I sent that, and began again.


Mom,Everything is great. Of course it's raining. I was waiting for something to write about. School isn't bad, just a little repetitive. I met somenice kids who sit by me at lunch.




Your blouse is at the dry cleaners - you were supposed to pick it upFriday.



Charlie bought me a truck, can you believe it? I love it. It's old, but really sturdy, which is good, you know, for me.


I miss you, too. I'll write again soon, but I'm not going to check mye-mail every five minutes. Relax, breathe. I love you.



I had decided to read Wuthering Heights — the novel we were currently studying in English — yet again for the fun of it, and that's what I was doing when Charlie came home. I'd lost track of the time, and I hurried downstairs to take the potatoes out and put the steak in to broil.



"Bella?" my father called out when he heard me on the stairs.



Who else? I thought to myself.


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