Shiro Shiro Web Support

主要参考: 还有涛哥的


配置 shiro.ini 放置在 resource目录下面至于这些配置的到底是什么意思,这个不是我们关注的重点,随便看看就知道了,一会慢慢的深入了就知道了这个到底是啥子意思了。

perms.unauthorizedUrl=/unauthorized logout.redirectUrl=/login [users]
wang=123 [roles]
admin=user:*,menu:* [urls]
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</dependency> <dependency>
</dependency> <dependency>
</dependency> </dependencies>


<!--- shiro 1.2 -->
<param-value>org.apache.shiro.web.env.IniWebEnvironment</param-value><!-- 默认先从/WEB-INF/shiro.ini,如果没有找classpath:shiro.ini -->


public class EnvironmentLoaderListener extends EnvironmentLoader implements ServletContextListener {

* Initializes the Shiro {@code WebEnvironment} and binds it to the {@code ServletContext} at application
* startup for future reference.
* @param sce the ServletContextEvent triggered upon application startup
*创建一个WebEnvironment 绑定在ServletContext上,这里调用的是父类的方法。
public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent sce) {
} /**
* Destroys any previously created/bound {@code WebEnvironment} instance created by
* the {@link #contextInitialized(javax.servlet.ServletContextEvent)} method.
* @param sce the ServletContextEvent triggered upon application shutdown
public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent sce) {


public class EnvironmentLoader { /**
* Servlet Context config param for specifying the {@link WebEnvironment} implementation class to use:
* WebEnvironment 的实现类,主要负责解析Ini文件,生成管家
public static final String ENVIRONMENT_CLASS_PARAM = "shiroEnvironmentClass"; /**
* Servlet Context config param for the resource path to use for configuring the {@link WebEnvironment} instance:
* 配置文件的位置,在web.xml中可以指定
public static final String CONFIG_LOCATIONS_PARAM = "shiroConfigLocations";
public static final String ENVIRONMENT_ATTRIBUTE_KEY =
EnvironmentLoader.class.getName() + ".ENVIRONMENT_ATTRIBUTE_KEY"; /**
* Initializes Shiro's {@link WebEnvironment} instance for the specified {@code ServletContext}
public WebEnvironment initEnvironment(ServletContext servletContext) throws IllegalStateException {
if (servletContext.getAttribute(ENVIRONMENT_ATTRIBUTE_KEY) != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(msg);
} servletContext.log("Initializing Shiro environment");"Starting Shiro environment initialization."); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); try {
WebEnvironment environment = createEnvironment(servletContext);
servletContext.setAttribute(ENVIRONMENT_ATTRIBUTE_KEY, environment);
return environment;
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
log.error("Shiro environment initialization failed", ex);
servletContext.setAttribute(ENVIRONMENT_ATTRIBUTE_KEY, ex);
throw ex;
} catch (Error err) {
log.error("Shiro environment initialization failed", err);
servletContext.setAttribute(ENVIRONMENT_ATTRIBUTE_KEY, err);
throw err;
} /**
* Return the WebEnvironment implementation class to use, either the default
* {@link IniWebEnvironment} or a custom class if specified.
* 可以在配置文件中配置WebEnvironment的实现类,默认为IniWebEnvironment 扩展很好啊!
* 不过一般都不会改变的,通过反射来创建这个实例
protected Class<?> determineWebEnvironmentClass(ServletContext servletContext) {
String className = servletContext.getInitParameter(ENVIRONMENT_CLASS_PARAM);
if (className != null) {
try {
return ClassUtils.forName(className);
} catch (UnknownClassException ex) {
throw new ConfigurationException();
} else {
return IniWebEnvironment.class;
} /**
* Instantiates a {@link WebEnvironment} based on the specified ServletContext.
protected WebEnvironment createEnvironment(ServletContext sc) { Class<?> clazz = determineWebEnvironmentClass(sc);//选择CLSS
if (!MutableWebEnvironment.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) {
throw new ConfigurationException("Custom WebEnvironment class [" + clazz.getName() +
"] is not of required type [" + WebEnvironment.class.getName() + "]");
} String configLocations = sc.getInitParameter(CONFIG_LOCATIONS_PARAM);
boolean configSpecified = StringUtils.hasText(configLocations); if (configSpecified && !(ResourceConfigurable.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz))) {
throw new ConfigurationException(msg);
} MutableWebEnvironment environment = (MutableWebEnvironment)
//反射实例 environment.setServletContext(sc); if (configSpecified && (environment instanceof ResourceConfigurable)) {
((ResourceConfigurable) environment).setConfigLocations(configLocations);
} customizeEnvironment(environment);//子类可以重写定制 LifecycleUtils.init(environment);//初始化WebEnvironment,加载配置文件信息 return environment;
} protected void customizeEnvironment(WebEnvironment environment) {
} /**
* Destroys the {@link WebEnvironment} for the given servlet context.
public void destroyEnvironment(ServletContext servletContext) {
servletContext.log("Cleaning up Shiro Environment");
try {
Object environment = servletContext.getAttribute(ENVIRONMENT_ATTRIBUTE_KEY);
} finally {

