


 package com.snow.tailer;

 public interface TailerListener {
* The tailer will call this method during construction,
* giving the listener a method of stopping the tailer.
* @param tailer the tailer.
void init(Tailer tailer); /**
* This method is called if the tailed file is not found.
* <p>
* <b>Note:</b> this is called from the tailer thread.
void fileNotFound(); /**
* Called if a file rotation is detected.
* This method is called before the file is reopened, and fileNotFound may
* be called if the new file has not yet been created.
* <p>
* <b>Note:</b> this is called from the tailer thread.
void fileRotated(); /**
* Handles a line from a Tailer.
* <p>
* <b>Note:</b> this is called from the tailer thread.
* @param line the line.
void handle(String line); /**
* Handles an Exception .
* <p>
* <b>Note:</b> this is called from the tailer thread.
* @param ex the exception.
void handle(Exception ex);


 package com.snow.tailer;

 public class TailerListenerAdapter implements TailerListener {
* The tailer will call this method during construction,
* giving the listener a method of stopping the tailer.
* @param tailer the tailer.
public void init(Tailer tailer) {
} /**
* This method is called if the tailed file is not found.
public void fileNotFound() {
} /**
* Called if a file rotation is detected.
* This method is called before the file is reopened, and fileNotFound may
* be called if the new file has not yet been created.
public void fileRotated() {
} /**
* Handles a line from a Tailer.
* @param line the line.
public void handle(String line) {
} /**
* Handles an Exception .
* @param ex the exception.
public void handle(Exception ex) {
} }


* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.snow.tailer; import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.RandomAccessFile; /**
* Simple implementation of the unix "tail -f" functionality.
* <p>
* <h2>1. Create a TailerListener implementation</h3>
* <p>
* First you need to create a {@link TailerListener} implementation
* ({@link TailerListenerAdapter} is provided for convenience so that you don't have to
* implement every method).
* </p>
* <p>For example:</p>
* <pre>
* public class MyTailerListener extends TailerListenerAdapter {
* public void handle(String line) {
* System.out.println(line);
* }
* }
* </pre>
* <h2>2. Using a Tailer</h2>
* You can create and use a Tailer in one of three ways:
* <ul>
* <li>Using one of the static helper methods:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link Tailer#create(File, TailerListener)}</li>
* <li>{@link Tailer#create(File, TailerListener, long)}</li>
* <li>{@link Tailer#create(File, TailerListener, long, boolean)}</li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* <li>Using an {@link java.util.concurrent.Executor}</li>
* <li>Using an {@link Thread}</li>
* </ul>
* An example of each of these is shown below.
* <h3>2.1 Using the static helper method</h3>
* <pre>
* TailerListener listener = new MyTailerListener();
* Tailer tailer = Tailer.create(file, listener, delay);
* </pre>
* <h3>2.2 Use an Executor</h3>
* <pre>
* TailerListener listener = new MyTailerListener();
* Tailer tailer = new Tailer(file, listener, delay);
* // stupid executor impl. for demo purposes
* Executor executor = new Executor() {
* public void execute(Runnable command) {
* command.run();
* }
* };
* executor.execute(tailer);
* </pre>
* <h3>2.3 Use a Thread</h3>
* <pre>
* TailerListener listener = new MyTailerListener();
* Tailer tailer = new Tailer(file, listener, delay);
* Thread thread = new Thread(tailer);
* thread.setDaemon(true); // optional
* thread.start();
* </pre>
* <h2>3. Stop Tailing</h3>
* <p>Remember to stop the tailer when you have done with it:</p>
* <pre>
* tailer.stop();
* </pre>
* @see TailerListener
* @see TailerListenerAdapter
* @version $Id: Tailer.java 1348698 2012-06-11 01:09:58Z ggregory $
* @since 2.0
public class Tailer implements Runnable {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Tailer.class); private static final int DEFAULT_DELAY_MILLIS = 1000; private static final String RAF_MODE = "r"; private static final int DEFAULT_BUFSIZE = 4096; /**
* Buffer on top of RandomAccessFile.
private final byte inbuf[]; /**
* The file which will be tailed.
private final File file; /**
* The amount of time to wait for the file to be updated.
private final long delayMillis; /**
* Whether to tail from the end or start of file
private final boolean end; /**
* The listener to notify of events when tailing.
private final TailerListener listener; /**
* Whether to close and reopen the file whilst waiting for more input.
private final boolean reOpen; /**
* The tailer will run as long as this value is true.
private volatile boolean run = true;
private volatile boolean resetFilePositionIfOverwrittenWithTheSameLength = false; /**
* Creates a Tailer for the given file, starting from the beginning, with the default delay of 1.0s.
* @param file The file to follow.
* @param listener the TailerListener to use.
public Tailer(File file, TailerListener listener) {
this(file, listener, DEFAULT_DELAY_MILLIS);
} /**
* Creates a Tailer for the given file, starting from the beginning.
* @param file the file to follow.
* @param listener the TailerListener to use.
* @param delayMillis the delay between checks of the file for new content in milliseconds.
public Tailer(File file, TailerListener listener, long delayMillis) {
this(file, listener, delayMillis, false);
} /**
* Creates a Tailer for the given file, with a delay other than the default 1.0s.
* @param file the file to follow.
* @param listener the TailerListener to use.
* @param delayMillis the delay between checks of the file for new content in milliseconds.
* @param end Set to true to tail from the end of the file, false to tail from the beginning of the file.
public Tailer(File file, TailerListener listener, long delayMillis, boolean end) {
this(file, listener, delayMillis, end, DEFAULT_BUFSIZE);
logger.info("Tailer inited from customer class.");
} /**
* Creates a Tailer for the given file, with a delay other than the default 1.0s.
* @param file the file to follow.
* @param listener the TailerListener to use.
* @param delayMillis the delay between checks of the file for new content in milliseconds.
* @param end Set to true to tail from the end of the file, false to tail from the beginning of the file.
* @param reOpen if true, close and reopen the file between reading chunks
public Tailer(File file, TailerListener listener, long delayMillis, boolean end, boolean reOpen) {
this(file, listener, delayMillis, end, reOpen, DEFAULT_BUFSIZE);
} /**
* Creates a Tailer for the given file, with a specified buffer size.
* @param file the file to follow.
* @param listener the TailerListener to use.
* @param delayMillis the delay between checks of the file for new content in milliseconds.
* @param end Set to true to tail from the end of the file, false to tail from the beginning of the file.
* @param bufSize Buffer size
public Tailer(File file, TailerListener listener, long delayMillis, boolean end, int bufSize) {
this(file, listener, delayMillis, end, false, bufSize);
} /**
* Creates a Tailer for the given file, with a specified buffer size.
* @param file the file to follow.
* @param listener the TailerListener to use.
* @param delayMillis the delay between checks of the file for new content in milliseconds.
* @param end Set to true to tail from the end of the file, false to tail from the beginning of the file.
* @param reOpen if true, close and reopen the file between reading chunks
* @param bufSize Buffer size
public Tailer(File file, TailerListener listener, long delayMillis, boolean end, boolean reOpen, int bufSize) {
this.file = file;
this.delayMillis = delayMillis;
this.end = end; this.inbuf = new byte[bufSize]; // Save and prepare the listener
this.listener = listener;
this.reOpen = reOpen;
} /**
* Creates and starts a Tailer for the given file.
* @param file the file to follow.
* @param listener the TailerListener to use.
* @param delayMillis the delay between checks of the file for new content in milliseconds.
* @param end Set to true to tail from the end of the file, false to tail from the beginning of the file.
* @param bufSize buffer size.
* @return The new tailer
public static Tailer create(File file, TailerListener listener, long delayMillis, boolean end, int bufSize) {
Tailer tailer = new Tailer(file, listener, delayMillis, end, bufSize);
