吐个槽 棋牌类游戏做什么中国地图!!! 然后就要用到不规则按钮点击了 你懂的
213的unity虽然已经加入了polygoncollider 2d的支持 但是 但是 但是 是2d的 也就是说如果不把摄像机的event修改为 2d_ui 是不支持的 然后213的ngui点击事件都要依赖3d_ui
这就造成如果想同时支持规则按钮跟不规则按钮 只能使用一个2d摄像机 一个3d摄像机 还有一种办法就是增加事件类型同时处理两种情况 。。。。 就有了下面这段代码 纯抄袭 谢谢原作者
UICameraEditor 修改
//string[] options = new string[] { "3D World", "3D UI", "2D World", "2D UI" };
string[] options = new string[] { "3D World", "3D UI", "2D World", "2D UI", "UI_2D3D" };
uicamera 增加枚举类型定义 UI_2D3D,
// NGUI: Next-Gen UI kit
// Copyright © 2011-2016 Tasharen Entertainment
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
public class UICameraEditor : Editor
enum EventsGo
public override void OnInspectorGUI ()
UICamera cam = target as UICamera;
SerializedProperty et = serializedObject.FindProperty("eventType");
if (et.hasMultipleDifferentValues)
//string[] options = new string[] { "3D World", "3D UI", "2D World", "2D UI" };
string[] options = new string[] { "3D World", "3D UI", "2D World", "2D UI", "UI_2D3D" };
int val = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Event Type", et.intValue, options);
if (val != et.intValue) et.intValue = val;
SerializedProperty ev = serializedObject.FindProperty("eventsGoToColliders");
if (ev != null)
bool val = ev.boolValue;
bool newVal = EventsGo.Colliders == (EventsGo)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Events go to...",
ev.boolValue ? EventsGo.Colliders : EventsGo.Rigidbodies);
if (val != newVal) ev.boolValue = newVal;
if (UICamera.eventHandler != cam)
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(serializedObject.FindProperty("eventReceiverMask"), new GUIContent("Event Mask"));
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("All other settings are inherited from the First Camera.", MessageType.Info);
if (GUILayout.Button("Select the First Camera"))
Selection.activeGameObject = UICamera.eventHandler.gameObject;
SerializedProperty mouse = serializedObject.FindProperty("useMouse");
SerializedProperty touch = serializedObject.FindProperty("useTouch");
SerializedProperty keyboard = serializedObject.FindProperty("useKeyboard");
SerializedProperty controller = serializedObject.FindProperty("useController");
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(serializedObject.FindProperty("eventReceiverMask"), new GUIContent("Event Mask"));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(serializedObject.FindProperty("commandClick"), GUILayout.Width(140f));
GUILayout.Label("= Right-Click on OSX", GUILayout.MinWidth(30f));
EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(!mouse.boolValue && !touch.boolValue);
EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(!(mouse.boolValue && (touch.boolValue || controller.boolValue)));
GUILayout.Label("seconds", GUILayout.MinWidth(60f));
SerializedProperty rd = serializedObject.FindProperty("rangeDistance");
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(rd, new GUIContent("Raycast Range"));
GUILayout.Label(rd.floatValue < 0f ? "unlimited" : "units", GUILayout.MinWidth(60f));
if (NGUIEditorTools.DrawHeader("Event Sources"))
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(mouse, new GUIContent("Mouse"), GUILayout.MinWidth(100f));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(touch, new GUIContent("Touch"), GUILayout.MinWidth(100f));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(keyboard, new GUIContent("Keyboard"), GUILayout.MinWidth(100f));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(controller, new GUIContent("Controller"), GUILayout.MinWidth(100f));
if ((mouse.boolValue || touch.boolValue) && NGUIEditorTools.DrawHeader("Thresholds"))
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(serializedObject.FindProperty("mouseDragThreshold"), new GUIContent("Mouse Drag"), GUILayout.Width(120f));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(serializedObject.FindProperty("mouseClickThreshold"), new GUIContent("Mouse Click"), GUILayout.Width(120f));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(serializedObject.FindProperty("touchDragThreshold"), new GUIContent("Touch Drag"), GUILayout.Width(120f));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(serializedObject.FindProperty("touchClickThreshold"), new GUIContent("Touch Tap"), GUILayout.Width(120f));
if ((mouse.boolValue || keyboard.boolValue || controller.boolValue) && NGUIEditorTools.DrawHeader("Axes and Keys"))
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(serializedObject.FindProperty("horizontalAxisName"), new GUIContent("Navigate X"));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(serializedObject.FindProperty("verticalAxisName"), new GUIContent("Navigate Y"));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(serializedObject.FindProperty("horizontalPanAxisName"), new GUIContent("Pan X"));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(serializedObject.FindProperty("verticalPanAxisName"), new GUIContent("Pan Y"));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(serializedObject.FindProperty("scrollAxisName"), new GUIContent("Scroll"));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(serializedObject.FindProperty("submitKey0"), new GUIContent("Submit 1"));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(serializedObject.FindProperty("submitKey1"), new GUIContent("Submit 2"));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(serializedObject.FindProperty("cancelKey0"), new GUIContent("Cancel 1"));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(serializedObject.FindProperty("cancelKey1"), new GUIContent("Cancel 2"));
// NGUI: Next-Gen UI kit
// Copyright © 2011-2016 Tasharen Entertainment
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEditor;
/// <summary>
/// This script should be attached to each camera that's used to draw the objects with
/// UI components on them. This may mean only one camera (main camera or your UI camera),
/// or multiple cameras if you happen to have multiple viewports. Failing to attach this
/// script simply means that objects drawn by this camera won't receive UI notifications:
/// * OnHover (isOver) is sent when the mouse hovers over a collider or moves away.
/// * OnPress (isDown) is sent when a mouse button gets pressed on the collider.
/// * OnSelect (selected) is sent when a mouse button is first pressed on an object. Repeated presses won't result in an OnSelect(true).
/// * OnClick () is sent when a mouse is pressed and released on the same object.
/// UICamera.currentTouchID tells you which button was clicked.
/// * OnDoubleClick () is sent when the click happens twice within a fourth of a second.
/// UICamera.currentTouchID tells you which button was clicked.
/// * OnDragStart () is sent to a game object under the touch just before the OnDrag() notifications begin.
/// * OnDrag (delta) is sent to an object that's being dragged.
/// * OnDragOver (draggedObject) is sent to a game object when another object is dragged over its area.
/// * OnDragOut (draggedObject) is sent to a game object when another object is dragged out of its area.
/// * OnDragEnd () is sent to a dragged object when the drag event finishes.
/// * OnTooltip (show) is sent when the mouse hovers over a collider for some time without moving.
/// * OnScroll (float delta) is sent out when the mouse scroll wheel is moved.
/// * OnNavigate (KeyCode key) is sent when horizontal or vertical navigation axes are moved.
/// * OnPan (Vector2 delta) is sent when when horizontal or vertical panning axes are moved.
/// * OnKey (KeyCode key) is sent when keyboard or controller input is used.
/// </summary>
[AddComponentMenu("NGUI/UI/NGUI Event System (UICamera)")]
public class UICamera : MonoBehaviour
public enum ControlScheme
/// <summary>
/// Whether the touch event will be sending out the OnClick notification at the end.
/// </summary>
public enum ClickNotification
/// <summary>
/// Ambiguous mouse, touch, or controller event.
/// </summary>
public class MouseOrTouch
public KeyCode key = KeyCode.None;
public Vector2 pos; // Current position of the mouse or touch event
public Vector2 lastPos; // Previous position of the mouse or touch event
public Vector2 delta; // Delta since last update
public Vector2 totalDelta; // Delta since the event started being tracked
public Camera pressedCam; // Camera that the OnPress(true) was fired with
public GameObject last; // Last object under the touch or mouse
public GameObject current; // Current game object under the touch or mouse
public GameObject pressed; // Last game object to receive OnPress
public GameObject dragged; // Game object that's being dragged
public float pressTime = 0f; // When the touch event started
public float clickTime = 0f; // The last time a click event was sent out
public ClickNotification clickNotification = ClickNotification.Always;
public bool touchBegan = true;
public bool pressStarted = false;
public bool dragStarted = false;
public int ignoreDelta = 0;
/// <summary>
/// Delta time since the touch operation started.
/// </summary>
public float deltaTime { get { return RealTime.time - pressTime; } }
/// <summary>
/// Returns whether this touch is currently over a UI element.
/// </summary>
public bool isOverUI
return current != null && current != fallThrough && NGUITools.FindInParents<UIRoot>(current) != null;
/// <summary>
/// Camera type controls how raycasts are handled by the UICamera.
/// </summary>
public enum EventType : int
World_3D, // Perform a Physics.Raycast and sort by distance to the point that was hit.
UI_3D, // Perform a Physics.Raycast and sort by widget depth.
World_2D, // Perform a Physics2D.OverlapPoint
UI_2D, // Physics2D.OverlapPoint then sort by widget depth
/// <summary>
/// List of all active cameras in the scene.
/// </summary>
static public BetterList<UICamera> list = new BetterList<UICamera>();
public delegate bool GetKeyStateFunc (KeyCode key);
public delegate float GetAxisFunc (string name);
public delegate bool GetAnyKeyFunc ();
public delegate MouseOrTouch GetMouseDelegate (int button);
public delegate MouseOrTouch GetTouchDelegate (int id, bool createIfMissing);
public delegate void RemoveTouchDelegate (int id);
/// <summary>
/// GetKeyDown function -- return whether the specified key was pressed this Update().