WebEnvironment 继承结构图简单 




public interface Environment {

* Returns the application's {@code SecurityManager} instance.
* @return the application's {@code SecurityManager} instance.
SecurityManager getSecurityManager();


public interface NamedObjectEnvironment extends Environment {

* 这个接口的意思应该是从一个Map<String,Object>中取一个类型安全的东西!
* 由于擦除了类型~
<T> T getObject(String name, Class<T> requiredType) throws RequiredTypeException;


* A web-specific {@link Environment} instance, used in web applications.
* @since 1.2
public interface WebEnvironment extends Environment { /**
* Returns the web application's {@code FilterChainResolver} if one has been configured or {@code null} if one
* is not available.
FilterChainResolver getFilterChainResolver(); ServletContext getServletContext(); /**
* Returns the web application's security manager instance.
WebSecurityManager getWebSecurityManager();
} //过滤器链是不是和filter很相似!
public interface FilterChainResolver { /**
* Returns the filter chain that should be executed for the given request, or {@code null} if the
* original chain should be used.
* <p/>
* This method allows a implementation to define arbitrary security {@link javax.servlet.Filter Filter}
* chains for any given request or URL pattern.
* @param originalChain the original {@code FilterChain} intercepted by the ShiroFilter implementation.
* @return the filter chain that should be executed for the given request, or {@code null} if the
* original chain should be used.
FilterChain getChain(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain originalChain); }
//是否使用Session Http的session
public interface WebSecurityManager extends SecurityManager { /**
* Security information needs to be retained from request to request, so Shiro makes use of a
* session for this. Typically, a security manager will use the servlet container's HTTP session
* but custom session implementations, for example based on EhCache, may also be used. This
* method indicates whether the security manager is using the HTTP session or not.
boolean isHttpSessionMode();


//Mutable 可以变化的,用来注入的信息
public interface MutableWebEnvironment extends WebEnvironment { void setFilterChainResolver(FilterChainResolver filterChainResolver); void setServletContext(ServletContext servletContext); void setWebSecurityManager(WebSecurityManager webSecurityManager);


* Simple/default {@code Environment} implementation that stores Shiro objects as key-value pairs in a
* {@link java.util.Map Map} instance. The key is the object name, the value is the object itself.
* 将shiro的一些重要的数据放在Map中
* @since 1.2
public class DefaultEnvironment implements NamedObjectEnvironment, Destroyable { public static final String DEFAULT_SECURITY_MANAGER_KEY = "securityManager";
protected final Map<String, Object> objects;
private String securityManagerName;
public DefaultEnvironment() {
this(new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Object>());
} /**
* Creates a new instance with the specified backing map.
public DefaultEnvironment(Map<String, ?> seed) {
this.securityManagerName = DEFAULT_SECURITY_MANAGER_KEY;
if (seed == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Backing map cannot be null.");
this.objects = (Map<String, Object>) seed;
} public SecurityManager getSecurityManager() throws IllegalStateException {
SecurityManager securityManager = lookupSecurityManager();
if (securityManager == null) { }
return securityManager;
} public void setSecurityManager(SecurityManager securityManager) {
if (securityManager == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null");
String name = getSecurityManagerName();
setObject(name, securityManager);
} /**
* 从Map中找到保存的备份管家的
protected SecurityManager lookupSecurityManager() {
String name = getSecurityManagerName();
return getObject(name, SecurityManager.class);
} public String getSecurityManagerName() {
return securityManagerName;
public void setSecurityManagerName(String securityManagerName) {
this.securityManagerName = securityManagerName;
} /**
* Returns the live (modifiable) internal objects collection.
public Map<String,Object> getObjects() {
return this.objects;
public <T> T getObject(String name, Class<T> requiredType) throws RequiredTypeException {
if (name == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("name parameter cannot be null.");
if (requiredType == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("requiredType parameter cannot be null.");
Object o = this.objects.get(name);
if (o == null) {
return null;
if (!requiredType.isInstance(o)) {
String msg = "Object named '" + name + "' is not of required type [" + requiredType.getName() + "].";
throw new RequiredTypeException(msg);
return (T)o;
} public void setObject(String name, Object instance) {
if (name == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
if (instance == null) {
} else {
this.objects.put(name, instance);
public void destroy() throws Exception {
  • 1

