* @brief Mainline for kernel's background task
* This routine completes kernel initialization by invoking the remaining
* init functions, then invokes application's main() routine.
* @return N/A
static void _main(void *unused1, void *unused2, void *unused3)
* @brief Initializes kernel data structures
* This routine initializes various kernel data structures, including
* the init and idle threads and any architecture-specific initialization.
* Note that all fields of "_kernel" are set to zero on entry, which may
* be all the initialization many of them require.
* @return N/A
static void prepare_multithreading(struct k_thread *dummy_thread) static void switch_to_main_thread(void)
* @brief Initialize kernel
* This routine is invoked when the system is ready to run C code. The
* processor must be running in 32-bit mode, and the BSS must have been
* cleared/zeroed.
* @return Does not return
FUNC_NORETURN void _Cstart(void)
* @brief Prepare to and run C code
* This routine prepares for the execution of and runs C code.
* @return N/A
void _PrepC(void)
* @brief Reset vector
* Ran when the system comes out of reset. The processor is in thread mode with
* privileged level. At this point, the main stack pointer (MSP) is already
* pointing to a valid area in SRAM.
* Locking interrupts prevents anything but NMIs and hard faults from NMI非屏蔽中断
* interrupting the CPU. A default NMI handler is already in place in the
* vector table, and the boot code should not generate hard fault, or we're in
* deep trouble.
* We want to use the process stack pointer (PSP) instead of the MSP, since the
* MSP is to be set up to point to the one-and-only interrupt stack during later
* boot. That would not be possible if in use for running C code.
* When these steps are completed, jump to _PrepC(), which will finish setting
* up the system for running C code.
* @return N/A
* The entry point is located at the __reset symbol, which
* is fetched by a XIP image playing the role of a bootloader, which jumps to
* it, not through the reset vector mechanism. Such bootloaders might want to
* search for a __start symbol instead, so create that alias here.
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