Thread thread = new Thread(tailer);
return tailer;
} /**
* Creates and starts a Tailer for the given file.
* @param file the file to follow.
* @param listener the TailerListener to use.
* @param delayMillis the delay between checks of the file for new content in milliseconds.
* @param end Set to true to tail from the end of the file, false to tail from the beginning of the file.
* @param reOpen whether to close/reopen the file between chunks
* @param bufSize buffer size.
* @return The new tailer
public static Tailer create(File file, TailerListener listener, long delayMillis, boolean end, boolean reOpen, int bufSize) {
Tailer tailer = new Tailer(file, listener, delayMillis, end, reOpen, bufSize);
Thread thread = new Thread(tailer);
return tailer;
} /**
* Creates and starts a Tailer for the given file with default buffer size.
* @param file the file to follow.
* @param listener the TailerListener to use.
* @param delayMillis the delay between checks of the file for new content in milliseconds.
* @param end Set to true to tail from the end of the file, false to tail from the beginning of the file.
* @return The new tailer
public static Tailer create(File file, TailerListener listener, long delayMillis, boolean end) {
return create(file, listener, delayMillis, end, DEFAULT_BUFSIZE);
} /**
* Creates and starts a Tailer for the given file with default buffer size.
* @param file the file to follow.
* @param listener the TailerListener to use.
* @param delayMillis the delay between checks of the file for new content in milliseconds.
* @param end Set to true to tail from the end of the file, false to tail from the beginning of the file.
* @param reOpen whether to close/reopen the file between chunks
* @return The new tailer
public static Tailer create(File file, TailerListener listener, long delayMillis, boolean end, boolean reOpen) {
return create(file, listener, delayMillis, end, reOpen, DEFAULT_BUFSIZE);
} /**
* Creates and starts a Tailer for the given file, starting at the beginning of the file
* @param file the file to follow.
* @param listener the TailerListener to use.
* @param delayMillis the delay between checks of the file for new content in milliseconds.
* @return The new tailer
public static Tailer create(File file, TailerListener listener, long delayMillis) {
return create(file, listener, delayMillis, false);
} /**
* Creates and starts a Tailer for the given file, starting at the beginning of the file
* with the default delay of 1.0s
* @param file the file to follow.
* @param listener the TailerListener to use.
* @return The new tailer
public static Tailer create(File file, TailerListener listener) {
return create(file, listener, DEFAULT_DELAY_MILLIS, false);
} /**
* Return the file.
* @return the file
public File getFile() {
return file;
} /**
* Return the delay in milliseconds.
* @return the delay in milliseconds.
public long getDelay() {
return delayMillis;
} /**
* Follows changes in the file, calling the TailerListener's handle method for each new line.
public void run() {
RandomAccessFile reader = null;
try {
long last = 0; // The last time the file was checked for changes
long position = 0; // position within the file
// Open the file
while (run && reader == null) {
try {
reader = new RandomAccessFile(file, RAF_MODE);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
} if (reader == null) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
} else {
// The current position in the file
position = end ? file.length() : 0;
last = file.lastModified();
} while (run) { boolean newer = FileUtils.isFileNewer(file, last); // IO-279, must be done first // Check the file length to see if it was rotated
long length = file.length(); if (length < position) {
logger.info(String.format("rotated, legth=%s, position=%s", length, position));
// File was rotated
listener.fileRotated(); // Reopen the reader after rotation
try {
// Ensure that the old file is closed iff we re-open it successfully
RandomAccessFile save = reader;
reader = new RandomAccessFile(file, RAF_MODE);
position = 0;
// close old file explicitly rather than relying on GC picking up previous
// RAF
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
// in this case we continue to use the previous reader and position values
} else { // File was not rotated // See if the file needs to be read again
if (length > position) { // The file has more content than it did last time
position = readLines(reader);
last = file.lastModified(); } else if (newer) {
logger.info(String.format("newer, legth=%s, position=%s", length, position));
if (resetFilePositionIfOverwrittenWithTheSameLength) {
* This can happen if the file is truncated or overwritten with the exact same length of
* information. In cases like this, the file position needs to be reset
position = 0;
reader.seek(position); // cannot be null here // Now we can read new lines
position = readLines(reader);
last = file.lastModified();
if (reOpen) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
if (run && reOpen) {
reader = new RandomAccessFile(file, RAF_MODE);
logger.info(String.format("reopen, legth=%s, position=%s", length, position));
} } catch (Exception e) { listener.handle(e); } finally {
} /**
* Allows the tailer to complete its current loop and return.
public void stop() {
this.run = false;
} /**
* Read new lines.
* @param reader The file to read
* @return The new position after the lines have been read
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs.
private long readLines(RandomAccessFile reader) throws IOException {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); long pos = reader.getFilePointer();
long rePos = pos; // position to re-read int num;
boolean seenCR = false;
while (run && ((num = reader.read(inbuf)) != -1)) {
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
byte ch = inbuf[i];
switch (ch) {
case '\n':
seenCR = false; // swallow CR before LF
rePos = pos + i + 1;
case '\r':
if (seenCR) {
seenCR = true;
if (seenCR) {
seenCR = false; // swallow final CR
rePos = pos + i + 1;
sb.append((char) ch); // add character, not its ascii value
} pos = reader.getFilePointer();
} reader.seek(rePos); // Ensure we can re-read if necessary
return rePos;
} }


* @param inputFile 监控文件
* @param sleepInterval 当文件没有日志时sleep间隔
private static void monitor(String inputFile, int sleepInterval) {
TailerListener listener = new TailerListenerAdapter() {
public void handle(String line) {
if (++count % 100000 == 0) {
log.info("{} lines sent since the program up.", count);
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(line)) {
log.warn("should not read empty line.");
} else {
// do something ...
Tailer tailer = new Tailer(new File(inputFile), listener, sleepInterval, true);


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