POJ 1743 Musical Theme 二分+后缀数组
Many composers structure their music around a repeating &qout;theme&qout;, which, being a subsequence of an entire melody, is a sequence of integers in our representation. A subsequence of a melody is a theme if it:
- is at least five notes long
- appears (potentially transposed -- see below) again somewhere else in the piece of music
- is disjoint from (i.e., non-overlapping with) at least one of its other appearance(s)
Transposed means that a constant positive or negative value is added to every note value in the theme subsequence.
Given a melody, compute the length (number of notes) of the longest theme.
One second time limit for this problem's solutions!
The last test case is followed by one zero.
Sample Input
- 30
- 25 27 30 34 39 45 52 60 69 79 69 60 52 45 39 34 30 26 22 18
- 82 78 74 70 66 67 64 60 65 80
- 0
Sample Output
- 5
- #include <iostream>
- #include <cstdio>
- #include <cmath>
- #include <cstring>
- #include <algorithm>
- using namespace std;
- #pragma comment(linker, "/STACK:102400000,102400000")
- #define ls i<<1
- #define rs ls | 1
- #define mid ((ll+rr)>>1)
- #define pii pair<int,int>
- #define MP make_pair
- typedef long long LL;
- const long long INF = 1e18+1LL;
- const double Pi = acos(-1.0);
- const int N = 2e5+, M = 2e5+, mod = 1e9+, inf = 2e9;
- ///heght[i] 表示 Suffix(sa[i-1])和Suffix(sa[i]) 的最长公共前缀:
- ///rank[i] 表示 开头为i的后缀的等级:
- ///sa[i] 表示 排名为i的后缀 的开头位置:
- int *rank,r[N],sa[N],height[N],wa[N],wb[N],wm[N];
- bool cmp(int *r,int a,int b,int l) {
- return r[a] == r[b] && r[a+l] == r[b+l];
- }
- void SA(int *r,int *sa,int n,int m) {
- int *x=wa,*y=wb,*t;
- for(int i=;i<m;++i)wm[i]=;
- for(int i=;i<n;++i)wm[x[i]=r[i]]++;
- for(int i=;i<m;++i)wm[i]+=wm[i-];
- for(int i=n-;i>=;--i)sa[--wm[x[i]]]=i;
- for(int i=,j=,p=;p<n;j=j*,m=p){
- for(p=,i=n-j;i<n;++i)y[p++]=i;
- for(i=;i<n;++i)if(sa[i]>=j)y[p++]=sa[i]-j;
- for(i=;i<m;++i)wm[i]=;
- for(i=;i<n;++i)wm[x[y[i]]]++;
- for(i=;i<m;++i)wm[i]+=wm[i-];
- for(i=n-;i>=;--i)sa[--wm[x[y[i]]]]=y[i];
- for(t=x,x=y,y=t,i=p=,x[sa[]]=;i<n;++i) {
- x[sa[i]]=cmp(y,sa[i],sa[i-],j)?p-:p++;
- }
- }
- rank=x;
- }
- void Height(int *r,int *sa,int n) {
- for(int i=,j=,k=;i<n;height[rank[i++]]=k)
- for(k?--k:,j=sa[rank[i]-];r[i+k] == r[j+k];++k);
- }
- int n,a[N];
- int check(int len) {
- int i = , mx, mi;
- while() {
- while(i <= n && height[i] < len) i++;
- if(i > n) break;
- mx = sa[i-];
- mi = sa[i-];
- while(i <= n && height[i] >= len) {
- mx = max(mx,sa[i]);
- mi = min(mi,sa[i]);
- i++;
- }
- if(mx - mi >= len) return ;
- }
- return ;
- }
- int main() {
- while(~scanf("%d",&n)) {
- if(!n) break;
- a[] = ;
- for(int i = ; i < n; ++i) scanf("%d",&a[i]);
- n--;
- for(int i = ; i < n; ++i) r[i] = a[i+]-a[i] + ;
- r[n] = ;
- SA(r,sa,n+,);
- Height(r,sa,n);
- int ll = , rr = n,ans = ;
- while(ll <= rr) {
- int md = (ll + rr) >> ;
- int bo = check(md);
- if(bo) ans = md,ll = md + ;
- else rr = md - ;
- }
- if(ans >= ) {
- printf("%d\n",ans+);
- } else puts("");
- }
- return ;
- }
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