/// </summary>
static public GetKeyStateFunc GetKeyDown = delegate(KeyCode key)
if (key >= KeyCode.JoystickButton0 && ignoreControllerInput) return false;
return Input.GetKeyDown(key);
/// <summary>
/// GetKeyDown function -- return whether the specified key was released this Update().
/// </summary>
static public GetKeyStateFunc GetKeyUp = delegate(KeyCode key)
if (key >= KeyCode.JoystickButton0 && ignoreControllerInput) return false;
return Input.GetKeyUp(key);
/// <summary>
/// GetKey function -- return whether the specified key is currently held.
/// </summary>
static public GetKeyStateFunc GetKey = delegate(KeyCode key)
if (key >= KeyCode.JoystickButton0 && ignoreControllerInput) return false;
return Input.GetKey(key);
/// <summary>
/// GetAxis function -- return the state of the specified axis.
/// </summary>
static public GetAxisFunc GetAxis = delegate(string axis)
if (ignoreControllerInput) return 0f;
return Input.GetAxis(axis);
/// <summary>
/// User-settable Input.anyKeyDown
/// </summary>
static public GetAnyKeyFunc GetAnyKeyDown;
/// <summary>
/// Get the details of the specified mouse button.
/// </summary>
static public GetMouseDelegate GetMouse = delegate(int button) { return mMouse[button]; };
/// <summary>
/// Get or create a touch event. If you are trying to iterate through a list of active touches, use activeTouches instead.
/// </summary>
static public GetTouchDelegate GetTouch = delegate(int id, bool createIfMissing)
if (id < 0) return GetMouse(-id - 1);
for (int i = 0, imax = mTouchIDs.Count; i < imax; ++i)
if (mTouchIDs[i] == id) return activeTouches[i];
if (createIfMissing)
MouseOrTouch touch = new MouseOrTouch();
touch.pressTime = RealTime.time;
touch.touchBegan = true;
return touch;
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Remove a touch event from the list.
/// </summary>
static public RemoveTouchDelegate RemoveTouch = delegate(int id)
for (int i = 0, imax = mTouchIDs.Count; i < imax; ++i)
if (mTouchIDs[i] == id)
/// <summary>
/// Delegate triggered when the screen size changes for any reason.
/// Subscribe to it if you don't want to compare Screen.width and Screen.height each frame.
/// </summary>
static public OnScreenResize onScreenResize;
public delegate void OnScreenResize ();
/// <summary>
/// Event type -- use "UI" for your user interfaces, and "World" for your game camera.
/// This setting changes how raycasts are handled. Raycasts have to be more complicated for UI cameras.
/// </summary>
public EventType eventType = EventType.UI_3D;
/// <summary>
/// By default, events will go to rigidbodies when the Event Type is not UI.
/// You can change this behaviour back to how it was pre-3.7.0 using this flag.
/// </summary>
public bool eventsGoToColliders = false;
/// <summary>
/// Which layers will receive events.
/// </summary>
public LayerMask eventReceiverMask = -1;
public enum ProcessEventsIn
/// <summary>
/// When events will be processed.
/// </summary>
public ProcessEventsIn processEventsIn = ProcessEventsIn.Update;
/// <summary>
/// If 'true', currently hovered object will be shown in the top left corner.
/// </summary>
public bool debug = false;
/// <summary>
/// Whether the mouse input is used.
/// </summary>
public bool useMouse = true;
/// <summary>
/// Whether the touch-based input is used.
/// </summary>
public bool useTouch = true;
/// <summary>
/// Whether multi-touch is allowed.
/// </summary>
public bool allowMultiTouch = true;
/// <summary>
/// Whether the keyboard events will be processed.
/// </summary>
public bool useKeyboard = true;
/// <summary>
/// Whether the joystick and controller events will be processed.
/// </summary>
public bool useController = true;
[System.Obsolete("Use new OnDragStart / OnDragOver / OnDragOut / OnDragEnd events instead")]
public bool stickyPress { get { return true; } }
/// <summary>
/// Whether the tooltip will disappear as soon as the mouse moves (false) or only if the mouse moves outside of the widget's area (true).
/// </summary>
public bool stickyTooltip = true;
/// <summary>
/// How long of a delay to expect before showing the tooltip.
/// </summary>
public float tooltipDelay = 1f;
/// <summary>
/// If enabled, a tooltip will be shown after touch gets pressed on something and held for more than "tooltipDelay" seconds.
/// </summary>
public bool longPressTooltip = false;
/// <summary>
/// How much the mouse has to be moved after pressing a button before it starts to send out drag events.
/// </summary>
public float mouseDragThreshold = 4f;
/// <summary>
/// How far the mouse is allowed to move in pixels before it's no longer considered for click events, if the click notification is based on delta.
/// </summary>
public float mouseClickThreshold = 10f;
/// <summary>
/// How much the mouse has to be moved after pressing a button before it starts to send out drag events.
/// </summary>
public float touchDragThreshold = 40f;
/// <summary>
/// How far the touch is allowed to move in pixels before it's no longer considered for click events, if the click notification is based on delta.
/// </summary>
public float touchClickThreshold = 40f;
/// <summary>
/// Raycast range distance. By default it's as far as the camera can see.
/// </summary>
public float rangeDistance = -1f;
/// <summary>
/// Name of the axis used to send left and right key events.
/// </summary>
public string horizontalAxisName = "Horizontal";
/// <summary>
/// Name of the axis used to send up and down key events.
/// </summary>
public string verticalAxisName = "Vertical";
/// <summary>
/// Name of the horizontal axis used to move scroll views and sliders around.
/// </summary>
public string horizontalPanAxisName = null;
/// <summary>
/// Name of the vertical axis used to move scroll views and sliders around.
/// </summary>
public string verticalPanAxisName = null;
/// <summary>
/// Name of the axis used for scrolling.
/// </summary>
public string scrollAxisName = "Mouse ScrollWheel";
/// <summary>
/// Simulate a right-click on OSX when the Command key is held and a left-click is used (for trackpad).
/// </summary>
public bool commandClick = true;
/// <summary>
/// Various keys used by the camera.
/// </summary>
public KeyCode submitKey0 = KeyCode.Return;
public KeyCode submitKey1 = KeyCode.JoystickButton0;
public KeyCode cancelKey0 = KeyCode.Escape;
public KeyCode cancelKey1 = KeyCode.JoystickButton1;
/// <summary>
/// Whether NGUI will automatically hide the mouse cursor when controller or touch input is detected.
/// </summary>
public bool autoHideCursor = true;
public delegate void OnCustomInput ();
/// <summary>
/// Custom input processing logic, if desired. For example: WP7 touches.
/// Use UICamera.current to get the current camera.
/// </summary>
static public OnCustomInput onCustomInput;
/// <summary>
/// Whether tooltips will be shown or not.
/// </summary>
static public bool showTooltips = true;
/// <summary>
/// Whether controller input will be temporarily disabled or not.
/// It's useful to be able to turn off controller interaction and only turn it on when the UI is actually visible.
/// </summary>
static public bool disableController
return mDisableController && !UIPopupList.isOpen;
mDisableController = value;
/// <summary>
/// If set to 'true', controller input will be flat-out ignored. Permanently, for all cameras.
/// </summary>
static public bool ignoreControllerInput = false;
static bool mDisableController = false;
static Vector2 mLastPos =;
/// <summary>
/// Position of the last touch (or mouse) event.
/// </summary>
[System.Obsolete("Use lastEventPosition instead. It handles controller input properly.")]
static public Vector2 lastTouchPosition { get { return mLastPos; } set { mLastPos = value; } }
/// <summary>
/// Position of the last touch (or mouse) event.
/// </summary>
static public Vector2 lastEventPosition
UICamera.ControlScheme scheme = UICamera.currentScheme;
if (scheme == UICamera.ControlScheme.Controller)
GameObject go = hoveredObject;
if (go != null)
Bounds b = NGUIMath.CalculateAbsoluteWidgetBounds(go.transform);
Camera cam = NGUITools.FindCameraForLayer(go.layer);
return cam.WorldToScreenPoint(;
return mLastPos;
set { mLastPos = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Position of the last touch (or mouse) event in the world.
/// </summary>
static public Vector3 lastWorldPosition =;
/// <summary>
/// Last raycast hit prior to sending out the event. This is useful if you want detailed information
/// about what was actually hit in your OnClick, OnHover, and other event functions.
/// Note that this is not going to be valid if you're using 2D colliders.
/// </summary>
static public RaycastHit lastHit;
/// <summary>
/// UICamera that sent out the event.
/// </summary>
static public UICamera current = null;
/// <summary>
/// NGUI event system that will be handling all events.
/// </summary>
static public UICamera first
if (list == null || list.size == 0) return null;
return list[0];
/// <summary>
/// Last camera active prior to sending out the event. This will always be the camera that actually sent out the event.
/// </summary>
static public Camera currentCamera = null;
public delegate void OnSchemeChange ();
/// <summary>
/// Delegate called when the control scheme changes.
/// </summary>
static public OnSchemeChange onSchemeChange;
static ControlScheme mLastScheme = ControlScheme.Mouse;
/// <summary>
/// Current control scheme. Derived from the last event to arrive.
