
No sedentary screen time for babies, WHO says

Babies and toddlers should not be left to passively watch TV or other screens, according to new World Health Organization guidelines.


Sedentary screen time, including computer games, should not happen before a child is two, the WHO says.


sedentary ['sed(ə)ntəri]: adj.需要久坐的;惯于久坐不动的

The limit for two- to four-year-olds is an hour a day and less is better.


The new WHO advice focuses on passive viewing - youngsters being placed in front of a TV or computer screen or handed a tablet or mobile phone for entertainment - and is aimed at tackling child inactivity, a leading risk factor for global mortality and obesity-related ill health.


It is the first time the WHO has made recommendations on physical activity, sedentary behavior and sleep for children under five.


As well as warning against passive screen time, it says babies should not spend longer than an hour at a time strapped into a buggy, car seat or sling.


buggy['bʌɡi]: n. 童车


For babies:

Be physically active several times a day, including at least 30 minutes' "tummy time" - lying on their front

No sedentary screen time

14-17 hours' sleep a day, including naps, for newborns - reducing to 12-16 by four to 11 months
新生儿每天睡14到17个小时(包括打盹),4-11月婴儿每天睡12到 16个小时

Should not be restrained (ie strapped into a recliner, seat or sling) for more than an hour at a time

For one- and two-year-olds:

At least three hours' physical activity a day

No sedentary screen time for one-year-olds and less than an hour for two-year-olds

11-14 hours' sleep a day, including naps

Should not be restrained for more than an hour at a time or sit for extended periods of time

For three- and four-year-olds:

At least three hours' physical activity a day, including at least one of moderate or vigorous intensity

Up to an hour of sedentary screen time - less is better

10-13 hours' sleep a day, which may include a nap

Should not be restrained for more than an hour at a time or sit for extended periods of time

The WHO advice is based on available evidence, but there is still a lack of definitive research into the harms and possible benefits of screen use.


However, it was unlikely very young children gained from passive, sedentary viewing, said one of the guideline authors, Dr Juana Willumsen.


"Children need to be given opportunities throughout the day to actively play and we should be reducing sedentary, passive screen time," she said.



In the US, experts say children should not use screens before they are 18 months old.


In Canada, screen time for children younger than two is not recommended.


Dr Max Davie, from the RCPCH, said: "The restricted screen time limits suggested by the WHO do not seem proportionate to the potential harm.


"Our research has shown that currently there is not strong enough evidence to support the setting of screen time limits. "



Paula Morton, a teacher and mother of two young children, said her son learned a lot from watching programs about dinosaurs and came out with "random facts about them".


random fact: 冷知识

"He doesn't just sit there and zone out," she said. "He's obviously thinking and using his brain.


zone out: 头脑空白,走神

"I don't know how I would make the dinner, cook and clean if he didn't have something to watch."



Is screen time controlled?

Does screen use interfere with what your family want to do?

Does screen use interfere with sleep?

Are you able to control snacking during screen time?

If a family are satisfied with their answers to these questions, then they are likely to be handling screen time well, the college says.


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