1 设置代理超时时间ice_timeout
–p 9999 –t 5000
base = __ice_runtime.stringToProxy(settings.CONF_DATA_CENTER_SERVERS).ice_timeout(500) //获得代理的超时时间
ice_timeout(int) const;返回一个超时代理,当在指定的时间(单位毫秒)内没有得到服务器端响应时,操作终止并抛出Ice::TimeoutException异常。
- Filesystem::FilePrx myFile = ...;
- FileSystem::FilePrx timeoutFile
- = FileSystem::FilePrx::uncheckedCast(
- myFile->ice_timeout(5000));
- try {
- Lines text = timeoutFile->read(); // Read with timeout
- } catch(const Ice::TimeoutException &) {
- cerr << "invocation timed out" << endl;
- }
- Lines text = myFile->read(); // Read without timeout
对于定位服务,可以缓存 代理对应的端点地址,这样可以减少定位请求。
Specifies the default locator cache timeout
for indirect proxies. If num
is set to a value larger than zero, locator cache entries older than num
seconds are ignored. If set to 0, the locator cache is not used. If set to -1
, locator cache entries
do not expire.
Once a cache entry has expired, the Ice run time performs a new locate request to refresh the cache before sending the next invocation; therefore, the invocation is delayed until the run time has refreshed the entry. If you set Ice.BackgroundLocatorCacheUpdates
a non-zero value, the lookup to refresh the cache is still performed but happens in the background; this avoids the delay for the first invocation that follows expiry of a cache entry.
2 报异常IceUtil::NullHandleException
Null Smart Pointers
A null smart pointer contains a null C++ pointer to its underlying instance. This means that if you attempt to dereference a null smart pointer, you get an IceUtil::NullHandleException
TimeOfDayPtr tod; // Construct null handle try {
tod->minute = 0; // Dereference null handle
assert(false); // Cannot get here
} catch (const IceUtil::NullHandleException&) {
; // OK, expected
} catch (...) {
assert(false); // Must get NullHandleException
Default constructor
You can default-construct a proxy handle. The default constructor creates a proxy that points nowhere (that is, points at no object at all). If you invoke an operation on such a null proxy, you get an IceUtil::NullHandleException
try {
SimplePrx s; // Default-constructed proxy
s->op(); // Call via nil proxy
assert(0); // Can't get here
} catch (const IceUtil::NullHandleException&) {
cout << "As expected, got a NullHandleException" << endl;
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