/// </summary>
static public ControlScheme currentScheme
if (mCurrentKey == KeyCode.None) return ControlScheme.Touch;
if (mCurrentKey >= KeyCode.JoystickButton0) return ControlScheme.Controller;
if (current != null && mLastScheme == ControlScheme.Controller &&
(mCurrentKey == current.submitKey0 || mCurrentKey == current.submitKey1))
return ControlScheme.Controller;
return ControlScheme.Mouse;
if (value == ControlScheme.Mouse)
currentKey = KeyCode.Mouse0;
else if (value == ControlScheme.Controller)
currentKey = KeyCode.JoystickButton0;
else if (value == ControlScheme.Touch)
currentKey = KeyCode.None;
else currentKey = KeyCode.Alpha0;
mLastScheme = value;
/// <summary>
/// ID of the touch or mouse operation prior to sending out the event.
/// Mouse ID is '-1' for left, '-2' for right mouse button, '-3' for middle.
/// </summary>
static public int currentTouchID = -100;
static KeyCode mCurrentKey = KeyCode.Alpha0;
/// <summary>
/// Key that triggered the event, if any.
/// </summary>
static public KeyCode currentKey
return mCurrentKey;
if (mCurrentKey != value)
ControlScheme before = mLastScheme;
mCurrentKey = value;
mLastScheme = currentScheme;
if (before != mLastScheme)
if (mLastScheme == ControlScheme.Mouse)
#if UNITY_4_3 || UNITY_4_5 || UNITY_4_6 || UNITY_4_7
Screen.lockCursor = false;
Screen.showCursor = true;
Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.None;
Cursor.visible = true;
else if (mLastScheme == ControlScheme.Controller)
if (current != null && current.autoHideCursor)
#if UNITY_4_3 || UNITY_4_5 || UNITY_4_6 || UNITY_4_7
Screen.showCursor = false;
Screen.lockCursor = true;
Cursor.visible = false;
Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Locked;
// Skip the next 2 frames worth of mouse movement
mMouse[0].ignoreDelta = 2;
if (onSchemeChange != null) onSchemeChange();
/// <summary>
/// Ray projected into the screen underneath the current touch.
/// </summary>
static public Ray currentRay
return (currentCamera != null && currentTouch != null) ?
currentCamera.ScreenPointToRay(currentTouch.pos) : new Ray();
/// <summary>
/// Current touch, set before any event function gets called.
/// </summary>
static public MouseOrTouch currentTouch = null;
static bool mInputFocus = false;
/// <summary>
/// Whether an input field currently has focus.
/// </summary>
static public bool inputHasFocus
if (mInputFocus && mSelected && mSelected.activeInHierarchy) return true;
return false;
// Obsolete, kept for backwards compatibility.
static GameObject mGenericHandler;
/// <summary>
/// If set, this game object will receive all events regardless of whether they were handled or not.
/// </summary>
[System.Obsolete("Use delegates instead such as UICamera.onClick, UICamera.onHover, etc.")]
static public GameObject genericEventHandler { get { return mGenericHandler; } set { mGenericHandler = value; } }
/// <summary>
/// If events don't get handled, they will be forwarded to this game object.
/// </summary>
static public GameObject fallThrough;
public delegate void MoveDelegate (Vector2 delta);
public delegate void VoidDelegate (GameObject go);
public delegate void BoolDelegate (GameObject go, bool state);
public delegate void FloatDelegate (GameObject go, float delta);
public delegate void VectorDelegate (GameObject go, Vector2 delta);
public delegate void ObjectDelegate (GameObject go, GameObject obj);
public delegate void KeyCodeDelegate (GameObject go, KeyCode key);
/// <summary>
/// These notifications are sent out prior to the actual event going out.
/// </summary>
static public VoidDelegate onClick;
static public VoidDelegate onDoubleClick;
static public BoolDelegate onHover;
static public BoolDelegate onPress;
static public BoolDelegate onSelect;
static public FloatDelegate onScroll;
static public VectorDelegate onDrag;
static public VoidDelegate onDragStart;
static public ObjectDelegate onDragOver;
static public ObjectDelegate onDragOut;
static public VoidDelegate onDragEnd;
static public ObjectDelegate onDrop;
static public KeyCodeDelegate onKey;
static public KeyCodeDelegate onNavigate;
static public VectorDelegate onPan;
static public BoolDelegate onTooltip;
static public MoveDelegate onMouseMove;
// Mouse events
static MouseOrTouch[] mMouse = new MouseOrTouch[] { new MouseOrTouch(), new MouseOrTouch(), new MouseOrTouch() };
// Joystick/controller/keyboard event
static public MouseOrTouch controller = new MouseOrTouch();
/// <summary>
/// List of all the active touches.
/// </summary>
static public List<MouseOrTouch> activeTouches = new List<MouseOrTouch>();
// Used internally to store IDs of active touches
static List<int> mTouchIDs = new List<int>();
// Used to detect screen dimension changes
static int mWidth = 0;
static int mHeight = 0;
// Tooltip widget (mouse only)
static GameObject mTooltip = null;
// Mouse input is turned off on iOS
Camera mCam = null;
static float mTooltipTime = 0f;
float mNextRaycast = 0f;
/// <summary>
/// Helper function that determines if this script should be handling the events.
/// </summary>
bool handlesEvents { get { return eventHandler == this; } }
/// <summary>
/// Caching is always preferable for performance.
/// </summary>
#if UNITY_4_3 || UNITY_4_5 || UNITY_4_6 || UNITY_4_7
public Camera cachedCamera { get { if (mCam == null) mCam = camera; return mCam; } }
public Camera cachedCamera { get { if (mCam == null) mCam = GetComponent<Camera>(); return mCam; } }
/// <summary>
/// Set to 'true' just before OnDrag-related events are sent. No longer needed, but kept for backwards compatibility.
/// </summary>
static public bool isDragging = false;
/// <summary>
/// Object that should be showing the tooltip.
/// </summary>
static public GameObject tooltipObject { get { return mTooltip; } }
/// <summary>
/// Whether the last raycast was over the UI.
/// </summary>
static public bool isOverUI
if (currentTouch != null) return currentTouch.isOverUI;
for (int i = 0, imax = activeTouches.Count; i < imax; ++i)
MouseOrTouch touch = activeTouches[i];
if (touch.pressed != null && touch.pressed != fallThrough && NGUITools.FindInParents<UIRoot>(touch.pressed) != null)
return true;
if (mMouse[0].current != null && mMouse[0].current != fallThrough && NGUITools.FindInParents<UIRoot>(mMouse[0].current) != null)
return true;
if (controller.pressed != null && controller.pressed != fallThrough && NGUITools.FindInParents<UIRoot>(controller.pressed) != null)
return true;
return false;
static GameObject mRayHitObject;
static GameObject mHover;
static GameObject mSelected;
/// <summary>
/// The object over which the mouse is hovering over, or the object currently selected by the controller input.
/// Mouse and controller input share the same hovered object, while touches have no hovered object at all.
/// Checking this value from within a touch-based event will simply return the current touched object.
/// </summary>
static public GameObject hoveredObject
if (currentTouch != null && currentTouch.dragStarted) return currentTouch.current;
if (mHover && mHover.activeInHierarchy) return mHover;
mHover = null;
return null;
// We already have this object highlighted
if (mHover == value) return;
bool statesDiffer = false;
UICamera prevCamera = current;
if (currentTouch == null)
statesDiffer = true;
currentTouchID = -100;
currentTouch = controller;
// Hide the tooltip
// Remove the selection
if (mSelected && currentScheme == ControlScheme.Controller)
Notify(mSelected, "OnSelect", false);
if (onSelect != null) onSelect(mSelected, false);
mSelected = null;
// Remove the previous hover state
if (mHover)
Notify(mHover, "OnHover", false);
if (onHover != null) onHover(mHover, false);
mHover = value;
currentTouch.clickNotification = ClickNotification.None;
if (mHover)
if (mHover != controller.current && mHover.GetComponent<UIKeyNavigation>() != null)
controller.current = mHover;
// Locate the appropriate camera for the new object
if (statesDiffer)
UICamera cam = (mHover != null) ? FindCameraForLayer(mHover.layer) : UICamera.list[0];
if (cam != null)
current = cam;
currentCamera = cam.cachedCamera;
if (onHover != null) onHover(mHover, true);
Notify(mHover, "OnHover", true);
// Restore previous states
if (statesDiffer)
current = prevCamera;
currentCamera = (prevCamera != null) ? prevCamera.cachedCamera : null;
currentTouch = null;
currentTouchID = -100;
/// <summary>
/// Currently chosen object for controller-based navigation.
/// </summary>
static public GameObject controllerNavigationObject
if (controller.current && controller.current.activeInHierarchy)
return controller.current;
// Automatically update the object chosen by the controller
if (currentScheme == ControlScheme.Controller &&
UICamera.current != null && (UICamera.current.useController && !ignoreControllerInput) &&
UIKeyNavigation.list.size > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < UIKeyNavigation.list.size; ++i)
UIKeyNavigation nav = UIKeyNavigation.list[i];
if (nav && nav.constraint != UIKeyNavigation.Constraint.Explicit && nav.startsSelected)
hoveredObject = nav.gameObject;
controller.current = mHover;
return mHover;
if (mHover == null)
for (int i = 0; i < UIKeyNavigation.list.size; ++i)
UIKeyNavigation nav = UIKeyNavigation.list[i];
if (nav && nav.constraint != UIKeyNavigation.Constraint.Explicit)
hoveredObject = nav.gameObject;
controller.current = mHover;
return mHover;
controller.current = selectedObject;
return controller.current;
if (controller.current != value && controller.current)
Notify(controller.current, "OnHover", false);
if (onHover != null) onHover(controller.current, false);
controller.current = null;
hoveredObject = value;
/// <summary>
/// Selected object receives exclusive focus. An input field requires exclusive focus in order to type,
/// for example. Any object is capable of grabbing the selection just by clicking on that object,
/// but only one object can be selected at a time.
