Collections库是RobotFramework用来处理列表和字典的库,官方文档是这样介绍的:A test library providing keywords for handling lists and dictionaries.
Keyword | Arguments | Documentation | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Append To List | list_, *values |
Adds Example: => INFO : ${list} = [u'a', u'b'] |
Combine Lists | *lists |
Combines the given Example: => 20170718 17:14:49.280 : INFO : ${l1} = [u'a', u'b'] |
Convert To Dictionary | item |
Converts the given Mainly useful for converting other mappings to dictionaries. Use Create Dictionary from the BuiltIn library for constructing new dictionaries.New in Robot Framework 2.9. 将给定项目转换为Python dict类型。主要用于将其他映射转换为字典。 使用BuiltIn库中的“创建字典”来构建新的字典。 |
Convert To List | item |
Converts the given Mainly useful for converting tuples(元组) and other iterable to lists. Use Create List from the BuiltIn library for constructing new lists. |
Copy Dictionary | dictionary |
Returns a copy of the given dictionary. The given dictionary is never altered by this keyword. |
Copy List | list_ |
Returns a copy of the given list. The given list is never altered by this keyword. |
Count Values In List | list_, value, start=0, end=None |
Returns the number of occurrences of the given The search can be narrowed to the selected sublist by the Example:
=> ${x} = 1 |
Dictionaries Should Be Equal | dict1, dict2, msg=None,values=True |
Fails if the given dictionaries are not equal. First the equality of dictionaries' keys is checked and after that all the key value pairs. If there are differences between the values, those are listed in the error message. The types of the dictionaries do not need to be same. See Lists Should Be Equal for more information about configuring the error message with The given dictionaries are never altered by this keyword. |
Dictionary Should Contain Item | dictionary, key, value, msg=None |
An item of Value is converted to unicode for comparison. See Lists Should Be Equal for an explanation of |
Dictionary Should Contain Key | dictionary, key, msg=None |
Fails if See List Should Contain Value for an explanation of The given dictionary is never altered by this keyword. |
Dictionary Should Contain Sub Dictionary | dict1, dict2, msg=None,values=True |
Fails unless all items in See Lists Should Be Equal for more information about configuring the error message with The given dictionaries are never altered by this keyword. |
Dictionary Should Contain Value | dictionary, value, msg=None |
Fails if See List Should Contain Value for an explanation of The given dictionary is never altered by this keyword. |
Dictionary Should Not Contain Key | dictionary, key, msg=None |
Fails if See List Should Contain Value for an explanation of The given dictionary is never altered by this keyword. |
Dictionary Should Not Contain Value | dictionary, value, msg=None |
Fails if See List Should Contain Value for an explanation of The given dictionary is never altered by this keyword. |
Get Dictionary Items | dictionary |
Returns items of the given Items are returned sorted by keys. The given Example:
=> ${items} = ['a', 1, 'b', 2, 'c', 3] |
Get Dictionary Keys | dictionary |
Returns keys of the given If keys are sortable, they are returned in sorted order. The given Example:
=> ${keys} = ['a', 'b', 'c'] |
Get Dictionary Values | dictionary |
Returns values of the given dictionary. Values are returned sorted according to keys. The given dictionary is never altered by this keyword. Example:
=> ${values} = [1, 2, 3] |
Get From Dictionary | dictionary, key |
Returns a value from the given If the given The given dictionary is never altered by this keyword. Example:
=> ${value} = 2 |
Get From List | list_, index |
Returns the value specified with an The given list is never altered by this keyword. Index Examples (including Python equivalents in comments):
=> ${x} = 'a' |
Get Index From List | list_, value, start=0, end=None |
Returns the index of the first occurrence of the The search can be narrowed to the selected sublist by the Example:
=> ${x} = 3 |
Get Match Count | list, pattern,case_insensitive=False,whitespace_insensitive=False |
Returns the count of matches to For more information on Examples:
New in Robot Framework 2.8.6. |
Get Matches | list, pattern,case_insensitive=False,whitespace_insensitive=False |
Returns a list of matches to For more information on Examples:
New in Robot Framework 2.8.6. |
Get Slice From List | list_, start=0, end=None |
Returns a slice of the given list between The given list is never altered by this keyword. If both Using Examples (incl. Python equivalents in comments):
=> ${x} = ['c', 'd'] |
Insert Into List | list_, index, value |
