[Python] Accessing Array Elements
NumPy Reference: Indexing
Note: Indexing starts at 0
- def slicing():
- a = np.random.rand(5,4)
- print(a)
- """
- [[ 0.15372787 0.83347785 0.86855635 0.23592008]
- [ 0.74925447 0.08453883 0.62021973 0.51972556]
- [ 0.33835541 0.03772665 0.53220179 0.2095391 ]
- [ 0.41991738 0.76028856 0.22081936 0.4240198 ]
- [ 0.93666236 0.72688287 0.99309427 0.69388106]]
- """
- print(a[0:2, 0:4:3]) #0:4:3 X:Y:Z, if Y > Z, z is step, so here is take columns from [0,4), step is 3
- """
[[ 0.15372787 0.23592008]- [ 0.74925447 0.51972556]]
"""- if __name__ == "__main__":
- slicing()
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