/// </summary>
static public GameObject selectedObject
if (mSelected && mSelected.activeInHierarchy) return mSelected;
mSelected = null;
return null;
if (mSelected == value)
hoveredObject = value;
controller.current = value;
// Hide the tooltip
bool statesDiffer = false;
UICamera prevCamera = current;
//ControlScheme scheme = currentScheme;
if (currentTouch == null)
statesDiffer = true;
currentTouchID = -100;
currentTouch = controller;
// Input no longer has selection, even if it did
mInputFocus = false;
// Remove the selection
if (mSelected)
Notify(mSelected, "OnSelect", false);
if (onSelect != null) onSelect(mSelected, false);
// Remove the hovered state
//if (mHover && scheme < ControlScheme.Controller)
// Notify(mHover, "OnHover", false);
// if (onHover != null) onHover(mHover, false);
// mHover = null;
// Change the selection and hover
mSelected = value;
//if (scheme >= ControlScheme.Controller) mHover = value;
currentTouch.clickNotification = ClickNotification.None;
if (value != null)
UIKeyNavigation nav = value.GetComponent<UIKeyNavigation>();
if (nav != null) controller.current = value;
// Set the camera for events
if (mSelected && statesDiffer)
UICamera cam = (mSelected != null) ? FindCameraForLayer(mSelected.layer) : UICamera.list[0];
if (cam != null)
current = cam;
currentCamera = cam.cachedCamera;
// Set the hovered state first
//if (mHover && currentScheme >= ControlScheme.Controller)
// if (onHover != null) onHover(mHover, true);
// Notify(mHover, "OnHover", true);
// Set the selection
if (mSelected)
mInputFocus = (mSelected.activeInHierarchy && mSelected.GetComponent<UIInput>() != null);
if (onSelect != null) onSelect(mSelected, true);
Notify(mSelected, "OnSelect", true);
// Restore the states
if (statesDiffer)
current = prevCamera;
currentCamera = (prevCamera != null) ? prevCamera.cachedCamera : null;
currentTouch = null;
currentTouchID = -100;
/// <summary>
/// Returns 'true' if any of the active touch, mouse or controller is currently holding the specified object.
/// </summary>
static public bool IsPressed (GameObject go)
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) if (mMouse[i].pressed == go) return true;
for (int i = 0, imax = activeTouches.Count; i < imax; ++i)
MouseOrTouch touch = activeTouches[i];
if (touch.pressed == go) return true;
if (controller.pressed == go) return true;
return false;
[System.Obsolete("Use either 'CountInputSources()' or 'activeTouches.Count'")]
static public int touchCount { get { return CountInputSources(); } }
/// <summary>
/// Number of active touches from all sources.
/// Note that this will include the sum of touch, mouse and controller events.
/// If you want only touch events, use activeTouches.Count.
/// </summary>
static public int CountInputSources ()
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0, imax = activeTouches.Count; i < imax; ++i)
MouseOrTouch touch = activeTouches[i];
if (touch.pressed != null)
for (int i = 0; i < mMouse.Length; ++i)
if (mMouse[i].pressed != null)
if (controller.pressed != null)
return count;
/// <summary>
/// Number of active drag events from all sources.
/// </summary>
static public int dragCount
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0, imax = activeTouches.Count; i < imax; ++i)
MouseOrTouch touch = activeTouches[i];
if (touch.dragged != null)
for (int i = 0; i < mMouse.Length; ++i)
if (mMouse[i].dragged != null)
if (controller.dragged != null)
return count;
/// <summary>
/// Convenience function that returns the main HUD camera.
/// </summary>
static public Camera mainCamera
UICamera mouse = eventHandler;
return (mouse != null) ? mouse.cachedCamera : null;
/// <summary>
/// Event handler for all types of events.
/// </summary>
static public UICamera eventHandler
for (int i = 0; i < list.size; ++i)
// Invalid or inactive entry -- keep going
UICamera cam = list.buffer[i];
if (cam == null || !cam.enabled || !NGUITools.GetActive(cam.gameObject)) continue;
return cam;
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Static comparison function used for sorting.
/// </summary>
static int CompareFunc (UICamera a, UICamera b)
if (a.cachedCamera.depth < b.cachedCamera.depth) return 1;
if (a.cachedCamera.depth > b.cachedCamera.depth) return -1;
return 0;
struct DepthEntry
public int depth;
public RaycastHit hit;
public Vector3 point;
public GameObject go;
static DepthEntry mHit = new DepthEntry();
static BetterList<DepthEntry> mHits = new BetterList<DepthEntry>();
/// <summary>
/// Find the rigidbody on the parent, but return 'null' if a UIPanel is found instead.
/// The idea is: send events to the rigidbody in the world, but to colliders in the UI.
/// </summary>
static Rigidbody FindRootRigidbody (Transform trans)
while (trans != null)
if (trans.GetComponent<UIPanel>() != null) return null;
#if UNITY_4_3 || UNITY_4_5 || UNITY_4_6 || UNITY_4_7
Rigidbody rb = trans.rigidbody;
Rigidbody rb = trans.GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
if (rb != null) return rb;
trans = trans.parent;
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Find the 2D rigidbody on the parent, but return 'null' if a UIPanel is found instead.
/// </summary>
static Rigidbody2D FindRootRigidbody2D (Transform trans)
while (trans != null)
if (trans.GetComponent<UIPanel>() != null) return null;
#if UNITY_4_3 || UNITY_4_5 || UNITY_4_6 || UNITY_4_7
Rigidbody2D rb = trans.rigidbody2D;
Rigidbody2D rb = trans.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();
if (rb != null) return rb;
trans = trans.parent;
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Raycast into the screen underneath the touch and update its 'current' value.
/// </summary>
static public void Raycast (MouseOrTouch touch)
if (!Raycast(touch.pos)) mRayHitObject = fallThrough;
if (mRayHitObject == null) mRayHitObject = mGenericHandler;
touch.last = touch.current;
touch.current = mRayHitObject;
mLastPos = touch.pos;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the object under the specified position.
/// </summary>
static public bool Raycast (Vector3 inPos)
for (int i = 0; i < list.size; ++i)
UICamera cam = list.buffer[i];
// Skip inactive scripts
if (!cam.enabled || !NGUITools.GetActive(cam.gameObject)) continue;
// Convert to view space
currentCamera = cam.cachedCamera;
Vector3 pos = currentCamera.ScreenToViewportPoint(inPos);
if (float.IsNaN(pos.x) || float.IsNaN(pos.y)) continue;
// If it's outside the camera's viewport, do nothing
if (pos.x < 0f || pos.x > 1f || pos.y < 0f || pos.y > 1f) continue;
// Cast a ray into the screen
Ray ray = currentCamera.ScreenPointToRay(inPos);
// Raycast into the screen
int mask = currentCamera.cullingMask & (int)cam.eventReceiverMask;
float dist = (cam.rangeDistance > 0f) ? cam.rangeDistance : currentCamera.farClipPlane - currentCamera.nearClipPlane;
if (cam.eventType == EventType.World_3D)
if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out lastHit, dist, mask))
lastWorldPosition = lastHit.point;
mRayHitObject = lastHit.collider.gameObject;
if (!cam.eventsGoToColliders)
Rigidbody rb = FindRootRigidbody(mRayHitObject.transform);
if (rb != null) mRayHitObject = rb.gameObject;
return true;
else if (cam.eventType == EventType.UI_3D)
RaycastHit[] hits = Physics.RaycastAll(ray, dist, mask);
if (hits.Length > 1)
for (int b = 0; b < hits.Length; ++b)
GameObject go = hits[b].collider.gameObject;
UIWidget w = go.GetComponent<UIWidget>();
if (w != null)
if (!w.isVisible) continue;
if (w.hitCheck != null && !w.hitCheck(hits[b].point)) continue;
UIRect rect = NGUITools.FindInParents<UIRect>(go);
if (rect != null && rect.finalAlpha < 0.001f) continue;
mHit.depth = NGUITools.CalculateRaycastDepth(go);
if (mHit.depth != int.MaxValue)
mHit.hit = hits[b];
mHit.point = hits[b].point;
mHit.go = hits[b].collider.gameObject;
mHits.Sort(delegate(DepthEntry r1, DepthEntry r2) { return r2.depth.CompareTo(r1.depth); });
for (int b = 0; b < mHits.size; ++b)
if (IsVisible(mHits.buffer[b]))
if (IsVisible(ref mHits.buffer[b]))
lastHit = mHits[b].hit;
mRayHitObject = mHits[b].go;
lastWorldPosition = mHits[b].point;
return true;
else if (hits.Length == 1)
GameObject go = hits[0].collider.gameObject;
UIWidget w = go.GetComponent<UIWidget>();
if (w != null)
if (!w.isVisible) continue;
