  • Affinities and Spread: Jobs may now specify affinities towards certain node attributes. Affinities act as soft constraints, and inform the scheduler that the job has a preference for certain node properties. The new spread stanza informs the scheduler that allocations should be spread across a specific property such as datacenter or availability zone. This is useful to increase failure tolerance of critical applications.
  • System Job Preemption: System jobs may now preempt lower priority allocations. The ability to place system jobs on all targeted nodes is critical since system jobs often run applications that provide services for all allocations on the node.
  • Driver Plugins: Nomad now supports task drivers as plugins. Driver plugins operate the same as built-in drivers and can be developed and distributed independently from Nomad.
  • Device Plugins: Nomad now supports scheduling and mounting devices via device plugins. Device plugins expose hardware devices such as GPUs to Nomad and instruct the client on how to make them available to tasks. Device plugins can expose the health of devices, the devices attributes, and device usage statistics. Device plugins can be developed and distributed independently from Nomad.
  • Nvidia GPU Device Plugin: Nomad builds-in a Nvidia GPU device plugin to add out-of-the-box support for scheduling Nvidia GPUs.
  • Client Refactor: Major focus has been put in this release to refactor the Nomad Client codebase. The goal of the refactor has been to make the codebase more modular to increase developer velocity and testability.
  • Mobile UI Views: The side-bar navigation, breadcrumbs, and various other page elements are now responsively resized and repositioned based on your browser size.
  • Job Authoring from the UI: It is now possible to plan and submit new jobs, edit existing jobs, stop and start jobs, and promote canaries all from the UI.
  • Improved Stat Tracking in UI: The client detail, allocation detail, and task detail pages now have line charts that plot CPU and Memory usage changes over time.
  • Structured Logging: Nomad now uses structured logging with the ability to output logs in a JSON format.
nomad 是越来越强大了

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