path-control demo js
THREE.Spline = function(a) {
function b(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
a = 0.5 * (c - a);
d = 0.5 * (d - b);
return (2 * (b - c) + a + d) * g + (-3 * (b - c) - 2 * a - d) * f + a * e + b
this.points = a;
var c = [], d = {
x: 0,
y: 0,
z: 0
}, e, f, g, h, i, j, m, p, l;
this.initFromArray = function(a) {
this.points = [];
for (var b = 0; b < a.length; b++)
this.points[b] = {
x: a[b][0],
y: a[b][1],
z: a[b][2]
this.getPoint = function(a) {
e = (this.points.length - 1) * a;
f = Math.floor(e);
g = e - f;
c[0] = 0 === f ? f : f - 1;
c[1] = f;
c[2] = f > this.points.length - 2 ? this.points.length - 1 : f + 1;
c[3] = f > this.points.length - 3 ? this.points.length - 1 : f + 2;
j = this.points[c[0]];
m = this.points[c[1]];
p = this.points[c[2]];
l = this.points[c[3]];
h = g * g;
i = g * h;
d.x = b(j.x, m.x, p.x, l.x, g, h, i);
d.y = b(j.y, m.y, p.y, l.y, g, h, i);
d.z = b(j.z, m.z, p.z, l.z, g, h, i);
return d
this.getControlPointsArray = function() {
var a, b, c = this.points.length, d = [];
for (a = 0; a < c; a++)
b = this.points[a],
d[a] = [b.x, b.y, b.z];
return d
this.getLength = function(a) {
var b, c, d, e = b = b = 0, f = new THREE.Vector3, g = new THREE.Vector3, h = [], i = 0;
h[0] = 0;
a || (a = 100);
c = this.points.length * a;
for (a = 1; a < c; a++)
b = a / c,
d = this.getPoint(b),
i += g.distanceTo(f),
b *= this.points.length - 1,
b = Math.floor(b),
b != e && (h[b] = i,
e = b);
h[h.length] = i;
return {
chunks: h,
total: i
this.reparametrizeByArcLength = function(a) {
var b, c, d, e, f, g, h = [], i = new THREE.Vector3, j = this.getLength();
for (b = 1; b < this.points.length; b++) {
c = j.chunks[b] - j.chunks[b - 1];
g = Math.ceil(a * c /;
e = (b - 1) / (this.points.length - 1);
f = b / (this.points.length - 1);
for (c = 1; c < g - 1; c++)
d = e + c * (1 / g) * (f - e),
d = this.getPoint(d),
this.points = h
THREE.Animation2Handler = function() {
var a = []
, b = {}
, c = {
update: function(b) {
for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++)
addToUpdate: function(b) {
-1 === a.indexOf(b) && a.push(b)
removeFromUpdate: function(b) {
b = a.indexOf(b);
-1 !== b && a.splice(b, 1)
add: function(a) {
void 0 !== b[] && console.log("THREE.Animation2Handler.add: Warning! " + + " already exists in library. Overwriting.");
b[] = a;
if (!0 !== a.initialized) {
for (var c = 0; c < a.hierarchy.length; c++) {
for (var d = 0; d < a.hierarchy[c].keys.length; d++)
if (0 > a.hierarchy[c].keys[d].time && (a.hierarchy[c].keys[d].time = 0),
void 0 !== a.hierarchy[c].keys[d].rot && !(a.hierarchy[c].keys[d].rot instanceof THREE.Quaternion)) {
var h = a.hierarchy[c].keys[d].rot;
a.hierarchy[c].keys[d].rot = new THREE.Quaternion(h[0],h[1],h[2],h[3])
if (a.hierarchy[c].keys.length && void 0 !== a.hierarchy[c].keys[0].morphTargets) {
h = {};
for (d = 0; d < a.hierarchy[c].keys.length; d++)
for (var i = 0; i < a.hierarchy[c].keys[d].morphTargets.length; i++) {
var j = a.hierarchy[c].keys[d].morphTargets[i];
h[j] = -1
a.hierarchy[c].usedMorphTargets = h;
for (d = 0; d < a.hierarchy[c].keys.length; d++) {
var m = {};
for (j in h) {
for (i = 0; i < a.hierarchy[c].keys[d].morphTargets.length; i++)
if (a.hierarchy[c].keys[d].morphTargets[i] === j) {
m[j] = a.hierarchy[c].keys[d].morphTargetsInfluences[i];
i === a.hierarchy[c].keys[d].morphTargets.length && (m[j] = 0)