if (w.hitCheck != null && !w.hitCheck(hits[0].point)) continue;
UIRect rect = NGUITools.FindInParents<UIRect>(go);
if (rect != null && rect.finalAlpha < 0.001f) continue;
if (IsVisible(hits[0].point, hits[0].collider.gameObject))
lastHit = hits[0];
lastWorldPosition = hits[0].point;
mRayHitObject = lastHit.collider.gameObject;
return true;
else if (cam.eventType == EventType.World_2D)
if (m2DPlane.Raycast(ray, out dist))
Vector3 point = ray.GetPoint(dist);
Collider2D c2d = Physics2D.OverlapPoint(point, mask);
if (c2d)
lastWorldPosition = point;
mRayHitObject = c2d.gameObject;
if (!cam.eventsGoToColliders)
Rigidbody2D rb = FindRootRigidbody2D(mRayHitObject.transform);
if (rb != null) mRayHitObject = rb.gameObject;
return true;
else if (cam.eventType == EventType.UI_2D)
if (m2DPlane.Raycast(ray, out dist))
lastWorldPosition = ray.GetPoint(dist);
Collider2D[] hits = Physics2D.OverlapPointAll(lastWorldPosition, mask);
if (hits.Length > 1)
for (int b = 0; b < hits.Length; ++b)
GameObject go = hits[b].gameObject;
UIWidget w = go.GetComponent<UIWidget>();
if (w != null)
if (!w.isVisible) continue;
if (w.hitCheck != null && !w.hitCheck(lastWorldPosition)) continue;
UIRect rect = NGUITools.FindInParents<UIRect>(go);
if (rect != null && rect.finalAlpha < 0.001f) continue;
mHit.depth = NGUITools.CalculateRaycastDepth(go);
if (mHit.depth != int.MaxValue)
mHit.go = go;
mHit.point = lastWorldPosition;
mHits.Sort(delegate(DepthEntry r1, DepthEntry r2) { return r2.depth.CompareTo(r1.depth); });
for (int b = 0; b < mHits.size; ++b)
if (IsVisible(mHits.buffer[b]))
if (IsVisible(ref mHits.buffer[b]))
mRayHitObject = mHits[b].go;
return true;
else if (hits.Length == 1)
GameObject go = hits[0].gameObject;
UIWidget w = go.GetComponent<UIWidget>();
if (w != null)
if (!w.isVisible) continue;
if (w.hitCheck != null && !w.hitCheck(lastWorldPosition)) continue;
UIRect rect = NGUITools.FindInParents<UIRect>(go);
if (rect != null && rect.finalAlpha < 0.001f) continue;
if (IsVisible(lastWorldPosition, go))
mRayHitObject = go;
return true;
else if (cam.eventType == EventType.UI_2D3D)
float enterdist = 0;
if (m2DPlane.Raycast(ray, out enterdist))
lastWorldPosition = ray.GetPoint(enterdist);
Collider2D[] hits = Physics2D.OverlapPointAll(lastWorldPosition, mask);
bool bHaveTarget = true;
if (hits.Length > 1)
for (int c = 0; c < hits.Length; ++c)
GameObject gotemp = hits[c].gameObject;
//if (gotemp.CompareTag("Map"))
// bHaveTarget = true;
// break;
if (bHaveTarget)
for (int b = 0; b < hits.Length; ++b)
GameObject go = hits[b].gameObject;
UIWidget w = go.GetComponent<UIWidget>();
if (w != null)
if (!w.isVisible) continue;
if (w.hitCheck != null && !w.hitCheck(lastWorldPosition)) continue;
UIRect rect = NGUITools.FindInParents<UIRect>(go);
if (rect != null && rect.finalAlpha < 0.001f) continue;
mHit.depth = NGUITools.CalculateRaycastDepth(go);
if (mHit.depth != int.MaxValue)
mHit.go = go;
mHit.point = lastWorldPosition;
mHits.Sort(delegate (DepthEntry r1, DepthEntry r2) { return r2.depth.CompareTo(r1.depth); });
for (int b = 0; b < mHits.size; ++b)
if (IsVisible(mHits.buffer[b]))
if (IsVisible(ref mHits.buffer[b]))
mRayHitObject = mHits[b].go;
return true;
else if (hits.Length == 1)
GameObject go = hits[0].gameObject;
//if (go.CompareTag("Map"))
UIWidget w = go.GetComponent<UIWidget>();
if (w != null)
if (!w.isVisible) continue;
if (w.hitCheck != null && !w.hitCheck(lastWorldPosition)) continue;
UIRect rect = NGUITools.FindInParents<UIRect>(go);
if (rect != null && rect.finalAlpha < 0.001f) continue;
if (IsVisible(lastWorldPosition, go))
mRayHitObject = go;
return true;
if (true)
RaycastHit[] hits1 = Physics.RaycastAll(ray, dist, mask);
if (hits1.Length > 1)
for (int b = 0; b < hits1.Length; ++b)
GameObject go = hits1[b].collider.gameObject;
UIWidget w = go.GetComponent<UIWidget>();
if (w != null)
if (!w.isVisible) continue;
if (w.hitCheck != null && !w.hitCheck(hits1[b].point)) continue;
UIRect rect = NGUITools.FindInParents<UIRect>(go);
if (rect != null && rect.finalAlpha < 0.001f) continue;
mHit.depth = NGUITools.CalculateRaycastDepth(go);
if (mHit.depth != int.MaxValue)
mHit.hit = hits1[b];
mHit.point = hits1[b].point;
mHit.go = hits1[b].collider.gameObject;
mHits.Sort(delegate (DepthEntry r1, DepthEntry r2) { return r2.depth.CompareTo(r1.depth); });
for (int b = 0; b < mHits.size; ++b)
if (IsVisible(mHits.buffer[b]))
if (IsVisible(ref mHits.buffer[b]))
lastHit = mHits[b].hit;
mRayHitObject = mHits[b].go;
lastWorldPosition = mHits[b].point;
return true;
else if (hits1.Length == 1)
GameObject go = hits1[0].collider.gameObject;
UIWidget w = go.GetComponent<UIWidget>();
if (w != null)
if (!w.isVisible) continue;
if (w.hitCheck != null && !w.hitCheck(hits1[0].point)) continue;
UIRect rect = NGUITools.FindInParents<UIRect>(go);
if (rect != null && rect.finalAlpha < 0.001f) continue;
if (IsVisible(hits1[0].point, hits1[0].collider.gameObject))
lastHit = hits1[0];
lastWorldPosition = hits1[0].point;
mRayHitObject = lastHit.collider.gameObject;
return true;
// int bufDepth = -1;
// if (m2DPlane.Raycast(ray, out dist))
// {
// lastWorldPosition = ray.GetPoint(dist);
// Collider2D[] hits = Physics2D.OverlapPointAll(lastWorldPosition, mask);
// if (hits.Length >= 1)
// {
// for (int b = 0; b < hits.Length; ++b)
// {
// GameObject go = hits[b].gameObject;
// UIWidget w = go.GetComponent<UIWidget>();
// if (w != null)
// {
// if (!w.isVisible) continue;
// if (w.hitCheck != null && !w.hitCheck(lastWorldPosition)) continue;
// }
// else
// {
// UIRect rect = NGUITools.FindInParents<UIRect>(go);
// if (rect != null && rect.finalAlpha < 0.001f) continue;
// }
// mHit.depth = NGUITools.CalculateRaycastDepth(go);
// if (mHit.depth != int.MaxValue)
// {
// mHit.go = go;
// mHit.point = lastWorldPosition;
// mHits.Add(mHit);
// }
// }
// mHits.Sort(delegate (DepthEntry r1, DepthEntry r2) { return r2.depth.CompareTo(r1.depth); });
// for (int b = 0; b < mHits.size; ++b)
// {
//if (IsVisible(mHits.buffer[b]))
// if (IsVisible(ref mHits.buffer[b]))
// {
// bufDepth = mHits[b].depth;
// hoveredObject = mHits[b].go;
// mHits.Clear();
// break;
// }
// }
// mHits.Clear();
// }
// }
// if (true)
// {
// RaycastHit[] hits = Physics.RaycastAll(ray, dist, mask);
// if (hits.Length >= 1)
// {
// for (int b = 0; b < hits.Length; ++b)
// {
// GameObject go = hits[b].collider.gameObject;
// UIWidget w = go.GetComponent<UIWidget>();
// if (w != null)
// {
// if (!w.isVisible) continue;
// if (w.hitCheck != null && !w.hitCheck(hits[b].point)) continue;
// }
// else
// {
// UIRect rect = NGUITools.FindInParents<UIRect>(go);
// if (rect != null && rect.finalAlpha < 0.001f) continue;
// }
// mHit.depth = NGUITools.CalculateRaycastDepth(go);
// if (mHit.depth != int.MaxValue)
// {
// mHit.hit = hits[b];
// mHit.point = hits[b].point;
// mHit.go = hits[b].collider.gameObject;
// mHits.Add(mHit);
// }
// }
// mHits.Sort(delegate (DepthEntry r1, DepthEntry r2) { return r2.depth.CompareTo(r1.depth); });
// for (int b = 0; b < mHits.size; ++b)
// {
//if (IsVisible(mHits.buffer[b]))
// if (IsVisible(ref mHits.buffer[b]))
// {
// if (hoveredObject == null || bufDepth < mHits[b].depth)
// {
// lastHit = mHits[b].hit;
// hoveredObject = mHits[b].go;
// lastWorldPosition = mHits[b].point;
// mHits.Clear();
// break;
// }
// }
// }
// mHits.Clear();
// }
// }
// if (hoveredObject != null)
// {
// return true;
// }
// continue;
return false;
static Plane m2DPlane = new Plane(Vector3.back, 0f);
/// <summary>
/// Helper function to check if the specified hit is visible by the panel.
/// </summary>
static bool IsVisible (Vector3 worldPoint, GameObject go)
UIPanel panel = NGUITools.FindInParents<UIPanel>(go);
while (panel != null)
if (!panel.IsVisible(worldPoint)) return false;
panel = panel.parentPanel;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Helper function to check if the specified hit is visible by the panel.
/// </summary>
static bool IsVisible (DepthEntry de)
static bool IsVisible (ref DepthEntry de)
UIPanel panel = NGUITools.FindInParents<UIPanel>(de.go);
while (panel != null)
if (!panel.IsVisible(de.point)) return false;
panel = panel.parentPanel;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Whether the specified object should be highlighted.