DefaultWebEnvironment 写得分工明确,写的非常的好的!而且各种的接口设计也是非常的合理的。各种需要可以制定的成员变量全部都是处理为接口的

* Default {@link WebEnvironment} implementation based on a backing {@link Map} instance.
*主要是基于祖上的Map进行处理的,这个是Web所以增加了ServletContext 成员变量,分工很明确啊
* @since 1.2
public class DefaultWebEnvironment extends DefaultEnvironment implements MutableWebEnvironment { private static final String DEFAULT_FILTER_CHAIN_RESOLVER_NAME = "filterChainResolver"; private ServletContext servletContext; public DefaultWebEnvironment() {
} public FilterChainResolver getFilterChainResolver() {
return getObject(DEFAULT_FILTER_CHAIN_RESOLVER_NAME, FilterChainResolver.class);
} public void setFilterChainResolver(FilterChainResolver filterChainResolver) {
setObject(DEFAULT_FILTER_CHAIN_RESOLVER_NAME, filterChainResolver);
} @Override
public SecurityManager getSecurityManager() throws IllegalStateException {
return getWebSecurityManager();
} @Override
public void setSecurityManager(SecurityManager securityManager) {
public WebSecurityManager getWebSecurityManager() {
SecurityManager sm = super.getSecurityManager();
return (WebSecurityManager)sm;
} public void setWebSecurityManager(WebSecurityManager wsm) {
} private void assertWebSecurityManager(SecurityManager sm) {
if (!(sm instanceof WebSecurityManager)) {
String msg = "SecurityManager instance must be a " + WebSecurityManager.class.getName() + " instance.";
throw new IllegalStateException(msg);
} public ServletContext getServletContext() {
return this.servletContext;
} public void setServletContext(ServletContext servletContext) {
this.servletContext = servletContext;
  • 1


public interface ResourceConfigurable {

* Convenience method that accepts a comma-delimited string of config locations (resource paths).
* @param locations comma-delimited list of config locations (resource paths).
void setConfigLocations(String locations); /**
* Sets the configuration locations (resource paths) that will be used to configure the instance.
* @param locations the configuration locations (resource paths) that will be used to configure the instance.
void setConfigLocations(String[] locations); }
  • 1

ResourceBasedWebEnvironment 就是设置一个路径的位置而已!

* Abstract implementation for {@code WebEnvironment}s that can be initialized via resource paths (config files).
* @since 1.2
public abstract class ResourceBasedWebEnvironment extends DefaultWebEnvironment implements ResourceConfigurable { private String[] configLocations; public String[] getConfigLocations() {
return configLocations;
} public void setConfigLocations(String locations) {
if (!StringUtils.hasText(locations)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null/empty locations argument not allowed.");
String[] arr = StringUtils.split(locations);
} public void setConfigLocations(String[] configLocations) {
this.configLocations = configLocations;
} }

1. 查找并加载 shiro.ini 配置文件,首先从自身成员变量里查找,然后从 web.xml 中查找,然后从 /WEB-INF 下查找,然后从 classpath 下查找,若均未找到,则直接报错。 
2. 当找到了 ini 配置文件后就开始解析,此时构造了一个 Bean 容器(相当于一个轻量级的 IOC 容器),最终的目标是为了创建 WebSecurityManager 对象与 FilterChainResolver 对象,创建过程使用了 Abstract Factory 模式:

* {@link WebEnvironment} implementation configured by an {@link Ini} instance or {@code Ini} resource locations.
* @since 1.2
public class IniWebEnvironment extends ResourceBasedWebEnvironment implements Initializable, Destroyable { public static final String DEFAULT_WEB_INI_RESOURCE_PATH = "/WEB-INF/shiro.ini";
* The Ini that configures this WebEnvironment instance.
private Ini ini; /**
* 这个方法被调用了之后和之前的一样的去创建,Ini类信息,然后在Configure() 创建一个工厂,
* Initializes this instance by resolving any potential (explicit or resource-configured) {@link Ini}
* configuration and calling {@link #configure() configure} for actual instance configuration.
public void init() {
Ini ini = getIni(); String[] configLocations = getConfigLocations();
if (log.isWarnEnabled() && !CollectionUtils.isEmpty(ini) &&
configLocations != null && configLocations.length > 0) {
if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(ini)) {
log.debug("Checking any specified config locations.");
ini = getSpecifiedIni(configLocations);
} if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(ini)) {
log.debug(" Trying default config locations.");
ini = getDefaultIni();
if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(ini)) {
String msg = "not found or discovered to be empty/unconfigured.";
throw new ConfigurationException(msg);
} protected void configure() {
WebSecurityManager securityManager = createWebSecurityManager();
FilterChainResolver resolver = createFilterChainResolver();
if (resolver != null) {
} protected Ini getSpecifiedIni(String[] configLocations) throws ConfigurationException { Ini ini = null; if (configLocations != null && configLocations.length > 0) { if (configLocations.length > 1) {
} //required, as it is user specified:
ini = createIni(configLocations[0], true);
} return ini;
} protected Ini getDefaultIni() { Ini ini = null; String[] configLocations = getDefaultConfigLocations();
if (configLocations != null) {
for (String location : configLocations) {
ini = createIni(location, false);
} return ini;
} protected Ini createIni(String configLocation, boolean required) throws ConfigurationException { Ini ini = null; if (configLocation != null) {
ini = convertPathToIni(configLocation, required);
if (required && CollectionUtils.isEmpty(ini)) { } return ini;
protected FilterChainResolver createFilterChainResolver() { FilterChainResolver resolver = null;
Ini ini = getIni();
if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(ini)) {
//only create a resolver if the 'filters' or 'urls' sections are defined:
Ini.Section urls = ini.getSection(IniFilterChainResolverFactory.URLS);
Ini.Section filters = ini.getSection(IniFilterChainResolverFactory.FILTERS);
if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(urls) || !CollectionUtils.isEmpty(filters)) {
//either the urls section or the filters section was defined. Go ahead and create the resolver:
IniFilterChainResolverFactory factory = new IniFilterChainResolverFactory(ini, this.objects);
resolver = factory.getInstance();
} return resolver;
protected WebSecurityManager createWebSecurityManager() {
WebIniSecurityManagerFactory factory;
Ini ini = getIni();
if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(ini)) {
factory = new WebIniSecurityManagerFactory();
} else {
factory = new WebIniSecurityManagerFactory(ini);
} WebSecurityManager wsm = (WebSecurityManager)factory.getInstance(); //SHIRO-306 - get beans after they've been created (the call was before the factory.getInstance() call,
//which always returned null.
Map<String, ?> beans = factory.getBeans();
if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(beans)) {
} return wsm;
} protected String[] getDefaultConfigLocations() {
return new String[]{
} private Ini convertPathToIni(String path, boolean required) { //TODO - this logic is ugly - it'd be ideal if we had a Resource API to polymorphically encaspulate this behavior Ini ini = null; if (StringUtils.hasText(path)) {
InputStream is = null; //SHIRO-178: Check for servlet context resource and not only resource paths:
if (!ResourceUtils.hasResourcePrefix(path)) {
is = getServletContextResourceStream(path);
} else {
try {
is = ResourceUtils.getInputStreamForPath(path);
} catch (IOException e) {
if (required) {
throw new ConfigurationException(e);
} else {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Unable to load optional path '" + path + "'.", e);
if (is != null) {
ini = new Ini();
} else {
if (required) {
throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to load resource path '" + path + "'");
} return ini;
//TODO - this logic is ugly - it'd be ideal if we had a Resource API to polymorphically encaspulate this behavior
private InputStream getServletContextResourceStream(String path) {
InputStream is = null; path = WebUtils.normalize(path);
ServletContext sc = getServletContext();
if (sc != null) {
is = sc.getResourceAsStream(path);
} return is;
} /**
* Returns the {@code Ini} instance reflecting this WebEnvironment's configuration.
public Ini getIni() {
return this.ini;
public void setIni(Ini ini) {
this.ini = ini;

看看继承图 我记得之前我们的工厂的图没有WebIniSecurityManagerFactory 和 IniFilterChainResolverFactory 
WebSecurityManager wsm = (WebSecurityManager)factory.getInstance();


 protected void configure() {


        WebSecurityManager securityManager = createWebSecurityManager();
setWebSecurityManager(securityManager); FilterChainResolver resolver = createFilterChainResolver();
if (resolver != null) {

其中有两个 Factory 需要关注: 
- WebIniSecurityManagerFactory 用于创建 WebSecurityManager。 
- IniFilterChainResolverFactory 用于创建 FilterChainResolver。 
通过以上分析,相信 EnvironmentLoaderListener 已经不再神秘了,无非就是在容器启动时创建 WebEnvironment 对象,并由该对象来读取 Shiro 配置文件,创建WebSecurityManager 与 FilterChainResolver 对象,它们都在后面将要出现的 ShiroFilter 中起到了重要作用。 
从 web.xml 中同样可以得知,ShiroFilter 是整个 Shiro 框架的门面,因为它拦截了所有的请求,后面是需要 Authentication(认证)还是需要 Authorization(授权)都由它说了算。

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