a.hierarchy[c].keys[d].morphTargetsInfluences = m
for (d = 1; d < a.hierarchy[c].keys.length; d++)
a.hierarchy[c].keys[d].time === a.hierarchy[c].keys[d - 1].time && (a.hierarchy[c].keys.splice(d, 1),
for (d = 0; d < a.hierarchy[c].keys.length; d++)
a.hierarchy[c].keys[d].index = d
d = parseInt(a.length * a.fps, 10);
a.JIT = {};
a.JIT.hierarchy = [];
for (c = 0; c < a.hierarchy.length; c++)
a.initialized = !0
get: function(a) {
if ("string" === typeof a) {
if (b[a])
return b[a];
console.log("THREE.Animation2Handler.get: Couldn't find animation " + a);
return null
parse: function(a) {
var b = [];
if (a instanceof THREE.SkinnedMesh)
for (var c = 0; c < a.bones.length; c++)
d(a, b);
return b
, d = function(a, b) {
for (var c = 0; c < a.children.length; c++)
d(a.children[c], b)
c.LINEAR = 0;
return c
THREE.Animation2 = function(a, b, c) {
this.root = a; = THREE.Animation2Handler.get(b);
this.hierarchy = THREE.Animation2Handler.parse(a);
this.currentTime = 0;
this.timeScale = 1;
this.isPlaying = !1;
this.loop = this.isPaused = !0;
this.interpolationType = void 0 !== c ? c : THREE.Animation2Handler.LINEAR;
this.points = []; = new THREE.Vector3
; = function(a, b) {
if (!1 === this.isPlaying) {
this.isPlaying = !0;
this.loop = void 0 !== a ? a : !0;
this.currentTime = void 0 !== b ? b : 0;
var c, d = this.hierarchy.length, e;
for (c = 0; c < d; c++) {
e = this.hierarchy[c];
this.interpolationType !== THREE.Animation2Handler.CATMULLROM_FORWARD && (e.useQuaternion = !0);
e.matrixAutoUpdate = !0;
void 0 === e.animationCache && (e.animationCache = {},
e.animationCache.prevKey = {
pos: 0,
rot: 0,
scl: 0
e.animationCache.nextKey = {
pos: 0,
rot: 0,
scl: 0
e.animationCache.originalMatrix = e instanceof THREE.Bone ? e.skinMatrix : e.matrix);
var f = e.animationCache.prevKey;
e = e.animationCache.nextKey;
f.pos =[c].keys[0];
f.rot =[c].keys[0];
f.scl =[c].keys[0];
e.pos = this.getNextKeyWith("pos", c, 1);
e.rot = this.getNextKeyWith("rot", c, 1);
e.scl = this.getNextKeyWith("scl", c, 1)
this.isPaused = !1;
THREE.Animation2.prototype.pause = function() {
!0 === this.isPaused ? THREE.Animation2Handler.addToUpdate(this) : THREE.Animation2Handler.removeFromUpdate(this);
this.isPaused = !this.isPaused
THREE.Animation2.prototype.stop = function() {
this.isPaused = this.isPlaying = !1;
THREE.Animation2.prototype.update = function(a) {
if (!1 !== this.isPlaying) {
var b = ["pos", "rot", "scl"], c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, m;
m = this.currentTime += a * this.timeScale;
j = this.currentTime %=;
parseInt(Math.min(j *, *, 10);
for (var p = 0, l = this.hierarchy.length; p < l; p++) {
a = this.hierarchy[p];
i = a.animationCache;
for (var r = 0; 3 > r; r++) {
c = b[r];
g = i.prevKey[c];
h = i.nextKey[c];
if (h.time <= m) {
if (j < m)
if (this.loop) {
g =[p].keys[0];
for (h = this.getNextKeyWith(c, p, 1); h.time < j; )
g = h,
h = this.getNextKeyWith(c, p, h.index + 1)
} else {
else {
g = h,
h = this.getNextKeyWith(c, p, h.index + 1);
while (h.time < j)
i.prevKey[c] = g;
i.nextKey[c] = h
a.matrixAutoUpdate = !0;
a.matrixWorldNeedsUpdate = !0;
d = (j - g.time) / (h.time - g.time);
e = g[c];
f = h[c];
if (0 > d || 1 < d)
console.log("THREE.Animation2.update: Warning! Scale out of bounds:" + d + " on bone " + p),
d = 0 > d ? 0 : 1;
if ("pos" === c)
