使用 Connector/C++ 查询 Mysql , 连续调用存储过程时


Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now,state:HY000



Because CALL can return multiple results, process them using a loop that calls mysql_next_result() to determine whether there are more results. "

Connector/C++ 封装后,使用  getMoreResults() 函数来读取下一个 resultset;


     // 查询存储过程
prepareState.reset(con->prepareStatement("call test.testproc1(?)"));
prepareState->executeUpdate(); result.reset(prepareState->getResultSet());
// 输出结果
int id = result->getInt("id");
string name = result->getString("name");
} while(prepareState->getMoreResults()) //注意这里, 调用 getMoreResults() 把所有的 resultset读出来
result.reset(prepareState->getResultSet()); //对下一组result set 做某些东西
prepareState.reset(con->prepareStatement("call test.testproc3(?)"));
prepareState->executeUpdate(); result.reset(prepareState->getResultSet());
// 输出结果
int id = result->getInt("id");
string name = result->getString("name");
} while (prepareState->getMoreResults())

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