c friend -- 友元

友元用于突破protected 或者 private 保护的限制,首先要做的是在被访问者的类中声明是友元函数或者友元类。代码如下

  1. #include <iostream>
  2. using namespace std;
  3. class Square{
  4. private:
  5. int side;
  6. public:
  7. Square(int a):side(a){}
  8. friend class Rectangle ; //declare the Class is friend
  9. };
  10. class Rectangle {
  11. private:
  12. int width, height;
  13. public:
  14. Rectangle(int a, int b):width(a),height(b){}
  15. void set_values (int a, int b){
  16. width = a;
  17. height = b;
  18. }
  19. int girth();
  20. friend int area (Rectangle &); //declare the friend function here
  21. int get_width(){return width;}
  22. int get_height(){return height;}
  23. void conver_from_square(Square &s){
  24. width = height = s.side; //access so easily
  25. }
  26. };
  27. //implement the function here , access easily ,too
  28. int area (Rectangle &r){ return ( r.width * r.height); }
  29. int r_area(Rectangle &r){ return r.get_width() * r.get_height();}
  30. int Rectangle::girth(){return width + width + height + height; }
  31. int main () {
  32. test_sizeof:
  33. cout << "sizeof: Square " << sizeof(Square)
  34. << ",\tRectangle " << sizeof(Rectangle) << "\n\n" ;
  35. test_access:
  36. Rectangle r(2,3);
  37. cout << "area:" << area(r) << "\tgirth:" << r.girth() << endl;
  38. cout << "onather way:area " << r_area(r) << endl;
  39. Rectangle r1(2,3);
  40. Square s(5);
  41. r1.conver_from_square(s);
  42. cout << "rectangle convering from square , girth is " << r1.girth() << endl;
  43. return 0;
  44. }
  1. sizeof: Square 4, Rectangle 8
  2. area:6 girth:10
  3. onather way:area 6
  4. rectangle convering from square , girth is 20
  • area
  • r_area
  • girth
如果不是友元函数或类,访问情况如 r_area()函数,友元函数就可以直接访问成员。但是和成员函数比起来还是要有区别的,看函数girth()


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