if (c = a.position,
this.interpolationType === THREE.Animation2Handler.LINEAR)
c.x = e[0] + (f[0] - e[0]) * d,
c.y = e[1] + (f[1] - e[1]) * d,
c.z = e[2] + (f[2] - e[2]) * d;
else {
if (this.interpolationType === THREE.Animation2Handler.CATMULLROM || this.interpolationType === THREE.Animation2Handler.CATMULLROM_FORWARD)
this.points[0] = this.getPrevKeyWith("pos", p, g.index - 1).pos,
this.points[1] = e,
this.points[2] = f,
this.points[3] = this.getNextKeyWith("pos", p, h.index + 1).pos,
d = 0.33 * d + 0.33,
e = this.interpolateCatmullRom(this.points, d),
c.x = e[0],
c.y = e[1],
c.z = e[2],
this.interpolationType === THREE.Animation2Handler.CATMULLROM_FORWARD && (d = this.interpolateCatmullRom(this.points, 1.01 * d),[0], d[1], d[2]),, = 0,,
d = Math.atan2(,,
a.rotation.set(0, d, 0))
"rot" === c ? THREE.Quaternion.slerp(e, f, a.quaternion, d) : "scl" === c && (c = a.scale,
c.x = e[0] + (f[0] - e[0]) * d,
c.y = e[1] + (f[1] - e[1]) * d,
c.z = e[2] + (f[2] - e[2]) * d)
THREE.Animation2.prototype.interpolateCatmullRom = function(a, b) {
var c = [], d = [], e, f, g, h, i, j;
e = (a.length - 1) * b;
f = Math.floor(e);
e -= f;
c[0] = 0 === f ? f : f - 1;
c[1] = f;
c[2] = f > a.length - 2 ? f : f + 1;
c[3] = f > a.length - 3 ? f : f + 2;
f = a[c[0]];
h = a[c[1]];
i = a[c[2]];
j = a[c[3]];
c = e * e;
g = e * c;
d[0] = this.interpolate(f[0], h[0], i[0], j[0], e, c, g);
d[1] = this.interpolate(f[1], h[1], i[1], j[1], e, c, g);
d[2] = this.interpolate(f[2], h[2], i[2], j[2], e, c, g);
return d
THREE.Animation2.prototype.interpolate = function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
a = 0.5 * (c - a);
d = 0.5 * (d - b);
return (2 * (b - c) + a + d) * g + (-3 * (b - c) - 2 * a - d) * f + a * e + b
THREE.Animation2.prototype.getNextKeyWith = function(a, b, c) {
for (var d =[b].keys, c = this.interpolationType === THREE.Animation2Handler.CATMULLROM || this.interpolationType === THREE.Animation2Handler.CATMULLROM_FORWARD ? c < d.length - 1 ? c : d.length - 1 : c % d.length; c < d.length; c++)
if (void 0 !== d[c][a])
return d[c];
THREE.Animation2.prototype.getPrevKeyWith = function(a, b, c) {
for (var d =[b].keys, c = this.interpolationType === THREE.Animation2Handler.CATMULLROM || this.interpolationType === THREE.Animation2Handler.CATMULLROM_FORWARD ? 0 < c ? c : 0 : 0 <= c ? c : c + d.length; 0 <= c; c--)
if (void 0 !== d[c][a])
return d[c];
return[b].keys[d.length - 1]
* @author alteredq /
THREE.PathControls = function ( object, domElement ) {
this.object = object;
this.domElement = ( domElement !== undefined ) ? domElement : document; = "PathControls" + THREE.PathControlsIdCounter ++;
// API
this.duration = 10 * 1000; // milliseconds
this.waypoints = [];
this.useConstantSpeed = true;
this.resamplingCoef = 50;
this.debugPath = new THREE.Object3D();
this.debugDummy = new THREE.Object3D();
this.animationParent = new THREE.Object3D();
this.lookSpeed = 0.005;
this.lookVertical = true;
this.lookHorizontal = true;
this.verticalAngleMap = { srcRange: [ 0, 2 * Math.PI ], dstRange: [ 0, 2 * Math.PI ] };
this.horizontalAngleMap = { srcRange: [ 0, 2 * Math.PI ], dstRange: [ 0, 2 * Math.PI ] };
// internals = new THREE.Object3D();
this.mouseX = 0;
this.mouseY = 0; = 0;
this.lon = 0;
this.phi = 0;
this.theta = 0;
var PI2 = Math.PI * 2;
this.viewHalfX = 0;
this.viewHalfY = 0;
