
:Returns a function which calls function fn bound to self (self becomes the this for fn). You can supply optional args that are prebound to the function. This feature is also known as partial application, as distinguished from function currying.


:angular.bind(self, fn, args);

Param Type Details
self Object

Context which fn should be evaluated in.

fn function()

Function to be bound.

args *

Optional arguments to be prebound to the fn function call.



Function that wraps the fn with all the specified bindings.


  1. AngularJs angular.bind、angular.bootstrap、angular.copy

    angular.bind 返回一个调用self的函数fn(self代表fn里的this).可以给fn提供参数args(*).这个功能也被称为局部操作,以区别功能. 格式:angular.bind(se ...

  2. angular.bind() 函数

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  3. Angular - - angular.bind、angular.bootstrap、angular.copy

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  4. AngularJS方法 —— angular.bind

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  6. Angular从0到1:function(上)

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