Giving a string with number from 1-n in random order, but miss 1 number.Find that number.

Notice n <= 30

Given n = 20, str = 19201234567891011121314151618

return 17

这题是网上借鉴别人的代码 一开始没有想到要用DFS 利用这道题顺便复习了下DFS的schema 注意flag 是用来剪枝避免重复计算的

 public class Solution {
* @param n an integer
* @param str a string with number from 1-n
* in random order and miss one number
* @return an integer
int ans=0;
boolean flag =false;
public int findMissing2(int n, String str) {
// Write your code here
boolean[] appear = new boolean[n+1];
dfs(0, n, str, appear);
return ans;
} private void dfs(int i, int n, String s, boolean[] appear){
for(int k=1; k<=n;k++){
ans = k;
flag = true;
int sum = s.charAt(i)-'0';
if(sum ==0){
int j = i+1;
appear[sum] = true;
dfs(j, n, s, appear);
appear[sum] = false;
if(j>=s.length()) return;
sum = 10*sum + (s.charAt(j++)-'0');

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