
开源社区的Issue主要分为New Feature,Bug,Improvement,




Issue Summary

Type Number
New Feature 7
Bug 13
Improvement 10
Document 2
Assist 8
Total 40

Issue Detail

New Feature

No. Issue No. Resolved Time Issue Title
1 RANGER-1201 2016/12/28 Ranger admin support yarn HA, support standby yarn rest url configuration when creating yarn service
2 RANGER-1285 2017/01/06 Ranger-Admin support storm HA, support the list of stormUIs when creating storm service
3 RANGER-1810 2017/10/25 Ranger supports plugin to enable, monitor and manage apache Sqoop2
4 RANGER-1830 2017/11/09 Write unit test for RANGER-1810(Sqoop2)
5 RANGER-1848 2017/11/22 Implement getLinkList/getJobList in SqoopClient for Ranger Sqoop2 plugin
6 RANGER-1672 2018/03/12 Ranger supports plugin to enable, monitor and manage apache kylin
7 RANGER-1808 2018/03/29 Write unit test for RANGER-1672(Kylin)


No. Issue No. Resolved Time Issue Title
1 RANGER-1187 2016/11/04 In pamCredValidator.c, pam_end() is not called if authentication fails
2 RANGER-1242 2016/12/22 Create storm service with error configurations, test connection should not be successful
3 RANGER-1316 2017/01/19 Ranger-Admin enable security mode should not depend on configuration logdir
4 RANGER-1359 2017/02/09 Remove unnecessary spring dependency
5 RANGER-1369 2017/04/10 There is invalid group error when install Solr for Ranger Audits
6 RANGER-1387 2017/02/28 Remove unused SQL_CONNECTOR_JAR in install.properties of ranger plugin
7 RANGER-1391 2017/02/20 Error occurred when use EndDate as Search Filter in Audit Access WebPage
8 RANGER-1431 2017/03/09 Do some code improvement in Java method AuthSessionService.mapEntityToViewBean
9 RANGER-1445 2017/04/17 Incorrect error message for searching in Audit page
10 RANGER-1592 2017/05/23 Do code improvement for static fields and Log in the AtlasClient.java
11 RANGER-1859 2017/10/30 Fix new findBugs in HdfsClient.java
12 RANGER-2054 2018/04/04 Fix new findBugs in RangerAdminClientImpl.java for kylin plugin test
13 RANGER-2280 2018/11/13 The emptyText of User Sync and Plugin Status should be reasonable


No. Issue No. Resolved Time Issue Title
1 RANGER-1287 2017/01/17 Remove code duplication from Java method EmbeddedServer.start()
2 RANGER-1399 2017/02/28 Do some code improvement in Java method SolrUtil.searchResources
3 RANGER-1419 2017/03/09 Do some code improvement in Java method XTrxLogService.searchXTrxLogs
4 RANGER-1468 2017/03/23 To make the search tips of Plugin-Status consistent with others
5 RANGER-1532 2017/04/22 Friendly groups page delete function display, and other pages of the same function in sync
6 RANGER-1539 2017/04/25 Improve, modify print log display method name
7 RANGER-1598 2017/05/23 make the tips of group and user consistent with others in en.js
8 RANGER-2257 2018/10/26 Add policyID to error message when click the Access log of Audit
9 RANGER-2265 2018/11/01 To make the profile "all" to be active by default when ranger build
10 RANGER-2266 2018/11/01 To make Id to ID in Audit Pages of Ranger Admin


No. Issue No. Resolved Time Issue Title
1 RANGER-1810 2017/10/24 Write install guide for RANGER-1810(Sqoop2)
2 RANGER-1809 2017/03/29 Write install guide for RANGER-1672(Kylin)


No. Issue No. Resolved Time Issue Title Type
1 RANGER-1844 2017/10/24 Ranger admin support hdfs HA configuration when creating hdfs service
2 RANGER-2067 2018/04/16 Supply the function of viewing policy history version
3 RANGER-2153 2018/09/25 Supply the function of reverting policy history version
4 RANGER-1803 2017/09/26 Json may be analysis a null value at tests[] for test_resourcematcher_default.json
5 RANGER-1813 2017/10/10 The drop-down box name "database" is not showing full when edit hive policy
6 RANGER-1807 2017/09/26 Static object can be used directly at start() method for RangerHdfsAuthorizer class
7 RANGER-1874 2017/11/08 ranger README.txt should be add tar and sqoop-plugin desc
8 RANGER-1877 2017/11/20 The ranger policies json file should be formatted when exported at ranger service manager

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