I am playing with jsplumb, but I am not able to delete the connection between two divs having only the id of one div.

If you've multiple connections from or to elements, detaching all connections is maybe not the best solution to delete a connection. There is a (not well documented) function to detach exactly one connection:

jsPlumb.detach(connection, {
fireEvent: false, //fire a connection detached event?
forceDetach: false //override any beforeDetach listeners

In my example, I want to delete a connection when the connector is clicked:

 jsPlumb.bind('click', function (connection, e) {


I found the solution in the documentation (http://jsplumb.org/doc/usage.html)



If source div or target div id is already known, then you can delete the connection like this:

var conn = jsPlumb.getConnections({
//only one of source and target is needed, better if both setted
source: sourceId,
target: targetId
if (conn[0]) {

You can also use jsPlumb.getAllConnections() to get the array of all connections, and test every connection's sourceId or targetId to get exactly the connection you need;


After all the endpoint connections, to and from the element are deleted, you need to detach it as shown in the 3rd line



Hi you can refer to this: Detach connection jsPlumb

This block of code allows to detach connection if a connection was clicked:

jsPlumb.bind("click", function(conn) {


This code removes all "wrong" connections in a game I'm developing. I hope it helps

var wrong_connections = new Array(DB_ID, ANOTHER_DB_ID);
var connections = jsPlumb.getConnections();
$.each(connections, function(index, value) { // going through all connections
var source_id = value.source.attr('id').substring(28); // I need the ID from DB so I`m getting it from the source element
for (var a = 0; a < wrong_connections.length; a++) {
if (source_id == wrong_connections[a]) {



works. Though it's old I'd like to add that finding out what methods a library has, provided it's self descriptive enough is quite easy.


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