if ( this.domElement !== document ) {
this.domElement.setAttribute( 'tabindex', -1 );
// methods
this.handleResize = function () {
if ( this.domElement === document ) {
this.viewHalfX = window.innerWidth / 2;
this.viewHalfY = window.innerHeight / 2;
} else {
this.viewHalfX = this.domElement.offsetWidth / 2;
this.viewHalfY = this.domElement.offsetHeight / 2;
this.update = function ( delta ) {
var srcRange, dstRange;
if( this.lookHorizontal ) this.lon += this.mouseX * this.lookSpeed * delta;
if( this.lookVertical ) -= this.mouseY * this.lookSpeed * delta;
this.lon = Math.max( 0, Math.min( 360, this.lon ) ); = Math.max( - 85, Math.min( 85, ) );
this.phi = THREE.Math.degToRad( 90 - );
this.theta = THREE.Math.degToRad( this.lon );
this.phi = normalize_angle_rad( this.phi );
// constrain vertical look angle
srcRange = this.verticalAngleMap.srcRange;
dstRange = this.verticalAngleMap.dstRange;
var tmpPhi = THREE.Math.mapLinear( this.phi, srcRange[ 0 ], srcRange[ 1 ], dstRange[ 0 ], dstRange[ 1 ] );
var tmpPhiFullRange = dstRange[ 1 ] - dstRange[ 0 ];
var tmpPhiNormalized = ( tmpPhi - dstRange[ 0 ] ) / tmpPhiFullRange;
this.phi = QuadraticEaseInOut( tmpPhiNormalized ) * tmpPhiFullRange + dstRange[ 0 ];
// constrain horizontal look angle
srcRange = this.horizontalAngleMap.srcRange;
dstRange = this.horizontalAngleMap.dstRange;
var tmpTheta = THREE.Math.mapLinear( this.theta, srcRange[ 0 ], srcRange[ 1 ], dstRange[ 0 ], dstRange[ 1 ] );
var tmpThetaFullRange = dstRange[ 1 ] - dstRange[ 0 ];
var tmpThetaNormalized = ( tmpTheta - dstRange[ 0 ] ) / tmpThetaFullRange;
this.theta = QuadraticEaseInOut( tmpThetaNormalized ) * tmpThetaFullRange + dstRange[ 0 ];
var targetPosition =,
position = this.object.position;
targetPosition.x = 100 * Math.sin( this.phi ) * Math.cos( this.theta );
targetPosition.y = 100 * Math.cos( this.phi );
targetPosition.z = 100 * Math.sin( this.phi ) * Math.sin( this.theta );
this.object.lookAt( );
this.onMouseMove = function ( event ) {
if ( this.domElement === document ) {
this.mouseX = event.pageX - this.viewHalfX;
this.mouseY = event.pageY - this.viewHalfY;
} else {
this.mouseX = event.pageX - this.domElement.offsetLeft - this.viewHalfX;
this.mouseY = event.pageY - this.domElement.offsetTop - this.viewHalfY;
// utils
function normalize_angle_rad( a ) {
var b = a % PI2;
return b >= 0 ? b : b + PI2;
function distance( a, b ) {
var dx = a[ 0 ] - b[ 0 ],
dy = a[ 1 ] - b[ 1 ],
dz = a[ 2 ] - b[ 2 ];
return Math.sqrt( dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz );
function QuadraticEaseInOut ( k ) {
if ( ( k *= 2 ) < 1 ) return 0.5 * k * k;
return - 0.5 * ( --k * ( k - 2 ) - 1 );
function bind( scope, fn ) {
return function () {
fn.apply( scope, arguments );
function initAnimationPath( parent, spline, name, duration ) {
var animationData = {
name: name,
fps: 0.6,
length: duration,
hierarchy: []
var i,
parentAnimation, childAnimation,
path = spline.getControlPointsArray(),
sl = spline.getLength(),
pl = path.length,
t = 0,
first = 0,
last = pl - 1;
parentAnimation = { parent: -1, keys: [] };
parentAnimation.keys[ first ] = { time: 0, pos: path[ first ], rot: [ 0, 0, 0, 1 ], scl: [ 1, 1, 1 ] };
parentAnimation.keys[ last ] = { time: duration, pos: path[ last ], rot: [ 0, 0, 0, 1 ], scl: [ 1, 1, 1 ] };
for ( i = 1; i < pl - 1; i++ ) {
// real distance (approximation via linear segments)
