Property | Description | Value(s) |
fill | Fill color for a polygon. | HTML color |
stroke | Line color (or polygon outline color, if fill is present) |
HTML color |
stroke-width | Line width | float with units |
stroke-min-pixels | Minimum rendering width; Prevents a line from getting thinner than this value in pixels. Only applies when the stroke-width is NOT in pixels |
float (pixels) |
stroke-tessellation | Number of times to subdivide a line | integer |
stroke-linejoin | Join style for polygonized lines. Only applies with stroke-width is in world units (and not pixels) |
miter, round |
stroke-linecap | Cap style for polygonized lines. Only applies with stroke-width is in world units (and not pixels) |
square, flat, round |
stroke-rounding-ratio | For joins and caps that are set to round , the resolution of the rounded corner. Value is the ratio of line width to corner segment length. |
float (0.4) |
stroke-stipple-pattern | Stippling pattern bitmask. Each set bit represents an “on” pixel in the pattern. | integer (65535) |
stroke-stipple-factor | Stipple factor for pixel-width lines. Number of times to repeat each bit in the stippling pattern | integer (1) |
stroke-crease-angle | When outlining extruded polygons, only draw a post outline if the angle between the adjoining faces exceeds this value. This has the effect of only outlining corners that are sufficiently “sharp”. | float degrees (0.0) |
point-fill | Fill color for a point. | HTML color |
point-size | Size for a GL point geometry |
Property | Description | ||||||||
altitude-clamping |
altitude-technique |
altitude-binding |
altitude-resolution | 当“altitude-technique”选择“map”,高程使用和样例地形高度一样的分辨率数据 | ||||||||
altitude-offset | 垂直偏移 | ||||||||
altitude-scale | 缩放 |
挤压符号(SDK:ExtrusionSymbol)指导osgEarth创建挤压几何从源矢量数据;挤压一个2 d向量转化为3 d形状。注意:简单的anextrusion属性将使挤压。
Property | Description |
extrusion-height | How far to extrude the vector data (numeric-expr) |
extrusion-flatten | Whether to force all extruded vertices to the same Z value (bool). For example, if you are extruding polygons to make 3D buildings, setting this to true will force the rooftops to be flat even if the underlying terrain is not. (boolean) |
extrusion-wall-gradient | Factor by which to multiply the fill color of the extruded geometry at the base of the 3D shape. This results in the 3D shape being darker at the bottom than at the top, a nice effect. (float [0..1]; try 0.75) |
extrusion-wall-style | Name of another style in the same stylesheet that osgEarth should apply to the walls of the extruded shape. (string) |
extrusion-roof-style | Name of another style in the same stylesheet that osgEarth should apply to the roof of the extruded shape. (string) |
Property | Description | ||||||||
icon | URI of the icon image. (uri-string) | ||||||||
icon-library | Name of a resource library containing the icon (optional) | ||||||||
icon-placement |
For model substitution, describes how osgEarth should replace geometry with icons:
icon-density | For icon-placement settings of interval or random , this property is hint as to how many instances osgEarth should place. The unit is approximately “units per km” (for linear data) or “units per square km” for polygon data. (float) |
icon-scale | Scales the icon by this amount (float) | ||||||||
icon-heading | Rotates the icon along its central axis (float, degrees) | ||||||||
icon-declutter | Activate decluttering for this icon. osgEarth will attempt to automatically show or hide things so they don’t overlap on the screen. (boolean) | ||||||||
icon-align |
Sets the icon’s location relative to its anchor point. The valid values are in the form “horizontal-vertical”, and are:
icon-random-seed | For random placement operations, set this seed so that the randomization is repeatable each time you run the app. (integer) | ||||||||
icon-occlusion-cull | Whether to occlusion cull the text so they do not display when line of sight is obstructed by terrain | ||||||||
icon-occlusion-cull-altitude | The viewer altitude (MSL) to start occlusion culling when line of sight is obstructed by terrain |
模型符号(SDK:ModelSymbol)描述了外部的3 d模型。如图标,模型通常用于:
点替换,用3 d模型代替几何模型
Property | Description | ||||||||
model | URI of the 3D model (uri-string). Use this OR the model-library property, but not both. |
model-library | Name of a resource library containing the model. Use this OR the model property, but not both. |
model-placement |
For model substitution, describes how osgEarth should replace geometry with models:
