copy file using FileReader/Writer.
The code below demonstates copying file using 'FileReader' and 'FileWriter'.
class CopyV2 extends Timer
public void runCode()
File fSrc = new File("f.txt");
File fDes = new File("f_des.txt");
Reader r = null;
Writer w = null;
r = new FileReader(fSrc);
w = new FileWriter(fDes);
int num = -1; //the character read.
while((num = != -1)
catch (FileNotFoundException e)
catch(IOException e)
{ }
if(r != null)
catch (IOException e)
} try
if(w != null)
catch (IOException e)
upon the code,'Timer' is a class defined by myself,which was used to calculate the elapsed time using 'template method pattern'.
and the figure below simply drawn the relevant steps:
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