最近遇到一个问题,打开VS2013和SQL Server2014都会出报错,错误信息如下:


原因是我最近装了mysql,环境变量里的字符数有2181个,字符过长,删掉了不用的不重要的环境变量,字符数降到1849个(字符数在2048个以内即可),打开VS2013和SQL Server,一切正常。


C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Fabric 1.5 & MySQL Utilities 1.5\;C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Fabric 1.5 & MySQL Utilities 1.5\Doctrine extensions for PHP\


I had exactly same problem. Symptoms:

- unable start Sql Server Managment Studio 2012 and Visual Studio 2010 SP1 with above message "Exception has been thrown...." (VS2012 also installed)

- missing icons for Windows Explorer on taskbar and icons for some system tools (Services, Event Viewer), unable to start Windows Explorer clicking to shortcut on taskbar

- temporary solution terminating explorer.exe and re-execute it using  Task Manager working for me but only to next RDP session (connection/disconection) or installing/uninstalling any application

- before re-executing explorer.exe was PATH variable in cmd window empty (or contains only user specific setting)

The reason of problem in my environment was too long environment variable PATH (2312 characters), after shorten bellow 2048 characters the problem was solved.

Hope help you,

Eduard Koucky.


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