/// </summary>
static public bool IsHighlighted (GameObject go) { return (UICamera.hoveredObject == go); }
/// <summary>
/// Find the camera responsible for handling events on objects of the specified layer.
/// </summary>
static public UICamera FindCameraForLayer (int layer)
int layerMask = 1 << layer;
for (int i = 0; i < list.size; ++i)
UICamera cam = list.buffer[i];
Camera uc = cam.cachedCamera;
if ((uc != null) && (uc.cullingMask & layerMask) != 0) return cam;
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Using the keyboard will result in 1 or -1, depending on whether up or down keys have been pressed.
/// </summary>
static int GetDirection (KeyCode up, KeyCode down)
if (GetKeyDown(up)) { currentKey = up; return 1; }
if (GetKeyDown(down)) { currentKey = down; return -1; }
return 0;
/// <summary>
/// Using the keyboard will result in 1 or -1, depending on whether up or down keys have been pressed.
/// </summary>
static int GetDirection (KeyCode up0, KeyCode up1, KeyCode down0, KeyCode down1)
if (GetKeyDown(up0)) { currentKey = up0; return 1; }
if (GetKeyDown(up1)) { currentKey = up1; return 1; }
if (GetKeyDown(down0)) { currentKey = down0; return -1; }
if (GetKeyDown(down1)) { currentKey = down1; return -1; }
return 0;
// Used to ensure that joystick-based controls don't trigger that often
static float mNextEvent = 0f;
/// <summary>
/// Using the joystick to move the UI results in 1 or -1 if the threshold has been passed, mimicking up/down keys.
/// </summary>
static int GetDirection (string axis)
float time = RealTime.time;
if (mNextEvent < time && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(axis))
float val = GetAxis(axis);
if (val > 0.75f)
currentKey = KeyCode.JoystickButton0;
mNextEvent = time + 0.25f;
return 1;
if (val < -0.75f)
currentKey = KeyCode.JoystickButton0;
mNextEvent = time + 0.25f;
return -1;
return 0;
static int mNotifying = 0;
/// <summary>
/// Generic notification function. Used in place of SendMessage to shorten the code and allow for more than one receiver.
/// </summary>
static public void Notify (GameObject go, string funcName, object obj)
if (mNotifying > 10) return;
// Automatically forward events to the currently open popup list
if (currentScheme == ControlScheme.Controller && UIPopupList.isOpen &&
UIPopupList.current.source == go && UIPopupList.isOpen)
go = UIPopupList.current.gameObject;
if (go && go.activeInHierarchy)
//if (currentScheme == ControlScheme.Controller)
// Debug.Log((go != null ? "[" + + "]." : "[global].") + funcName + "(" + obj + ");", go);
try {
go.SendMessage(funcName, obj, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
if (mGenericHandler != null && mGenericHandler != go)
mGenericHandler.SendMessage(funcName, obj, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
catch (System.Exception _e)
/// <summary>
/// Add this camera to the list.
/// </summary>
void Awake ()
mWidth = Screen.width;
mHeight = Screen.height;
currentScheme = ControlScheme.Touch;
if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.PS3 ||
Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.XBOX360)
currentScheme = ControlScheme.Controller;
// Save the starting mouse position
mMouse[0].pos = Input.mousePosition;
for (int i = 1; i < 3; ++i)
mMouse[i].pos = mMouse[0].pos;
mMouse[i].lastPos = mMouse[0].pos;
mLastPos = mMouse[0].pos;
string[] args = System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs();
if (args != null)
for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; ++i)
string s = args[i];
if (s == "-noMouse") useMouse = false;
else if (s == "-noTouch") useTouch = false;
else if (s == "-noController") { useController = false; ignoreControllerInput = true; }
else if (s == "-noJoystick") { useController = false; ignoreControllerInput = true; }
else if (s == "-useMouse") useMouse = true;
else if (s == "-useTouch") useTouch = true;
else if (s == "-useController") useController = true;
else if (s == "-useJoystick") useController = true;
/// <summary>
/// Sort the list when enabled.
/// </summary>
void OnEnable ()
/// <summary>
/// Remove this camera from the list.
/// </summary>
void OnDisable () { list.Remove(this); }
static bool disableControllerCheck = true;
/// <summary>
/// We don't want the camera to send out any kind of mouse events.
/// </summary>
void Start ()
if (eventType != EventType.World_3D && cachedCamera.transparencySortMode != TransparencySortMode.Orthographic)
cachedCamera.transparencySortMode = TransparencySortMode.Orthographic;
if (Application.isPlaying)
// Always set a fall-through object
if (fallThrough == null)
UIRoot root = NGUITools.FindInParents<UIRoot>(gameObject);
fallThrough = (root != null) ? root.gameObject : gameObject;
cachedCamera.eventMask = 0;
// Automatically disable controller-based input if the game starts with a non-zero controller input.
// This most commonly happens with Thrustmaster and other similar joystick types.
if (!ignoreControllerInput && disableControllerCheck && useController && handlesEvents)
disableControllerCheck = false;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(horizontalAxisName) && Mathf.Abs(GetAxis(horizontalAxisName)) > 0.1f) ignoreControllerInput = true;
else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(verticalAxisName) && Mathf.Abs(GetAxis(verticalAxisName)) > 0.1f) ignoreControllerInput = true;
else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(horizontalPanAxisName) && Mathf.Abs(GetAxis(horizontalPanAxisName)) > 0.1f) ignoreControllerInput = true;
else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(verticalPanAxisName) && Mathf.Abs(GetAxis(verticalPanAxisName)) > 0.1f) ignoreControllerInput = true;
void OnValidate () { Start(); }
/// <summary>
/// Check the input and send out appropriate events.
/// </summary>
void Update ()
// Only the first UI layer should be processing events
if (!Application.isPlaying || !handlesEvents) return;
if (!handlesEvents) return;
if (processEventsIn == ProcessEventsIn.Update) ProcessEvents();
/// <summary>
/// Keep an eye on screen size changes.
/// </summary>
void LateUpdate ()
if (!Application.isPlaying || !handlesEvents) return;
if (!handlesEvents) return;
if (processEventsIn == ProcessEventsIn.LateUpdate) ProcessEvents();
int w = Screen.width;
int h = Screen.height;
if (w != mWidth || h != mHeight)
mWidth = w;
mHeight = h;
if (onScreenResize != null)
/// <summary>
/// Process all events.
/// </summary>
void ProcessEvents ()
current = this;
NGUIDebug.debugRaycast = debug;
// Process touch events first
if (useTouch) ProcessTouches();
else if (useMouse) ProcessMouse();
// Custom input processing
if (onCustomInput != null) onCustomInput();
// Update the keyboard and joystick events
if ((useKeyboard || useController) && !disableController && !ignoreControllerInput) ProcessOthers();
// If it's time to show a tooltip, inform the object we're hovering over
if (useMouse && mHover != null && currentScheme == ControlScheme.Mouse)
float scroll = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(scrollAxisName) ? GetAxis(scrollAxisName) : 0f;
if (scroll != 0f)
if (onScroll != null) onScroll(mHover, scroll);
Notify(mHover, "OnScroll", scroll);
if (showTooltips && mTooltipTime != 0f && !UIPopupList.isOpen && mMouse[0].dragged == null &&
(mTooltipTime < RealTime.time || GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift) || GetKey(KeyCode.RightShift)))
currentTouch = mMouse[0];
currentTouchID = -1;
if (mTooltip != null && !NGUITools.GetActive(mTooltip))
current = null;
currentTouchID = -100;
/// <summary>
/// Update mouse input.
/// </summary>
public void ProcessMouse ()
// Is any button currently pressed?
