A simple way to crack VBA password in Excel file
Unbelivibale, but I found a very simple way that really works! Do the follwoing: 1. Create a new simple excel file. 2. In the VBA part, set a simple password (say - 1234). 3. Save the file and exit. 4. Open the file you just created with a simple editor. 5. Copy the lines starting with the following keys: CMG= DPB=... GC=... 6. with a simple editor (again), open the excel file you don;t know the VBA password for, and paste the above copied lines from the dummy file. 7. save the excel file and exit. 8. Now, open the excel file you need to see the VBA code in. The password for the VBA code will simply be 1234 (as in the example I'm showing here). Simply works... Enjoy! Alen Ads by Google
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