java has four types of garbage collectors,
Some people may wonder:
What if an object in the old generation need to reference an object in the young generation?
To handle these cases, there is something called the a "card table" in the old generation, which is a 512 byte chunk. Whenever an object in the old generation references an object in the young generation, it is recorded in this table. When a GC is executed for the young generation, only this card table is searched to determine whether or not it is subject for GC, instead of checking the reference of all the objects in the old generation. This card table is managed with write barrier. This write barrier is a device that allows a faster performance for minor GC. Though a bit of overhead occurs because of this, the overall GC time is reduced.
Figure 2: Card Table Structure.
There are 3 spaces in total, two of which are Survivor spaces. The order of execution process of each space is as below:
- The majority of newly created objects are located in the Eden space. 首先放在伊甸区
- After one GC in the Eden space, the surviving objects are moved to one of the Survivor spaces. 伊甸区满了发生GC,幸存的对象放进幸存一区
- After a GC in the Eden space, the objects are piled up into the Survivor space, where other surviving objects already exist.
- Once a Survivor space is full, surviving objects are moved to the other Survivor space. Then, the Survivor space that is full will be changed to a state where there is no data at all.
- The objects that survived these steps that have been repeated a number of times are moved to the old generation.
As you can see by checking these steps, one of the Survivor spaces must remain empty. If data exists in both Survivor spaces, or the usage is 0 for both spaces, then take that as a sign that something is wrong with your system.
1. 分配担保,那老年代来确保minor gc的时候,幸存区如果装不下大的对象问题。
2.发生minor gc的时候,如果老年代的空间不能够容纳晋升到老年代的内存,则改为直接进行一次Full GC。如果是能够容纳,则需要
查看 HandlePromotionFailure 设置是否允许失败,如果允许,那只会进行minor gc。如果不允许,则也要可能改为进行一次Full GC。
3.对象的年龄,撑过一次minor gc 加一
The process of data piling up into the old generation through minor GCs can be shown as in the below chart:
Figure 3: Before & After a GC.
Note that in HotSpot VM, two techniques are used for faster memory allocations. One is called "bump-the-pointer," and the other is called "TLABs (Thread-Local Allocation Buffers)."
bump-the-pointer 和 TLABs为内存分配的技巧,为了是更快的分配内存。
Bump-the-pointer technique tracks the last object allocated to the Eden space. That object will be located on top of the Eden space. And if there is an object created afterwards, it checks only if the size of the object is suitable for the Eden space. If the said object seems right, it will be placed in the Eden space, and the new object goes on top. So, when new objects are created, only the lastly added object needs to be checked, which allows much faster memory allocations. However, it is a different story if we consider a multithreaded environment. To save objects used by multiple threads in the Eden space for Thread-Safe, an inevitable lock will occur and the performance will drop due to the lock-contention. TLABs is the solution to this problem in HotSpot VM. This allows each thread to have a small portion of its Eden space that corresponds to its own share. As each thread can only access to their own TLAB, even the bump-the-pointer technique will allow memory allocations without a lock.
类别 | serial collector | parallel collector ( throughput collector ) |
concurrent collector (concurrent low pause collector) |
介绍 |
单线程收集器 |
并行收集器 |
并发收集器 |
试用场景 | 单处理器机器且没有pause time的要求 |
适用于科学技术和后台处理 |
适合中规模/大规模数据集大小的应用,应用服务器,电信领域 |
使用 | Client模式下默认 可使用 可用-XX:+UseSerialGC强制使用 优点:对server应用没什么优点 缺点:慢,不能充分发挥硬件资源 |
Server模式下默认 --YGC:PS FGC:Parallel MSC 可用-XX:+UseParallelGC或-XX:+UseParallelOldGC强制指定 --ParallelGC代表FGC为Parallel MSC --ParallelOldGC代表FGC为Parallel Compacting 优点:高效 缺点:当heap变大后,造成的暂停时间会变得比较长 |
可用-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC强制指定 |
内存回收触发 | YGC eden空间不足 FGC old空间不足 perm空间不足 显示调用System.gc() ,包括RMI等的定时触发 YGC时的悲观策略 dump live的内存信息时(jmap –dump:live) |
YGC eden空间不足 FGC old空间不足 perm空间不足 显示调用System.gc() ,包括RMI等的定时触发 YGC时的悲观策略--YGC前&YGC后 dump live的内存信息时(jmap –dump:live) |
YGC eden空间不足 CMS GC 1.old Gen的使用率大的一定的比率 默认为92% 2.配置了CMSClassUnloadingEnabled,且Perm Gen的使用达到一定的比率 默认为92% 3.Hotspot自己根据估计决定是否要触法 4.在配置了ExplictGCInvokesConcurrent的情况下显示调用了System.gc. Full GC(Serial MSC) promotion failed 或 concurrent Mode Failure时; |
内存回收触发时发生了什么 | YGC 清空eden+from中所有no ref的对象占用的内存 将eden+from中的所有存活的对象copy到to中 在这个过程中一些对象将晋升到old中: --to放不下的 --存活次数超过tenuring threshold的 重新计算Tenuring Threshold; 单线程做以上动作 全程暂停应用 FGC 如果配置了CollectGen0First,则先触发YGC 清空heap中no ref的对象,permgen中已经被卸载的classloader中加载的class的信息 单线程做以上动作 全程暂停应用 |
YGC 同serial动作基本相同,不同点: 1.多线程处理 2.YGC的最后不仅重新计算Tenuring Threshold,还会重新调整Eden和From的大小 FGC 1.如配置了ScavengeBeforeFullGC(默认),则先触发YGC(??) 2.MSC:清空heap中的no ref对象,permgen中已经被卸载的classloader中加载的class信息,并进行压缩 3.Compacting:清空heap中部分no ref的对象,permgen中已经被卸载的classloader中加载的class信息,并进行部分压缩 多线程做以上动作. |
YGC 同serial动作基本相同,不同点: 1.多线程处理 CMSGC: 1.old gen到达比率时只清除old gen中no ref的对象所占用的空间 2.perm gen到达比率时只清除已被清除的classloader加载的class信息 FGC 同serial |
细节参数 | 可用-XX:+UseSerialGC强制使用 -XX:SurvivorRatio=x,控制eden/s0/s1的大小 -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold,用于控制对象在新生代存活的最大次数 -XX:PretenureSizeThreshold=x,控制超过多大的字节的对象就在old分配. |
-XX:SurvivorRatio=x,控制eden/s0/s1的大小 -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold,用于控制对象在新生代存活的最大次数 -XX:UseAdaptiveSizePolicy 去掉YGC后动态调整eden from已经tenuringthreshold的动作 -XX:ParallelGCThreads 设置并行的线程数 |
-XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction 设置old gen使用到达多少比率时触发 -XX:CMSInitiatingPermOccupancyFraction,设置Perm Gen使用到达多少比率时触发 -XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly禁止hostspot自行触发CMS GC |
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