bool isPressed = false;
bool justPressed = false;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(i))
currentKey = KeyCode.Mouse0 + i;
justPressed = true;
isPressed = true;
else if (Input.GetMouseButton(i))
currentKey = KeyCode.Mouse0 + i;
isPressed = true;
// We're currently using touches -- do nothing
if (currentScheme == ControlScheme.Touch) return;
currentTouch = mMouse[0];
// Update the position and delta
Vector2 pos = Input.mousePosition;
if (currentTouch.ignoreDelta == 0)
{ = pos - currentTouch.pos;
--currentTouch.ignoreDelta; = 0f; = 0f;
float sqrMag =;
currentTouch.pos = pos;
mLastPos = pos;
bool posChanged = false;
if (currentScheme != ControlScheme.Mouse)
if (sqrMag < 0.001f) return; // Nothing changed and we are not using the mouse -- exit
currentKey = KeyCode.Mouse0;
posChanged = true;
else if (sqrMag > 0.001f) posChanged = true;
// Propagate the updates to the other mouse buttons
for (int i = 1; i < 3; ++i)
mMouse[i].pos = currentTouch.pos;
mMouse[i].delta =;
// No need to perform raycasts every frame
if (isPressed || posChanged || mNextRaycast < RealTime.time)
mNextRaycast = RealTime.time + 0.02f;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) mMouse[i].current = currentTouch.current;
bool highlightChanged = (currentTouch.last != currentTouch.current);
bool wasPressed = (currentTouch.pressed != null);
if (!wasPressed)
hoveredObject = currentTouch.current;
currentTouchID = -1;
if (highlightChanged) currentKey = KeyCode.Mouse0;
if (!isPressed && posChanged && (!stickyTooltip || highlightChanged))
if (mTooltipTime != 0f)
// Delay the tooltip
mTooltipTime = Time.unscaledTime + tooltipDelay;
else if (mTooltip != null)
// Hide the tooltip
// Generic mouse move notifications
if (posChanged && onMouseMove != null)
currentTouch = null;
// The button was released over a different object -- remove the highlight from the previous
if (highlightChanged && (justPressed || (wasPressed && !isPressed)))
hoveredObject = null;
// Process all 3 mouse buttons as individual touches
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
bool pressed = Input.GetMouseButtonDown(i);
bool unpressed = Input.GetMouseButtonUp(i);
if (pressed || unpressed) currentKey = KeyCode.Mouse0 + i;
currentTouch = mMouse[i];
if (commandClick && i == 0 && (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftControl) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightControl)))
currentTouchID = -2;
currentKey = KeyCode.Mouse1;
currentTouchID = -1 - i;
currentKey = KeyCode.Mouse0 + i;
// We don't want to update the last camera while there is a touch happening
if (pressed)
currentTouch.pressedCam = currentCamera;
currentTouch.pressTime = RealTime.time;
else if (currentTouch.pressed != null) currentCamera = currentTouch.pressedCam;
// Process the mouse events
ProcessTouch(pressed, unpressed);
// If nothing is pressed and there is an object under the touch, highlight it
if (!isPressed && highlightChanged)
currentTouch = mMouse[0];
mTooltipTime = Time.unscaledTime + tooltipDelay;
currentTouchID = -1;
currentKey = KeyCode.Mouse0;
hoveredObject = currentTouch.current;
currentTouch = null;
// Update the last value
mMouse[0].last = mMouse[0].current;
for (int i = 1; i < 3; ++i) mMouse[i].last = mMouse[0].last;
static bool mUsingTouchEvents = true;
public class Touch
public int fingerId;
public TouchPhase phase = TouchPhase.Began;
public Vector2 position;
public int tapCount = 0;
public delegate int GetTouchCountCallback ();
public delegate Touch GetTouchCallback (int index);
static public GetTouchCountCallback GetInputTouchCount;
static public GetTouchCallback GetInputTouch;
/// <summary>
/// Update touch-based events.
/// </summary>
public void ProcessTouches ()
int count = (GetInputTouchCount == null) ? Input.touchCount : GetInputTouchCount();
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
int fingerId;
TouchPhase phase;
Vector2 position;
int tapCount;
if (GetInputTouch == null)
UnityEngine.Touch touch = Input.GetTouch(i);
phase = touch.phase;
fingerId = touch.fingerId;
position = touch.position;
tapCount = touch.tapCount;
// Unity bug:
position.y = Screen.height - position.y;
Touch touch = GetInputTouch(i);
phase = touch.phase;
fingerId = touch.fingerId;
position = touch.position;
tapCount = touch.tapCount;
currentTouchID = allowMultiTouch ? fingerId : 1;
currentTouch = GetTouch(currentTouchID, true);
bool pressed = (phase == TouchPhase.Began) || currentTouch.touchBegan;
bool unpressed = (phase == TouchPhase.Canceled) || (phase == TouchPhase.Ended); = position - currentTouch.pos;
currentTouch.pos = position;
currentKey = KeyCode.None;
// Raycast into the screen
// We don't want to update the last camera while there is a touch happening
if (pressed) currentTouch.pressedCam = currentCamera;
else if (currentTouch.pressed != null) currentCamera = currentTouch.pressedCam;
// Double-tap support
if (tapCount > 1) currentTouch.clickTime = RealTime.time;
// Process the events from this touch
ProcessTouch(pressed, unpressed);
// If the touch has ended, remove it from the list
if (unpressed) RemoveTouch(currentTouchID);
currentTouch.touchBegan = false;
currentTouch.last = null;
currentTouch = null;
// Don't consider other touches
if (!allowMultiTouch) break;
if (count == 0)
// Skip the first frame after using touch events
if (mUsingTouchEvents)
mUsingTouchEvents = false;
if (useMouse) ProcessMouse();
else if (GetInputTouch == null) ProcessFakeTouches();
else mUsingTouchEvents = true;
/// <summary>
/// Process fake touch events where the mouse acts as a touch device.
/// Useful for testing mobile functionality in the editor.
/// </summary>
void ProcessFakeTouches ()
bool pressed = Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0);
bool unpressed = Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0);
bool held = Input.GetMouseButton(0);
if (pressed || unpressed || held)
currentTouchID = 1;
currentTouch = mMouse[0];
currentTouch.touchBegan = pressed;
if (pressed)
currentTouch.pressTime = RealTime.time;
Vector2 pos = Input.mousePosition; = pos - currentTouch.pos;
currentTouch.pos = pos;
// Raycast into the screen
// We don't want to update the last camera while there is a touch happening
if (pressed) currentTouch.pressedCam = currentCamera;
else if (currentTouch.pressed != null) currentCamera = currentTouch.pressedCam;
// Process the events from this touch
currentKey = KeyCode.None;
ProcessTouch(pressed, unpressed);
// If the touch has ended, remove it from the list
if (unpressed) activeTouches.Remove(currentTouch);
currentTouch.last = null;
currentTouch = null;
/// <summary>
/// Process keyboard and joystick events.
/// </summary>
public void ProcessOthers ()
currentTouchID = -100;
currentTouch = controller;
bool submitKeyDown = false;
bool submitKeyUp = false;
if (submitKey0 != KeyCode.None && GetKeyDown(submitKey0))
currentKey = submitKey0;
submitKeyDown = true;
else if (submitKey1 != KeyCode.None && GetKeyDown(submitKey1))
currentKey = submitKey1;
submitKeyDown = true;
else if ((submitKey0 == KeyCode.Return || submitKey1 == KeyCode.Return) && GetKeyDown(KeyCode.KeypadEnter))
currentKey = submitKey0;
submitKeyDown = true;
if (submitKey0 != KeyCode.None && GetKeyUp(submitKey0))
currentKey = submitKey0;
submitKeyUp = true;
else if (submitKey1 != KeyCode.None && GetKeyUp(submitKey1))
currentKey = submitKey1;
submitKeyUp = true;
else if ((submitKey0 == KeyCode.Return || submitKey1 == KeyCode.Return) && GetKeyUp(KeyCode.KeypadEnter))
currentKey = submitKey0;
submitKeyUp = true;
if (submitKeyDown) currentTouch.pressTime = RealTime.time;
if ((submitKeyDown || submitKeyUp) && currentScheme == ControlScheme.Controller)
currentTouch.current = controllerNavigationObject;
ProcessTouch(submitKeyDown, submitKeyUp);
currentTouch.last = currentTouch.current;
KeyCode lastKey = KeyCode.None;
// Handle controller events
if (useController && !ignoreControllerInput)
// Automatically choose the first available selection object
if (!disableController && currentScheme == ControlScheme.Controller && (currentTouch.current == null || !currentTouch.current.activeInHierarchy))
currentTouch.current = controllerNavigationObject;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(verticalAxisName))
int vertical = GetDirection(verticalAxisName);
if (vertical != 0)
currentScheme = ControlScheme.Controller;
currentTouch.current = controllerNavigationObject;
if (currentTouch.current != null)
lastKey = vertical > 0 ? KeyCode.UpArrow : KeyCode.DownArrow;
if (onNavigate != null) onNavigate(currentTouch.current, lastKey);
Notify(currentTouch.current, "OnNavigate", lastKey);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(horizontalAxisName))
int horizontal = GetDirection(horizontalAxisName);
if (horizontal != 0)
currentScheme = ControlScheme.Controller;
currentTouch.current = controllerNavigationObject;
if (currentTouch.current != null)
lastKey = horizontal > 0 ? KeyCode.RightArrow : KeyCode.LeftArrow;
if (onNavigate != null) onNavigate(currentTouch.current, lastKey);
Notify(currentTouch.current, "OnNavigate", lastKey);
float x = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(horizontalPanAxisName) ? GetAxis(horizontalPanAxisName) : 0f;
float y = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(verticalPanAxisName) ? GetAxis(verticalPanAxisName) : 0f;
if (x != 0f || y != 0f)
currentScheme = ControlScheme.Controller;
currentTouch.current = controllerNavigationObject;
if (currentTouch.current != null)
Vector2 delta = new Vector2(x, y);
delta *= Time.unscaledDeltaTime;
if (onPan != null) onPan(currentTouch.current, delta);
Notify(currentTouch.current, "OnPan", delta);
// Send out all key events
if (GetAnyKeyDown != null ? GetAnyKeyDown() : Input.anyKeyDown)
for (int i = 0, imax = NGUITools.keys.Length; i < imax; ++i)
KeyCode key = NGUITools.keys[i];
if (lastKey == key) continue;
if (!GetKeyDown(key)) continue;
if (!useKeyboard && key < KeyCode.Mouse0) continue;
if ((!useController || ignoreControllerInput) && key >= KeyCode.JoystickButton0) continue;
if (!useMouse && (key >= KeyCode.Mouse0 || key <= KeyCode.Mouse6)) continue;
currentKey = key;
if (onKey != null) onKey(currentTouch.current, key);
Notify(currentTouch.current, "OnKey", key);
currentTouch = null;
/// <summary>
/// Process the press part of a touch.
