It was just drizzling still, not enough to soak me through immediately as I reached for the house key that was always hidden under the eaves by the door, and locked up.


The sloshing of my new water proof boots was unnerving. I missed the normal crunch of gravel as I walked.


I couldn't pause and admire my truck again as I wanted; I was in a hurry to get out of the misty wet that swirled around my head and clung to my hair under my hood.


Inside the truck, it was nice and dry. Either Billy or Charlie had obviously cleaned it up, but the tan upholstered seats still smelled faintly of tobacco, gasoline, and peppermint. The engine started quickly,to my relief, but loudly, roaring to life and then idling at top volume.


Well, a truck this old was bound to have a flaw. The antique radio worked, a plus that I hadn't expected.



Finding the school wasn't difficult, though I'd never been there before.



The school was, like most other things, just off the highway. It was not obvious that it was a school;


only the sign, which declared it to be the Forks High School, made me stop. It looked like a collection of matching houses, built with maroon-colored bricks.



declared 声明

There were so many trees and shrubs I couldn't see its size at first. Where was the feel of the institution?



I wondered nostalgically. Where were the chain-link fences, the metal detectors?



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