
  • 1 "Low"
    memory (< 1 MiB)

  • 2 "Upper"
    Memory (> 1 MiB)
  • 3 See
  • 3.1External














    start end size type description
    Low Memory (the first MiB)
    0x00000000 0x000003FF 1 KiB RAM - partially unusable (see above) Real Mode IVT (Interrupt Vector Table)
    0x00000400 0x000004FF 256 bytes RAM - partially unusable (see above) BDA (BIOS data area)
    0x00000500 0x00007BFF almost 30 KiB RAM (guaranteed free for use) Conventional memory
    0x00007C00 (typical location) 0x00007DFF 512 bytes RAM - partially unusable (see above) Your OS BootSector
    0x00007E00 0x0007FFFF 480.5 KiB RAM (guaranteed free for use) Conventional memory
    0x00080000 0x0009FBFF approximately 120 KiB, depending on EBDA size RAM (free for use, if it exists) Conventional memory
    0x0009FC00 (typical location) 0x0009FFFF 1 KiB RAM (unusable) EBDA (Extended BIOS Data Area)
    0x000A0000 0x000FFFFF 384 KiB various (unusable) Video memory, ROM Area

    BIOS Data Area (BDA)

    The BDA is only partially standardized, and almost all the values stored there are completely obsolete and uninteresting. The following is a partial list. See the External Links references below for more detail.

    address (size) description
    0x0400 (4 words) IO ports for COM1-COM4 serial (each address is 1 word, zero if none)
    0x0408 (3 words) IO ports for LPT1-LPT3 parallel (each address is 1 word, zero if none)
    0x040E (word) EBDA base address >> 4 (usually!)
    0x0410 (word) packed bit flags for detected hardware
    0x0417 (word) keyboard state flags
    0x041E (32 bytes) keyboard buffer
    0x0449 (byte) Display Mode
    0x044A (word) number of columns in text mode
    0x0463 (2 bytes, taken as a word) base IO port for video
    0x046C (word) # of IRQ0 timer ticks since boot
    0x0475 (byte) # of hard disk drives detected
    0x0480 (word) keyboard buffer start
    0x0482 (word) keyboard buffer end
    0x0497 (byte) last keyboard LED/Shift key state

    Extended BIOS Data Area (EBDA)

    You may see "maps" of the EBDA if you search the web. However, those maps are for the original IBM BIOS EBDA. They do not apply to any current EBDA, used by any current BIOS. The EBDA area is not standardized. It does contain
    data that your OS will need, but you must do a bytewise pattern search to find those tables. (See Plug-and-Play.)

    ROM Area

    start end size region/exception description
    Standard usage of the ROM Area
    0x000A0000 0x000BFFFF 128 KiB video RAM VGA display memory
    0x000C0000 0x000C7FFF 32 KiB (typically) ROM Video BIOS
    0x000C8000 0x000EFFFF 160 KiB (typically) ROMs and unusable space Mapped hardware & Misc.
    0x000F0000 0x000FFFFF 64 KiB ROM Motherboard BIOS


    >1M的内存区域并没有规范的,非常好的定义。或者说不连续。区域包含内存映射硬件,设备驱动能够訪问的; ACPI表。初始化代码非常可能会读取的,然后能够被又一次利用;32位计算机的硬件能够被扩展为4G。

    15h, EAX=0xE820

    start end size region/exception description
    High Memory
    0x00100000 0x00EFFFFF 0x00E00000 (14 MiB) RAM -- free for use (if it exists) Extended memory 1, 2
    0x00F00000 0x00FFFFFF 0x00100000 (1 MiB) Possible memory mapped hardware ISA Memory Hole 15-16MB 3
    0x01000000  ????








    ??? (whatever exists)

    RAM -- free for use More Extended memory 1
    0xC0000000 (sometimes, depends on motherboard and devices) 0xFFFFFFFF 0x40000000 (1 GiB) various (typically reserved for memory mapped devices) Memory mapped PCI devices, PnP NVRAM?, IO APIC/s, local APIC/s, BIOS, ...
    0x0000000100000000 (possible memory above 4 GiB)  ???












    ???? (whatever exists)

    RAM -- free for use (PAE/64bit) More Extended memory 1
















    Possible memory mapped hardware Potentially usable for memory mapped PCI devices in modern hardware (but typically not, due to backward compatibility)

    1: Different computers have different amounts of RAM, therefore the amount of extended memory you might find will vary and may be anything from "none" (e.g. an old 80386 system) to "lots".

    2: Free for use except that your bootloader (ie. GRUB) may have loaded your "modules" here, and you don't want to overwrite those.能够任意使用包含了。你的bootloader如GRUB,非常可能调入你的模块在这里,所以你不想覆盖它。

    3: The "ISA Memory Hole" (from 0x00F00000 to 0x00FFFFFF) was used for memory mapped ISA devices (e.g. video cards). Modern computers have no need for this hole, but some chipsets still support it (as an optional feature)
    and some motherboards may still allow it to be enabled with BIOS options, so it may exist in a modern computers with no ISA devices.


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