CORS support for ASP.NET Web API (转载)
CORS support for ASP.NET Web API
Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) is a standard that allows web pages to make AJAX requests to another domain. It relaxes the same-origin policy implemented on the web browsers that limits the calls to be within the same domain.
The CORS spec ( defines the way the server and browser interact in order to make cross origin calls (that is, cross domain). Most of the modern browsers today already support CORS. Our goal is to enable the support for our Web API services.
Required Assemblies
This assembly contains the core CORS library and has no dependency on System.Web.dll or System.Web.Http.dll.
This assembly contains the library for enabling CORS on Web API and has dependency on System.Web.Cors.dll and System.Web.Http.dll.
Enabling CORS
We’ve added a new extension method to the HttpConfiguration to enable CORS. With this, you can enable the support globally, per controller or per action.
You can define a global setting when calling EnableCors. For example, the following will enable CORS globally, allowing all origins, methods, and headers. There are many settings on the EnableCorsAttribute that you can configure and are shown later in this document.
using System.Web.Http.Cors;
public static class WebApiConfig
public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
// other settings removed for clarity config.EnableCors(new EnableCorsAttribute());
Per Controller
The support can also be scoped to the controller. First you just need to call EnableCors without providing a global setting (that is, (new EnableCorsAttribute()).
using System.Web.Http.Cors;
public static class WebApiConfig
public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
// other settings removed for clarity config.EnableCors();
Then you can declare the EnableCorsAttribute on the controller to enable CORS.
public class ValuesController : ApiController
public IEnumerable<string> Get()
return new string[] { "value1", "value2" };
} public string Get(int id)
return "value " + id;
Per Action
In a similar fashion, you can enable CORS on a single action by first calling EnableCors.
using System.Web.Http.Cors;
public static class WebApiConfig
public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
// other settings removed for clarity config.EnableCors();
And then declare the EnableCorsAttribute on an action.
public class ValuesController : ApiController
public IEnumerable<string> Get()
return new string[] { "value1", "value2" };
} [EnableCors]
public string Get(int id)
return "value " + id;
Attribute precedence
When you have the EnableCorsAttribute applied on all scopes (globally, per-controller, per-action), the closest one to the resource wins. Therefore the precedence is defined as follows:
- Action
- Controller
- Global
Excluding a controller or an action from EnableCors
You can use [DisableCors] attribute to exclude a controller or and action from the global or per-controller settings. For example, the following will enable CORS for all the actions in the ValuesController except for Get(int id).
public class ValuesController : ApiController
public IEnumerable<string> Get()
return new string[] { "value1", "value2" };
} [DisableCors]
public string Get(int id)
return "value " + id;
Configuring [EnableCors] attribute
There’re few settings under the EnableCorsAttribute. These settings are defined by the CORS spec (
- Origins
- Headers
- Methods
- ExposedHeaders
- SupportsCredentials
- PreflightMaxAge
By default, EnableCorsAttribute will allow all origins, methods and headers. Note that when you declare the attribute on an action it automatically assumes the HTTP Method of the action that you declared on.
As soon as you specify the origins, you are basically limiting the access to the specified origins. The same applies to the methods and the headers.
For example, the following will only allow “http://localhost” and “” to access the ValuesController from the browser though AJAX. Note that it is still allowing any methods and headers because they’re not specified.
[EnableCors(Origins = new[] { "http://localhost", "" })]
public class ValuesController : ApiController
public IEnumerable<string> Get()
return new string[] { "value1", "value2" };
} public string Get(int id)
return "value " + id;
Implementing a custom ICorsPolicyProvider
You can implement ICorsPolicyProvider to load the CORS settings/policy dynamically from other sources such as the web.config file or a database. In fact, both the EnableCorsAttribute and DisableCorsAttribute implement this interface internally.(这里就是让Cors可以从数据库或配置文件读取访问策略的关键所在)
namespace System.Web.Http.Cors
public interface ICorsPolicyProvider
Task GetCorsPolicyAsync(HttpRequestMessage request);
Note that the ICorsPolicyProvider is async so that we don’t block the thread on I/O.