t = duration * sl.chunks[ i ] /;
// equal distance
//t = duration * ( i / pl );
// linear distance
//t += duration * distance( path[ i ], path[ i - 1 ] ) /;
parentAnimation.keys[ i ] = { time: t, pos: path[ i ] };
animationData.hierarchy[ 0 ] = parentAnimation;
THREE.Animation2Handler.add( animationData );
return new THREE.Animation2( parent, name, THREE.Animation2Handler.CATMULLROM_FORWARD, false );
function createSplineGeometry( spline, n_sub ) {
var i, index, position,
geometry = new THREE.Geometry();
for ( i = 0; i < spline.points.length * n_sub; i ++ ) {
index = i / ( spline.points.length * n_sub );
position = spline.getPoint( index );
geometry.vertices[ i ] = new THREE.Vector3( position.x, position.y, position.z );
return geometry;
function createPath( parent, spline ) {
var lineGeo = createSplineGeometry( spline, 10 ),
particleGeo = createSplineGeometry( spline, 10 ),
lineMat = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial( { color: 0xff0000, linewidth: 3 } ),
lineObj = new THREE.Line( lineGeo, lineMat ),
particleObj = new THREE.ParticleSystem( particleGeo, new THREE.ParticleBasicMaterial( { color: 0xffaa00, size: 3 } ) );
lineObj.scale.set( 1, 1, 1 );
parent.add( lineObj );
particleObj.scale.set( 1, 1, 1 );
parent.add( particleObj );
var waypoint,
geo = new THREE.SphereGeometry( 1, 16, 8 ),
mat = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { color: 0x00ff00 } );
for ( var i = 0; i < spline.points.length; i ++ ) {
waypoint = new THREE.Mesh( geo, mat );
waypoint.position.copy( spline.points[ i ] );
parent.add( waypoint );
this.init = function ( ) {
// constructor
this.spline = new THREE.Spline();
this.spline.initFromArray( this.waypoints );
if ( this.useConstantSpeed ) {
this.spline.reparametrizeByArcLength( this.resamplingCoef );
if ( this.createDebugDummy ) {
var dummyParentMaterial = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial( { color: 0x0077ff } ),
dummyChildMaterial = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial( { color: 0x00ff00 } ),
dummyParentGeo = new THREE.CubeGeometry( 10, 10, 20 ),
dummyChildGeo = new THREE.CubeGeometry( 2, 2, 10 );
this.animationParent = new THREE.Mesh( dummyParentGeo, dummyParentMaterial );
var dummyChild = new THREE.Mesh( dummyChildGeo, dummyChildMaterial );
dummyChild.position.set( 0, 10, 0 );
this.animation = initAnimationPath( this.animationParent, this.spline,, this.duration );
this.animationParent.add( this.object );
this.animationParent.add( );
this.animationParent.add( dummyChild );
} else {
this.animation = initAnimationPath( this.animationParent, this.spline,, this.duration );
this.animationParent.add( );
this.animationParent.add( this.object );
if ( this.createDebugPath ) {
createPath( this.debugPath, this.spline );
this.domElement.addEventListener( 'mousemove', bind( this, this.onMouseMove ), false );
THREE.PathControlsIdCounter = 0;
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将repository内hook子文件夹中的pre-revprop-change.tmpl复制改成pre-revprop-change.bat,内容改为:exit 0
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mysql server系统架构 逻辑模块组成: mysql逻辑模块可以分为两层架构,第一层是sql layer主要包括权限判断.sql解析.执行计划优化.query cache的处理等:第二层是存储 ...
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Hive/hbase/sqoop的基本使用教程~ ###Hbase基本命令 #启动hbasehbase shell #进入hbase编辑命令 list ...