/// </summary>
void ProcessPress (bool pressed, float click, float drag)
// Send out the press message
if (pressed)
if (mTooltip != null) ShowTooltip(null);
mTooltipTime = Time.unscaledTime + tooltipDelay;
currentTouch.pressStarted = true;
if (onPress != null && currentTouch.pressed)
onPress(currentTouch.pressed, false);
Notify(currentTouch.pressed, "OnPress", false);
if (currentScheme == ControlScheme.Mouse && hoveredObject == null && currentTouch.current != null)
hoveredObject = currentTouch.current;
currentTouch.pressed = currentTouch.current;
currentTouch.dragged = currentTouch.current;
currentTouch.clickNotification = ClickNotification.BasedOnDelta;
currentTouch.totalDelta =;
currentTouch.dragStarted = false;
if (onPress != null && currentTouch.pressed)
onPress(currentTouch.pressed, true);
Notify(currentTouch.pressed, "OnPress", true);
// Change the selection
if (mSelected != currentTouch.pressed)
// Input no longer has selection, even if it did
mInputFocus = false;
// Remove the selection
if (mSelected)
Notify(mSelected, "OnSelect", false);
if (onSelect != null) onSelect(mSelected, false);
// Change the selection
mSelected = currentTouch.pressed;
if (currentTouch.pressed != null)
UIKeyNavigation nav = currentTouch.pressed.GetComponent<UIKeyNavigation>();
if (nav != null) controller.current = currentTouch.pressed;
// Set the selection
if (mSelected)
mInputFocus = (mSelected.activeInHierarchy && mSelected.GetComponent<UIInput>() != null);
if (onSelect != null) onSelect(mSelected, true);
Notify(mSelected, "OnSelect", true);
else if (currentTouch.pressed != null && ( != 0f || currentTouch.current != currentTouch.last))
// Keep track of the total movement
currentTouch.totalDelta +=;
float mag = currentTouch.totalDelta.sqrMagnitude;
bool justStarted = false;
// If the drag process hasn't started yet but we've already moved off the object, start it immediately
if (!currentTouch.dragStarted && currentTouch.last != currentTouch.current)
currentTouch.dragStarted = true; = currentTouch.totalDelta;
// OnDragOver is sent for consistency, so that OnDragOut is always preceded by OnDragOver
isDragging = true;
if (onDragStart != null) onDragStart(currentTouch.dragged);
Notify(currentTouch.dragged, "OnDragStart", null);
if (onDragOver != null) onDragOver(currentTouch.last, currentTouch.dragged);
Notify(currentTouch.last, "OnDragOver", currentTouch.dragged);
isDragging = false;
else if (!currentTouch.dragStarted && drag < mag)
// If the drag event has not yet started, see if we've dragged the touch far enough to start it
justStarted = true;
currentTouch.dragStarted = true; = currentTouch.totalDelta;
// If we're dragging the touch, send out drag events
if (currentTouch.dragStarted)
if (mTooltip != null) ShowTooltip(null);
isDragging = true;
bool isDisabled = (currentTouch.clickNotification == ClickNotification.None);
if (justStarted)
if (onDragStart != null) onDragStart(currentTouch.dragged);
Notify(currentTouch.dragged, "OnDragStart", null);
if (onDragOver != null) onDragOver(currentTouch.last, currentTouch.dragged);
Notify(currentTouch.current, "OnDragOver", currentTouch.dragged);
else if (currentTouch.last != currentTouch.current)
if (onDragOut != null) onDragOut(currentTouch.last, currentTouch.dragged);
Notify(currentTouch.last, "OnDragOut", currentTouch.dragged);
if (onDragOver != null) onDragOver(currentTouch.last, currentTouch.dragged);
Notify(currentTouch.current, "OnDragOver", currentTouch.dragged);
if (onDrag != null) onDrag(currentTouch.dragged,;
Notify(currentTouch.dragged, "OnDrag",;
currentTouch.last = currentTouch.current;
isDragging = false;
if (isDisabled)
// If the notification status has already been disabled, keep it as such
currentTouch.clickNotification = ClickNotification.None;
else if (currentTouch.clickNotification == ClickNotification.BasedOnDelta && click < mag)
// We've dragged far enough to cancel the click
currentTouch.clickNotification = ClickNotification.None;
/// <summary>
/// Process the release part of a touch.
/// </summary>
void ProcessRelease (bool isMouse, float drag)
// Send out the unpress message
if (currentTouch == null) return;
currentTouch.pressStarted = false;
if (currentTouch.pressed != null)
// If there was a drag event in progress, make sure OnDragOut gets sent
if (currentTouch.dragStarted)
if (onDragOut != null) onDragOut(currentTouch.last, currentTouch.dragged);
Notify(currentTouch.last, "OnDragOut", currentTouch.dragged);
if (onDragEnd != null) onDragEnd(currentTouch.dragged);
Notify(currentTouch.dragged, "OnDragEnd", null);
// Send the notification of a touch ending
if (onPress != null) onPress(currentTouch.pressed, false);
Notify(currentTouch.pressed, "OnPress", false);
// Send a hover message to the object
if (isMouse && HasCollider(currentTouch.pressed))
// OnHover is sent to restore the visual state
if (mHover == currentTouch.current)
if (onHover != null) onHover(currentTouch.current, true);
Notify(currentTouch.current, "OnHover", true);
else hoveredObject = currentTouch.current;
// If the button/touch was released on the same object, consider it a click and select it
if (currentTouch.dragged == currentTouch.current ||
(currentScheme != ControlScheme.Controller &&
currentTouch.clickNotification != ClickNotification.None &&
currentTouch.totalDelta.sqrMagnitude < drag))
// If the touch should consider clicks, send out an OnClick notification
if (currentTouch.clickNotification != ClickNotification.None && currentTouch.pressed == currentTouch.current)
float time = RealTime.time;
if (onClick != null) onClick(currentTouch.pressed);
Notify(currentTouch.pressed, "OnClick", null);
if (currentTouch.clickTime + 0.35f > time)
if (onDoubleClick != null) onDoubleClick(currentTouch.pressed);
Notify(currentTouch.pressed, "OnDoubleClick", null);
currentTouch.clickTime = time;
else if (currentTouch.dragStarted) // The button/touch was released on a different object
// Send a drop notification (for drag & drop)
if (onDrop != null) onDrop(currentTouch.current, currentTouch.dragged);
Notify(currentTouch.current, "OnDrop", currentTouch.dragged);
currentTouch.dragStarted = false;
currentTouch.pressed = null;
currentTouch.dragged = null;
bool HasCollider (GameObject go)
if (go == null) return false;
Collider c = go.GetComponent<Collider>();
if (c != null) return c.enabled;
Collider2D b = go.GetComponent<Collider2D>();
return (b != null && b.enabled);
/// <summary>
/// Process the events of the specified touch.
/// </summary>
public void ProcessTouch (bool pressed, bool released)
if (released) mTooltipTime = 0f;
// Whether we're using the mouse
bool isMouse = (currentScheme == ControlScheme.Mouse);
float drag = isMouse ? mouseDragThreshold : touchDragThreshold;
float click = isMouse ? mouseClickThreshold : touchClickThreshold;
// So we can use sqrMagnitude below
drag *= drag;
click *= click;
if (currentTouch.pressed != null)
if (released) ProcessRelease(isMouse, drag);
ProcessPress(pressed, click, drag);
// Hold event = show tooltip
if (currentTouch.deltaTime > tooltipDelay)
if (currentTouch.pressed == currentTouch.current && mTooltipTime != 0f && !currentTouch.dragStarted)
mTooltipTime = 0f;
currentTouch.clickNotification = ClickNotification.None;
if (longPressTooltip) ShowTooltip(currentTouch.pressed);
Notify(currentTouch.current, "OnLongPress", null);
else if (isMouse || pressed || released)
ProcessPress(pressed, click, drag);
if (released) ProcessRelease(isMouse, drag);
/// <summary>
/// Cancel the next tooltip, preventing it from being shown.
/// Moving the mouse again will reset this counter.
/// </summary>
static public void CancelNextTooltip () { mTooltipTime = 0f; }
/// <summary>
/// Show or hide the tooltip.
/// </summary>
static public bool ShowTooltip (GameObject go)
if (mTooltip != go)
if (mTooltip != null)
if (onTooltip != null) onTooltip(mTooltip, false);
Notify(mTooltip, "OnTooltip", false);
mTooltip = go;
mTooltipTime = 0f;
if (mTooltip != null)
if (onTooltip != null) onTooltip(mTooltip, true);
Notify(mTooltip, "OnTooltip", true);
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Hide the tooltip, if one is visible.
/// </summary>
static public bool HideTooltip () { return ShowTooltip(null); }
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- 有道词典翻译(携带请求头和post参数请求)
一.静态爬取页面信息 有道翻译网址: 在翻译中输入python 找到接口和请求的方式 参数是From Data类型 需要把参数数据转换为字典, 复制粘贴 ...
- curl 异步捉取数据类
<?php class RequestLib { /** * GET 请求 * @param string $url */ public static function http_get($ur ...
- mysql 5.7多源复制(用于生产库多主库合并到一个查询从库)
目前我们使用的是主从+分库分表的系统架构,主库有N个分库,从库为多个slave做负载均衡,所以数据库端的架构是下面这样的: 因为差不多有一年半没有专门搞技术为主了,顺带回顾下. 这就涉及到多个主库数据 ...
- Quick Find (QF)
Quick Find 顾名思义就是快速查找,构建一个数组,通过下标即可迅速查找其id Union and Find:构建一个数组,下标为索引,数组元素的值为其id,初始id和索引相同 Union(p, ...
- centOS 7 gitlab安装 配置阿里巴巴 yum 源 wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/ ...
- 20145208 蔡野 《网络对抗》Exp8 Web基础
20145208 蔡野 <网络对抗>Exp8 Web基础 本实践的具体要求有: (1).Web前端HTML(1分) 能正常安装.启停Apache.理解HTML,理解表单,理解GET与POS ...