model-density | For model-placement settings of interval or random , this property is hint as to how many instances osgEarth should place. The unit is approximately “units per km” (for linear data) or “units per square km” for polygon data. (float) |
model-scale | Scales the model by this amount along all axes (float) | ||||||||
model-heading | Rotates the about its +Z axis (float, degrees) | ||||||||
icon-random-seed | For random placement operations, set this seed so that the randomization is repeatable each time you run the app. (integer) |
Property | Description |
render-depth-test | Enable or disable GL depth testing. (boolean) |
render-lighting | Enable or disable GL lighting. (boolean) |
render-transparent | hint to render in the transparent (depth-sorted) bin (boolean) |
render-bin | render bin to use for sorting (string) |
render-depth-offset | Enable or disable Depth Offseting. Depth offsetting is a GPU technique that modifies a fragment’s depth value, simulating the rendering of that object closer or farther from the viewer than it actually is. It is a mechanism for mitigating z-fighting. (boolean) |
render-depth-offset-min-bias | Sets the minimum bias (distance-to-viewer offset) for depth offsetting. If is usually sufficient to set this property; all the others will be set automatically. (float, meters) |
render-depth-offset-max-bias | Sets the minimum bias (distance-to-viewer offset) for depth offsetting. |
render-depth-offset-min-range | Sets the range (distance from viewer) at which to apply the minimum depth offsetting bias. The bias graduates between its min and max values over the specified range. |
render-depth-offset-max-range | Sets the range (distance from viewer) at which to apply the maximum depth offsetting bias. The bias graduates between its min and max values over the specified range. |
Property | Description |
skin-library | Name of the resource library containing the skin(s) |
skin-tags | Set of strings (separated by whitespace containing one or more resource tags. When selecting a texture skin to apply, osgEarth will limit the selection to skins with one of these tags. If you omit this property, all skins are considered. For example, if you are extruding buildings, you may only want to consider textures with the building tag. (string) |
skin-tiled | When set to true , osgEarth will only consider selecting a skin that has its tiled attribute set to true . The tiled attribute indicates that the skin may be used as a repeating texture. (boolean) |
skin-object-height | Numeric expression resolving to the feature’s real-world height (in meters). osgEarth will use this value to narrow down the selection to skins appropriate to that height (i.e., skins for which the value falls between the skin’s min/max object height range. (numeric-expr) |
skin-min-object-height | Tells osgEarth to only consider skins whose minimum object height is greater than or equal to this value. (numeric-expr) |
skin-max-object-height | Tells osgEarth to only consider skins whose maximum object height is less than or equal to this value. (numeric-expr) |
skin-random-seed | Once the filtering is done (according to the properties above, osgEarth determines the minimal set of appropriate skins from which to choose and chooses one at random. By setting this seed value you can ensure that the same “random” selection happens each time you run the appplication. (integer) |
Property | Description |
text-fill | Foreground color of the text (HTML color) |
text-size | Size of the text (float, pixels) |
text-font | Name of the font to use (system-dependent). For example, use “arialbd” on Windows for Arial Bold. |
text-halo | Outline color of the text; Omit this propery altogether for no outline. (HTML Color) |
text-halo-offset | Outline thickness (float, pixels) |
text-offset-x | The x offset of the text in pixels |
text-offset-y | The y offset of the text in pixels |
text-align |
text-layout |
text-content | The actual text string to display (string-expr) |
text-encoding |
text-declutter | Activate decluttering for this icon. osgEarth will attempt to automatically show or hide things so they don’t overlap on the screen. (boolean) |
text-occlusion-cull | Whether to occlusion cull the text so they do not display when line of sight is obstructed by terrain |
text-occlusion-cull-altitude | The viewer altitude (MSL) to start occlusion culling when line of sight is obstructed by terrain |
PropertyDescriptioncoverage-valueExpression resolving to the floating-point value to encode.
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