WeRun is a mini-app within WeChat that allows users to monitor their daily step count. One of its most popular features is a leaderboard among friends that allows users to see how their results stack up against others.

At the end of each day, the friend with the most steps is allowed to change the picture on top of the leaderboard.

As an increasing number of people embrace WeRun, we wondered what we can learn about a person just from knowing their step count.

Here we take a closer look:

Fewer than 50 steps

Anyone who has achieved fewer than 50 steps in one day is probably ill, or could be depressed.

Maybe they were unlucky in love and have retreated to the sanctuary of their bedroom.

Or perhaps he or she is just too lazy to get out of the bed! Such people are more likely to have a high score on WeChat mini-games like Tiao Yi Tiao than a high step count.

50-500 steps

It's easy to rack up a few hundred steps. Even walking to your local shop to buy a snack will most likely be enough.

So someone who takes fewer than 500 steps a day may be relaxing with a favorite video game. Or, if it's the last day of summer vacation, they could be students busy finishing homework.

Another possibility is that the user is a woman, who has stayed home instead of going out because she can't decide what to wear!

So what do you think? Does a person's WeRun data reflect their character and personal situation? Or should we not jump to conclusions, even when actions speak louder than words?

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