本系列文章由 @YhL_Leo 出品,转载请注明出处。

文章链接: http://blog.csdn.net/yhl_leo/article/details/47660943

本文参考Opencv 2.4.11 documentation整理对YAMLXML文件实现I/O操作的方法。

官网:YAML:http://www.yaml.org XML :http://www.w3c.org/XML



XML格式的文件拓展名为: .xml

1.1 文件打开


std::string fileName  = "E:\\test.yml"; // YAML
std::string fileName2 = "E:\\test.xml"; // XML
// write file
cv::FileStorage fs(fileName , cv::FileStorage::WRITE);
// read file
cv::FileStorage fs2(fileName , cv::FileStorage::READ);
// or use: cv::FileStorage::open
fs2.open(fileName , cv::FileStorage::READ);



// bool FileStorage::isOpened() const;
if ( !fs.isOpened() ) // failed
std::cout<<"Save File Failed!"<<std::endl;
return ;
else // succeed

1.2 文件关闭





2.1 写入

fs << "frameCount" << 5;  // 字符和数字
cv::Mat_<double> cameraMat = cv::Mat_<double>::zeros(3, 3);
fs << "Camera Intrinsic Matrix" << cameraMat; // cv::Mat


  • fs << "frameCount" <<5""内输出的字符串是有限制的,对于YAML有效范围是:[a-z],[A-Z],[0-9],”-“,”_”和空格。XML与YAML基本一致,但是YAML字符之间加空格是允许的,XML不允许。如果出现以下BUG,请不要慌张,检查一下输入的字符是否有效就OK~

2.2 读取


// first method: use (type) operator on FileNode.
int frameCount = (int)fs2["frameCount"];
// second second method: use cv::FileNode::operator >>
int frameCount;
fs2["frameCount"] >> frameCount;

2.3 Mat的操作


cv::Mat_<double> cameraMat = cv::Mat_<double>::zeros(3, 3);
cv::Mat_<double> distCoeffes = ( cv::Mat_<double>(5, 1)<< 0.1, 0.01, -0.001, 0.0, 0.0 );
// C++
std::cout<<"Camera Matrix"<<std::endl<<cv::Mat::Mat(cameraMat)<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"Distortion Coefficients"<<std::endl<<cv::Mat::Mat(distCoeffes)<<std::endl;
// cv::FileStorage
fs << "Camera Matrix" << cameraMat;
fs << "Distortion Coefficients"<<distCoeffes;





2.4 集合的操作


映射集合(Mappings, 又称named collections):每个元素有一个名字或者说关键字,并且可以通过名字访问其数据,类似于Key-Value结构。使用方法为:

// Mappings write
int x(1.0), y(0.0);
fs << "features" << "["; // also can be "[:"
fs <<"{:" << "x" << x << "y" << "}" << "]";
  • "{""{:"输出的结果是不一样的,YAML使用":"后,使输出的文本具有Python的风格,映射集合会按照一行排列,不适用时,按照每个元素与其值单独一行的方法排列。XML使用":"后输出结果会有不同,但基本可以视为把":"忽略。




XML {:

// Mappings read
cv::FileNode features = fs2["features"];
// 遍历查看
cv::FileNodeIterator it = features.begin();
" y="<<(int)(*it)["y"]<<
" z="<<(int)(*it)["z"]<<std::endl;


  • 编程的时候,不在Mapping的"{ }"外加上"[ ]"输出的效果是不一样的,而且在数据读取的时候,加上"[

    的Mapping结构会被认为是Mapping结构,否则会出错,以上述的Mappings write代码为例: 对于 fs <<

    "fearures" << "[" << "{" << ... << "}" << "]"
    结构,用上述方法可以读取成功; 对于 fs

    << "features" << "{" << ... << "}"

序列集合(Sequences,又称unnamed collections):数据没有名字名字或者关键字,一般通过序号(indices)访问数据,例如最常见的数组。


// Sequences write
int mySeq[5] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4};
fs << "mySeq" << "[";
for ( int idx=0; idx<5; idx++ )
fs << mySeq[idx];
fs << "]";
// Sequences read
cv::FileNode mySeq2 = fs2["mySeq"];
std::vector<int> seq;
cv::FileNodeIterator it = mySeq2.begin(), it_end = mySeq2.end();
for ( ; it != it_end; it++ )
seq.push_back( (int)( *it ) );
// std::cout<<(int)(*it)<<" "<<std::endl;

3.Opencv documentation 源码示例

下面贴出Opencv documentation中的示例代码,可以作为参考:

// file write
#include "opencv2/opencv.hpp"
#include <time.h> using namespace cv;
using namespace std; int main(int, char** argv)
FileStorage fs("test.yml", FileStorage::WRITE); fs << "frameCount" << 5;
time_t rawtime; time(&rawtime);
fs << "calibrationDate" << asctime(localtime(&rawtime));
Mat cameraMatrix = (Mat_<double>(3,3) << 1000, 0, 320, 0, 1000, 240, 0, 0, 1);
Mat distCoeffs = (Mat_<double>(5,1) << 0.1, 0.01, -0.001, 0, 0);
fs << "cameraMatrix" << cameraMatrix << "distCoeffs" << distCoeffs;
fs << "features" << "[";
for( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
int x = rand() % 640;
int y = rand() % 480;
uchar lbp = rand() % 256; fs << "{:" << "x" << x << "y" << y << "lbp" << "[:";
for( int j = 0; j < 8; j++ )
fs << ((lbp >> j) & 1);
fs << "]" << "}";
fs << "]";
return 0;
// results
frameCount: 5
calibrationDate: "Fri Jun 17 14:09:29 2011\n"
cameraMatrix: !!opencv-matrix
rows: 3
cols: 3
dt: d
data: [ 1000., 0., 320., 0., 1000., 240., 0., 0., 1. ]
distCoeffs: !!opencv-matrix
rows: 5
cols: 1
dt: d
data: [ 1.0000000000000001e-01, 1.0000000000000000e-02,
-1.0000000000000000e-03, 0., 0. ]
- { x:167, y:49, lbp:[ 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1 ] }
- { x:298, y:130, lbp:[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1 ] }
- { x:344, y:158, lbp:[ 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ] }
// file read
FileStorage fs2("test.yml", FileStorage::READ); // first method: use (type) operator on FileNode.
int frameCount = (int)fs2["frameCount"]; std::string date;
// second method: use FileNode::operator >>
fs2["calibrationDate"] >> date; Mat cameraMatrix2, distCoeffs2;
fs2["cameraMatrix"] >> cameraMatrix2;
fs2["distCoeffs"] >> distCoeffs2; cout << "frameCount: " << frameCount << endl
<< "calibration date: " << date << endl
<< "camera matrix: " << cameraMatrix2 << endl
<< "distortion coeffs: " << distCoeffs2 << endl; FileNode features = fs2["features"];
FileNodeIterator it = features.begin(), it_end = features.end();
int idx = 0;
std::vector<uchar> lbpval; // iterate through a sequence using FileNodeIterator
for( ; it != it_end; ++it, idx++ )
cout << "feature #" << idx << ": ";
cout << "x=" << (int)(*it)["x"] << ", y=" << (int)(*it)["y"] << ", lbp: (";
// you can also easily read numerical arrays using FileNode >> std::vector operator.
(*it)["lbp"] >> lbpval;
for( int i = 0; i < (int)lbpval.size(); i++ )
cout << " " << (int)lbpval[i];
cout << ")" << endl;

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