Here is a custom implementation of ICorsPolicyProvider that loads the origins from web.config.
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple = false)]
public class EnableCorsAppSettingsAttribute : Attribute, ICorsPolicyProvider
private CorsPolicy _policy; public EnableCorsAppSettingsAttribute(string appSettingOriginKey)
_policy = new CorsPolicy
AllowAnyMethod = true,
AllowAnyHeader = true
}; // loads the origins from AppSettings
string originsString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[appSettingOriginKey];
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(originsString))
foreach (var origin in originsString.Split(','))
} public Task<CorsPolicy> GetCorsPolicyAsync(HttpRequestMessage request)
return Task.FromResult(_policy);
You can apply it on the controller/action just like EnableCorsAttribute.
public class ValuesController : ApiController
public IEnumerable<string> Get()
return new string[] { "value1", "value2" };
} public string Get(int id)
return "value " + id;
And it will read the “internal:origins” appSetting from the web.config.
<add key="webpages:Version" value="" />
<add key="webpages:Enabled" value="false" />
<add key="PreserveLoginUrl" value="true" />
<add key="ClientValidationEnabled" value="true" />
<add key="UnobtrusiveJavaScriptEnabled" value="true" />
<add key="internal:origins" value="," />
Implementing a custom ICorsPolicyProviderFactory
ICorsPolicyProviderFactory is an abstraction that allows you to specify how the ICorsPolicyProvider is retrieved. By default we provide the AttributeBasedPolicyProviderFactory which allows you to specify the ICorsPolicyProvider as attributes ([EnableCors], [DisableCors]). However you can extend the ICorsPolicyProviderFactory to create a centralized configuration model.
namespace System.Web.Http.Cors
public interface ICorsPolicyProviderFactory
ICorsPolicyProvider GetCorsPolicyProvider(HttpRequestMessage request);
You can register the custom ICorsPolicyProviderFactory through SetCorsPolicyProviderFactory extension method.
public static class HttpConfigurationExtensions
// other extensions removed for clarity
public static void SetCorsPolicyProviderFactory(this HttpConfiguration httpConfiguration, ICorsPolicyProviderFactory corsPolicyProviderFactory);
Here is a custom implementation of ICorsPolicyProviderFactory that allows you to configure the CORS settings through your own CorsConfiguration class instead of attributes.
public class ConfigBasedPolicyProviderFactory : ICorsPolicyProviderFactory
private CorsConfiguration _configuration; public ConfigBasedPolicyProviderFactory(CorsConfiguration configuration)
_configuration = configuration;
} public ICorsPolicyProvider GetCorsPolicyProvider(HttpRequestMessage request)
var routeData = request.GetRouteData();
if (routeData == null || !routeData.Values.Keys.Contains("controller"))
return null;
var controller = routeData.Values["controller"] as string;
return _configuration.GetPolicyForRequest(controller);
public class CorsConfiguration
private Dictionary<string, EnableCorsAttribute> _settings =
new Dictionary<string, EnableCorsAttribute>(); public void AddSetting(string controller, EnableCorsAttribute policyProvider)
_settings.Add(controller, policyProvider);
} public virtual EnableCorsAttribute GetPolicyForRequest(string controller)
EnableCorsAttribute policyProvider;
_settings.TryGetValue(controller, out policyProvider);
return policyProvider;
Once the ConfigBasedPolicyProviderFactory is registered, it will enable CORS on ValuesController and UsersController.
CorsConfiguration corsConfig = new CorsConfiguration();
corsConfig.AddSetting("Values", new EnableCorsAttribute());
corsConfig.AddSetting("Users", new EnableCorsAttribute { Origins = new[] { "http://localhost" } });
config.SetCorsPolicyProviderFactory(new ConfigBasedPolicyProviderFactory(corsConfig)); config.EnableCors();
Integration with Web API Tracing
When you call config.EnableCors(), it automatically adds the necessary tracers when the ITraceWriter is provided.
using System.Web.Http.Cors;
public static class WebApiConfig
public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
// other settings removed for clarity config.EnableSystemDiagnosticsTracing(); config.EnableCors();
It will emit traces similar to what’s highlighted below when you have the Web API tracing package installed and enabled.
