[Android ADB] An auto-input method for Android and Windows
The Valentine's Day is coming. Here is an auto-input method and basically, it can be used to send multiple words repeatedly.
For example, You may want that
1. When your boy friend/girl friend wakes up in the morning of Valentines's Day, he/she will see 999 messages of "I love you.";
2. ...Or send those happy couples into library, in order to push them to devote themselves for our beloved country. XD
The codes are provided below. Note that
1. The following codes are for Android and Windows users. There are codes for Mac or Linux in the very end of this blog.
2. Use the code when your target is sleep to avoid disturb he/she, e.g., 3:00 am.
3. When your target asks you how to do this, it may be better to keep it mysterious: just tell he/she that believe it or not, you type the words all night for he/she :P
The auto-input method - ADB Introduction
Android Debug Bridge (ADB) is a versatile command line tool that lets you communicate with an emulator instance on your PC or connected Android device. It comes bundled with the Android SDK and allows developers to communicate with their device for debugging or taking logs for further analysis. To use ADB, you need to enable USB Debugging on your device which is like an access port that allows users to send commands to the Android via PC. Additionally, it’s advisable to read the below article before enabling USB Debugging on your device as it can also make your device vulnerable to backdoor attacks.
The auto-input method - Steps
Here is an auto-input method. As mentioned above, you may use it to send multiple words repeatedly, which is may be funny for the valutine's day. Below shows the steps of how to do the auto-input:
1. Connect your phone with your computer using a USB line and enter the USB debugging mode
2. Download adb by searching "adb windows", and you should find a website like this:
3. Test adb
Unzip the adb to a certain location, e.g., C:\adb_windows
Start the Window CMD (by pressing Windows+R), enter the above dicrtory, e.g., c:> cd C:\adb_windows
Start adb server, i.e., c:\adb_windows> adb shell
Everything goes well if you see:
* daemon not running. starting it now *
* daemon started successfully *
If not, please check your phone driver and phone assistance softwares (they may have their own adb blocking now) in the computer.
5. Exit the adb input space, e.g., $ exit
6. Put in the code
In the adb directory, e.g., C:\adb_windows, create a .txt file, e.g., test.txt,
Input the following code,
Change the file as .bat, e.g., test.bat
@echo off
for /l %%i in (1,1,999) do adb shell input text "test"; input keyevent 66;
7. Open your wechat or whatsapp
Your wechat or whatsapp should be able to send text by clicking enter.
You click the text box on the phone and set the input method as English.
8. Enjoy your code
in the CMD, input (file name).bat, e.g., test.bat,
run the .bat, e.g., c:\adb_windows> test.bat
I love you x 999
@echo off
for /l %%i in (1,1,999) do adb shell input text "I";input keyevent 62;input text "love";input keyevent 62;input text "you."; input keyevent 66;
Sent couples into library
@echo off
adb shell input text "Sent";input keyevent 62;input text 1;input keyevent 62;input text "couple";input keyevent 62;input text "into";input keyevent 62;input text "library.";input keyevent 66;
for /l %%i in (2,1,999) do adb shell input text "sent";input keyevent 62;input text %%i;input keyevent 62;input text "couples";input keyevent 62;input text "into";input keyevent 62;input text "library.";input keyevent 66;
The code can be used under Mac/Linux, via Mr Zhuang Canjie of Tencent.
adb shell input text "I";
adb shell input keyevent ;
adb shell input text "love";
adb shell input keyevent ;
adb shell input text "you.";
adb shell input keyevent ;
Appendix - Steps In Chinese
1. USB准备工作
2. 下载adb
搜索adb windows 并下载
3. 启动CMD(windows键+R , 然后输入 cmd 按回车)
4. 安装ADB
解压(内含adb.exe AdbWinApi.dll AdbWinUsbApi.dll),进入到我们的adb.exe程序所在目录,执行adb shell
如:adb解压在c盘的C:\adb_windows目录。然后在小黑窗口输入cd C:\adb_windows,
接下来输入abd shell:
c:> cd C:\adb_windows
c:\adb_windows> adb shell
* daemon not running. starting it now *
* daemon started successfully *
5. 退出adb
$ exit
6. 在adb所在文件夹内新建一个.txt文件将下面代码拷入,将后缀名改为 .bat
@echo off
for /l %%i in (1,1,999) do adb shell input text "I";input keyevent 62;input
text "love";input keyevent 62;input text "you."; input keyevent 66;
7. 手机微信设置为回车发送,点输入框,使用英语输入法
8. 在命令行中输入 (文件名).bat, 运行批处理程序
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