
The Animator Override Controller is a type of asset which allows you to extend an existing Animator Controller, replacing the specific animations used but otherwise retaining the original’s structure, parameters and logic.

动画覆盖器是一类asset,它允许你扩张已经存在的动画控制器,用特定的animations 但是需要保留原始的结构、参数和逻辑;

This allows you to create multiple variants of the same basic state machine, but with each using different sets of animations.


For example, your game may have a variety of NPC types living in the world, but each type (goblin, ogre, elf, etc) has their own unique animations for walking, idling, sitting, etc.


By creating one “base” Animator Controller containing the logic for all NPC types, you could then create an override for each type and drop in their respective animation files.

To demonstrate, here’s a typical Animator Controller asset:


using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections; public class AnimatorOveridePerformance : MonoBehaviour {
public bool m_test = true;
Animator m_animator = null;
AnimatorOverrideController m_Old = null;
AnimatorOverrideController m_New = null; // Use this for initialization
void Start () {
m_animator = GetComponent<Animator>();
m_Old = new AnimatorOverrideController();
m_New = Resources.Load<AnimatorOverrideController>("Packages/ArtWorks/Player/M2/M2_P04/M2_P04");
m_Old = (AnimatorOverrideController)m_animator.runtimeAnimatorController;
if (null != m_New) {
m_Old["P01Attack01"] = m_New["P04Attack01"];
m_Old["P01Attack02"] = m_New["P04Attack02"];
} void Update() {
if (m_test && m_New) {
m_Old["P01Attack01"] = m_New["P04Attack01"];
m_Old["P01Attack02"] = m_New["P04Attack02"];
} }


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