iisexpress.exe Information: 0 : Request, Method=GET, Url=http://localhost:33150/api/Values, Message='http://localhost:33150/api/Values'
iisexpress.exe Information: 0 : Message='Will use same 'JsonMediaTypeFormatter' formatter', Operation=JsonMediaTypeFormatter.GetPerRequestFormatterInstance
iisexpress.exe Information: 0 : Message='Will use same 'XmlMediaTypeFormatter' formatter', Operation=XmlMediaTypeFormatter.GetPerRequestFormatterInstance
iisexpress.exe Information: 0 : Message='Will use same 'FormUrlEncodedMediaTypeFormatter' formatter', Operation=FormUrlEncodedMediaTypeFormatter.GetPerRequestFormatterInstance
iisexpress.exe Information: 0 : Message='Will use same 'JQueryMvcFormUrlEncodedFormatter' formatter', Operation=JQueryMvcFormUrlEncodedFormatter.GetPerRequestFormatterInstance
iisexpress.exe Information: 0 : Message='Values', Operation=DefaultHttpControllerSelector.SelectController
iisexpress.exe Information: 0 : Message='CorsSample.Controllers.ValuesController', Operation=DefaultHttpControllerActivator.Create
iisexpress.exe Information: 0 : Message='CorsSample.Controllers.ValuesController', Operation=HttpControllerDescriptor.CreateController
iisexpress.exe Information: 0 : Message='Selected action 'Get()'', Operation=ApiControllerActionSelector.SelectAction
iisexpress.exe Information: 0 : Operation=HttpActionBinding.ExecuteBindingAsync
iisexpress.exe Information: 0 : Operation=QueryableAttribute.ActionExecuting
iisexpress.exe Information: 0 : Message='Action returned 'System.String[]'', Operation=ReflectedHttpActionDescriptor.ExecuteAsync
iisexpress.exe Information: 0 : Message='Will use same 'JsonMediaTypeFormatter' formatter', Operation=JsonMediaTypeFormatter.GetPerRequestFormatterInstance
iisexpress.exe Information: 0 : Message='Selected formatter='JsonMediaTypeFormatter', content-type='application/json; charset=utf-8'', Operation=DefaultContentNegotiator.Negotiate
iisexpress.exe Information: 0 : Operation=ApiControllerActionInvoker.InvokeActionAsync, Status=200 (OK)
iisexpress.exe Information: 0 : Operation=QueryableAttribute.ActionExecuted, Status=200 (OK)
iisexpress.exe Information: 0 : Operation=ValuesController.ExecuteAsync, Status=200 (OK)
iisexpress.exe Information: 0 : Response, Status=200 (OK), Method=GET, Url=http://localhost:33150/api/Values, Message='Content-type='application/json; charset=utf-8', content-length=unknown'
iisexpress.exe Information: 0 : Operation=CorsMessageHandler.SendAsync, Status=200 (OK)
iisexpress.exe Information: 0 : Message='CorsPolicyProvider selected: 'System.Web.Http.Cors.EnableCorsAttribute'', Operation=ConfigBasedPolicyProviderFactory.GetCorsPolicyProvider
iisexpress.exe Information: 0 : Message='CorsPolicy selected: 'AllowAnyHeader: True, AllowAnyMethod: True, AllowAnyOrigin: True, PreflightMaxAge: null, SupportsCredentials: False, Origins: {}, Methods: {}, Headers: {}, ExposedHeaders: {}'', Operation=EnableCorsAttribute.GetCorsPolicyAsync
iisexpress.exe Information: 0 : Message='CorsResult returned: 'IsValid: True, AllowCredentials: False, PreflightMaxAge: null, AllowOrigin: *, AllowExposedHeaders: {}, AllowHeaders: {}, AllowMethods: {}, ErrorMessages: {}'', Operation=CorsEngine.EvaluatePolicy
iisexpress.exe Information: 0 : Operation=JsonMediaTypeFormatter.WriteToStreamAsync
iisexpress.exe Information: 0 : Operation=ValuesController.Dispose
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