[LeetCode&Python] Problem 257. Binary Tree Paths
Given a binary tree, return all root-to-leaf paths.
Note: A leaf is a node with no children.
- Input:
- 1
- / \
- 2 3
- \
- 5
- Output: ["1->2->5", "1->3"]
- Explanation: All root-to-leaf paths are: 1->2->5, 1->3
- Iteration:
- # Definition for a binary tree node.
- # class TreeNode(object):
- # def __init__(self, x):
- # self.val = x
- # self.left = None
- # self.right = None
- class Solution(object):
- def binaryTreePaths(self, root):
- """
- :type root: TreeNode
- :rtype: List[str]
- """
- if not root:
- return []
- stack=[]
- stack.append((root,str(root.val)))
- paths=[]
- while stack:
- node,path=stack.pop()
- if not node.left and not node.right:
- paths.append(path)
- else:
- if node.left:
- stack.append((node.left,path+"->"+str(node.left.val)))
- if node.right:
- stack.append((node.right,path+"->"+str(node.right.val)))
- return paths
- # Definition for a binary tree node.
- # class TreeNode(object):
- # def __init__(self, x):
- # self.val = x
- # self.left = None
- # self.right = None
- class Solution(object):
- def binaryTreePaths(self, root):
- """
- :type root: TreeNode
- :rtype: List[str]
- """
- ans=[]
- def isleaf(node):
- if not node.right and not node.left:
- return True
- return False
- def findPath(node,path):
- if node:
- path+=str(node.val)
- if isleaf(node):
- ans.append(path)
- else:
- path+="->"
- findPath(node.left,path)
- findPath(node.right,path)
- path=""
- findPath(root,path)
- return ans
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