Inserts Index If the absolute value of the index is greater than the length of the list, the value is added at the end (positive index) or the beginning (negative index). An index can be given either as an integer or a string that can be converted to an integer. Example:
=> ${L1} = ['xxx', 'a'] |
Keep In Dictionary | dictionary, *keys |
Keeps the given If the given Example:
=> ${D5} = {'b': 2, 'd': 4} |
List Should Contain Sub List | list1, list2, msg=None,values=True |
Fails if not all of the elements in The order of values and the number of values are not taken into account. See Lists Should Be Equal for more information about configuring the error message with |
List Should Contain Value | list_, value, msg=None |
Fails if the If the keyword fails, the default error messages is |
List Should Not Contain Duplicates | list_, msg=None |
Fails if any element in the The default error message lists all the elements that were found from the This keyword works with all iterables that can be converted to a list. The original iterable is never altered. |
List Should Not Contain Value | list_, value, msg=None |
Fails if the See List Should Contain Value for an explanation of |
Lists Should Be Equal | list1, list2, msg=None,values=True, names=None |
Fails if given lists are unequal. The keyword first verifies that the lists have equal lengths, and then it checks are all their values equal. Possible differences between the values are listed in the default error message like The error message can be configured using
Optional Examples:
If the items in index 2 would differ in the above examples, the error message would contain a row like |
Log Dictionary | dictionary, level=INFO |
Logs the size and contents of the Valid levels are TRACE, DEBUG, INFO (default), and WARN. If you only want to log the size, use keyword Get Length from the BuiltIn library. |
Log List | list_, level=INFO |
Logs the length and contents of the Valid levels are TRACE, DEBUG, INFO (default), and WARN. If you only want to the length, use keyword Get Length from the BuiltIn library. |
Pop From Dictionary | dictionary, key, default= |
Pops the given By default the keyword fails if the given Example:
=> ${val} = 2 New in Robot Framework 2.9.2. |
Remove Duplicates | list_ |
Returns a list without duplicates based on the given Creates and returns a new list that contains all items in the given list so that one item can appear only once. Order of the items in the new list is the same as in the original except for missing duplicates. Number of the removed duplicates is logged. New in Robot Framework 2.7.5. |
Remove From Dictionary | dictionary, *keys |
Removes the given If the given Example:
=> ${D3} = {'a': 1, 'c': 3} |
Remove From List | list_, index |
Removes and returns the value specified with an Index Example:
=> ${x} = 'a' |
Remove Values From List | list_, *values |
Removes all occurrences of given It is not an error if a value does not exist in the list at all. Example:
=> ${L4} = ['b', 'd'] |
Reverse List | list_ |
Reverses the given list in place. Note that the given list is changed and nothing is returned. Use Copy List first, if you need to keep also the original order.
=> ${L3} = ['c', 'b', 'a'] |
Set List Value | list_, index, value |
Sets the value of Index Example:
=> ${L3} = ['a', 'xxx', 'yyy'] |
Set To Dictionary | dictionary, *key_value_pairs,**items |
Adds the given Giving items as
=> ${D1} = {'a': 1, 'key': 'value', 'second': 2} Starting from Robot Framework 2.8.1, items can also be given as kwargs using
The latter syntax is typically more convenient to use, but it has a limitation that keys must be strings. If given keys already exist in the dictionary, their values are updated. |
Should Contain Match | list, pattern, msg=None,case_insensitive=False,whitespace_insensitive=False |
Fails if See List Should Contain Value for an explanation of By default, pattern matching is similar to matching files in a shell and is case-sensitive and whitespace-sensitive. In the pattern syntax, If you prepend If If Non-string values in lists are ignored when matching patterns. The given list is never altered by this keyword. See also Examples:
New in Robot Framework 2.8.6. |
Should Not Contain Match | list, pattern, msg=None,case_insensitive=False,whitespace_insensitive=False |
Fails if Exact opposite of Should Contain Match keyword. See that keyword for information about arguments and usage in general. New in Robot Framework 2.8.6. |
Sort List | list_ |
Sorts the given list in place. The strings are sorted alphabetically and the numbers numerically. Note that the given list is changed and nothing is returned. Use Copy List first, if you need to keep also the original order. ${L} = [2,1,'a','c','b']
=> ${L} = [1, 2, 'a', 'b', 'c'] |
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