Table of Contents

Hack is a language for HHVM that interopates seamlessly with PHP. HHVM supports both Hack and PHP; code can be run on HHVM in either language or even a mixture of both.

To get started with Hack, it really is as simple as:

  • Use <?hh at the top of your file; you can also change <?php to <?hh in existing PHP files, and your code will run just as before in HHVM.

  • Optionally name your file with the .hh extension to distingusih your Hack files from your PHP files. Of course, you can keep the name of the file .php (or any other extension that you use)

  • Optionally start using Hack features

Hack 语言学习/参考---1.Hack 语言的更多相关文章

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  5. Hack 语言学习/参考---1.3 Summary

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  6. Hack 语言学习/参考---1.2 Hack Background

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  7. Hack 语言学习/参考---1.1 What is Hack?

    What is Hack?¶ Hack is a language for HHVM that interopates seamlessly with PHP. The barrier to entr ...

  8. C语言学习推荐《C语言参考手册(原书第5版)》下载

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